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[i习作temp] issue41【0906背水一战三月小组】第五次作业 by yuxin [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-10 00:42:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
日期:3/10/2009 12:12:53 AM


In the beginning of the twentieth century, astrology came into life after the dominance about three century, and was prevailing in Germany, which even try to compete with science. Why can this phenomenon occur? Just as the speaker states that such nonmainstream areas of inquiry by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science plays a vital role in society. From my point of view, I fundamentally agree with it, while the mainstream science is also important that we need to keep balance between them.

To begin with, people intend to obtain some spiritual support from the nonmainstream areas, to satisfy their needs which cannot be met in the mainstream science. On the one hand, people incline to make certainty of their behaviors, including making a choice, facing a dilemma, which may hard to get an accurate evaluation in the society through mainstream sciences. For example, when people need to make an important choice, such as purchasing a new house. They would love to find about every information about it, besides the prices, the quality,
what they concerned about may be some mysterious information of the house------- whether the house bring luck to him, or whether there are some taboos when living in the house. The nonmainstream may help them to make more certainty about his choice through providing such information. On the other hand, when people meet problems which sciences have no access to solving them, they may turn to nonmainstream areas to seek for support psychologically. For instance, a patient with severe cancer or AIDS, which now out of the range of the medical field controlling, and then he may turn to some nonmainstream fields to calls for a desirable wish. All of these maintain a rudimentary function to satisfy persons’ natural desires.

However, the great contributions made by the mainstream science cannot be ignored, and almost nothing can compete with them. Nobody will deny the fact that people can live without the mainstream science, on the contrary, it is the very fields that lead to a better and continuous developing society. In the medical field, when synthetic insulin was invented, the diabetes patients can live a dramatic longer life. Thanks to the high development of astronomy, the dream, visiting the moon and outer space, rooted for hundreds of centuries in humans' hearts, can now realized. As for the development in technology, it is obvious the masses enjoy the high convenience of the efficient transportation and instant, endless supply of information. For example people now can sit at the computer searching for the abundant information rather than tedious search for some news from stacks of books and rolls of newspaper in the library. Therefore, the development of mainstream science is the a milestone in the human history.

Furthermore, nonmainstream areas may bring about some undesirable consequences
when people depend on them immoderately. For example, if people totally rely on the fortune-telling, they will urged to live by the result of it rather than their own ambition, and since then they may lose their interest, confidence and courage to realize his own value, since all the future in his view can be told from the fortune-telling. Similarly, the constellation, as a significant sign in astrology, may also undermine a people's aspiration if he believing in constellation excessively to regard it as his only character. In his opinion, his future or his fate was determined by the relative positions of the constellation at the seconds of his birth, and then how can he possesses the motivation to fight for changing his life, for all the things has been decided long time ago. In this sense, the merit of nonmainstream areas was neglects and it also lead to destructive effects.

In summary, we should have the right attitude to exerting the nonmainstream areas instead of abusing them, since they would give people comfort which is hard being acquired from sciences to some extent.
What's more, it is the coincidence of both mainstream sciences and nonmainstream areas contributes to a multidimensional and diverse world.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-10 12:00:58 |只看该作者
In the beginning of the twentieth century, astrology came into life after the dominance about three century, and was prevailing in Germany, which even try(tries替换) to compete with science. Why can this phenomenon occur? Just as the speaker states that such nonmainstream areas of inquiry by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science(这个从句结构有点混乱) plays a vital role in society. From my point of view, I fundamentally agree with it, while the mainstream science is also important that we need to keep balance between them.

To begin with, people intend to obtain some spiritual support from the nonmainstream areas, to satisfy their needs which cannot be met in the mainstream science. On the one hand, people incline to make certainty of their behaviors, including making a choice, facing a dilemma, which may hard to get an accurate evaluation in the society through mainstream sciences. For example, when people need to make an important choice, such as purchasing a new house.(,) They would love to find about every information about it, besides the prices, the quality, what they more(加个more比较好) concerned about may be some mysterious information of the house --- whether the house bring luck to him, or whether there are some taboos when living in the house. The nonmainstream may help them to make more certainty about his choice through providing such information. On the other hand, when people meet problems which sciences have no access to solve ing them, they may turn to nonmainstream areas to seek for support psychologically.(另一方面作者想说超自然领域能够解决那些科学无法解决的事情,但是个人觉得本段的论述的两方面有些重叠,或者说是重复论述,前一方面people incline to make certainty of their behaviors其实也是科学无法解释的,which一句作者也已说明) For instance, a patient with severe cancer or AIDS, which now out of the range of the medical field controlling, and then he may turn to some nonmainstream fields to calls for a desirable wish. All of these maintain a rudimentary function to satisfy persons’ natural desires.(而且第二方面作者论述的看似仓促,只是摆了个例子上去,忽略了分析,倒不如把一二两方面重新组织一下,“正是因为有些现象主流科学是无法解释,才使得非主流科学得以发展,而且非主流领域能够给人以信心和希望,所以非主流领域在社会中有重要的作用。”)

However, the great contributions made by the mainstream science cannot be ignored, and almost nothing can compete with them. Nobody will deny the fact that people can live without the mainstream science,(;) on the contrary, it is the very fields that lead to a better and continuous developing society. In the medical field, when synthetic insulin was invented, the diabetes patients can live a dramatic longer life. Thanks to the high development of astronomy, the dream, visiting the moon and outer space, rooted for hundreds of centuries in humans' hearts, can now realized. As for the development in technology, it is obvious the masses enjoy the high convenience of the efficient transportation and instant, endless supply of information. For example people now can sit at the computer searching for the abundant information rather than tedious search for some news from stacks of books and rolls of newspaper in the library. Therefore, the development of mainstream science is the a milestone in the human history.

Furthermore, nonmainstream areas may bring about some undesirable consequences when people depend on them immoderately. For example, if people totally rely on the fortune-telling, they will urged to live by the result of it rather than their own ambition, and since then they may lose their interest, confidence and courage to realize his own value, since all the future in his view can be told from the fortune-telling.(两个since连续有点混乱,后半句有些多余,其实told from the fortune-telling就是前面的result) Similarly, the constellation, as a significant sign in astrology, may also undermine a people's aspiration if he believing in constellation excessively to regard it as his only character. In his opinion, his future or his fate was determined by the relative positions of the constellation at the seconds of his birth, and then how can he possesses the motivation to fight for changing his life, for all the things has been decided long time ago.(最后半句略显多余,或者可以加到and then之前) In this sense, the merit of nonmainstream areas was neglects and it also lead to destructive effects.



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