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[i习作temp] Issue51【0906G Fight 3月中~4月初队】第二周作业 by cicialice [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-2-22 22:12:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

51. "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."



The speaker asserts that education should be designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each individual. A contrary view would reveal educators' ignorance of specific capacity of a given student and lead to heavy losses of intellects of some certain fields. However, when faced with an assertion, we must consider its feasibility and how to put it into execution in the first place.

To begin with, people are in great need of education specifically designed to different persons with diverse interests and future blueprints. Common sense informs me that general courses cannot fit everyone very well - even mask students' potential to some extent. Some students are enthusiastic in literature and history, while some others are keen on mathematics and physics. As a member of this competitive age, when peer pressure is unprecedented large, people with distinguished talents and specialities can win waves of keen competition among large numbers of competitors. In this matter, this society requires educators to place more emphasis on idividualism and specialization and thus devise pertenent curriculum fit for different students, instead of insisting on the existing general courses. Take a student interested in literature as an example. If there does not exist sufficient courses regarding literature or writing during his or her education, it is entirely possible that this student could not discover the potential of literature; and if he or she does not choose literature major in the further education, he or she cannot acquire more knowledge about literature and develop the skills - as a result, this student could simply reach a mediocre level, rather than becoming an eminent expert in that field.

Nevertheless, we must take the feasibility of specific education into consideration. First and obviously, there lacks the technical feasibility to carry out new education scheme in a large scale. What kind of courses meet the individual needs and interests of each student? And if there does not exist such courses, can you imagine how many courses it would cover in a school's syllabus? Furthermore, how can school organize these courses and design the content of these courses in order to satisfy each student's need? How can teachers accomplish teaching task and dig out every student's potential to the maximum extent? Under the condition that the quantity of students is far larger than that of teachers, it is definitely difficult for teachers to meet everyone's need.

Secondly, educators' placing too much emphasis on specific education and disregarding the importance of general knowledge would lead students to a very limited scale of academic. By only designing courses in a certain field and cultivating students in a consistent mode affects the form of students' world view; and therefore, these students cannot investigate some issues with broader view and better judgement and perspective. In addition, as to a certain field, this kind of education scheme cannot win the game in the end. For instance, a student good at computer has been discovered and cultivated from the very beginning. If this student only accept education concerning computer, perhaps he or she progress very fast in the beginning; however, after this certain period, this student would be trapped into a tight corner because of lack of logical and analytical thinking which mathematics and physics training in general courses could provide.

Finally, specifically-designed education set up a great challenge in evaluating students. We lack unified criteria to distinguish students with different capacity and interests. Putting forward this education scheme would be a virtual issue if students' needs cannot be digged out in the first place. How can we compare a student specializing in history and another superior in biography? How can we decide which student should be admitted by college or university if they accept different education? Someone argues that we can change our examine measure at the same time. However, can this method succeed and receive a good performance? Perhaps it is too demanding and expensive and thus infeasible and unaccessible. Then from my perspective, today's education system is the best one we can devise. To develop it into a more eclectic and effective one, as to developing individual interests and digging out individual potential in earlier time, I recommend that those responsibilitis be taken by parents and private tutors.

In sum, while I concede that specifically-designed education benefit students with regard of each individual's interest and need, the feasibility is highly questionalbe. It is far too burdensome and difficult for our public education institutions to take so much responsibilities.

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Issue51【0906G Fight 3月中~4月初队】第二周作业 by cicialice
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