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[i习作temp] 同心砥砺小组-7witchyaya-issue11-week23 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-2-28 20:59:05 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue11: “All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world’s most persistent social problems.”

Is it necessary to establish a global university with the intention of getting students there engaged in the process of solving the world’s most persistent social problems? In spite of closer global interconnections and higher requirement for international cooperation, however, from my point of view, it is not such a wise proposal as doing so.

It is universally acknowledged that the high pace of information and communication technology and transportation and subsequently ever convenient and frequent international cooperation nowadays are having an immense impact on our way of study, work and life. Cases with diversely cultural backgrounds are involved in the analysis of certain economical, political, or business issues in the classes. Dealing with affaires concerning international trade of having to negotiate with a party from abroad is not a fresh thing. And drama series and movies produced by American, Indian, British and even China may probably find their votaries each other. In a larger scale, imports and exports have been connecting different countries closely and so that the floating of currency rate in one country would appeal to attentions of many corners on the earth. In short, it is almost self-evident in contemporary society that there is rare nations not been influenced by others.

As the connections are tighter and tighter amongst races in the global, there is also a diversity of issues needed to be faced together, and one of which that must be mentioned is the environmental deterioration. Global warming, as one of the most immediate and threatening environmental problem in the century are calling for common efforts all over the world. Current severe finance crisis are influencing economy situations more or less in almost every corner of the world. Facing such a huge challenge it is essential to emphasize international cooperation so as to weather this crisis. Furthermore, kinds of misunderstandings are still existing and hindering inter-communications and cooperation mostly due to gaps in cultural and political history, conventions and perspectives viewing issues. In order to improve such situations, more open attitudes and wide-ranging communication would be hugely beneficial.

However, though the international cooperation is ever closer, more social problems are being faced, and more communication and understanding is required, the establishment of a global university is, in my opinion, not a good proposal at all. Firstly, it is unrealistic to found a university where students are mainly engaged in solving the world’s most persistent social problems while little time is left for their major and other courses compulsory or optional. Without certain level of knowledge accumulation, solving problems would be very difficult and even impossible. Secondly, such a physical university may cost too much. Admittedly, communications among different nations would be an essential part of our life, while considering the cost of the communication, from my point of view, an online global university web would be much cheaper and benefit a much larger amount of people around the world. Besides, communication and cooperation between governments are actually more effective in solving social problems than that among students.

Overall, as the development of globalization trend, open communication flat is no doubt essential, whereas the establishment of a global university is not such a good idea as the speaker asserts.

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