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[i习作temp] Issue170 By WDI小组 snail [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-7-5 22:04:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 snail8843 于 2009-7-5 22:24 编辑

The author asserts that the general welfare of all its people rather than the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists is the surest indicator of a great nation. In my view, I suppose that a great nation should include both the welfare of its people and the ability of sustainable development. I tend to agree that the general welfare of all its people is a significant indicator of a great nation. However, from the standpoint of sustainable development, the achievements of its rulers, artists, scientists serve as a base and impetus of the development of a great nation. Both of them play a significant role in decide whether a nation is great.

On the one hand, if we define the greatness of nation as good health, happiness, and prosperity of its people, I agree that it is the welfare of its people rather these achievements that judging whether a nation is great. For a government, it aims at make its people become well-being and this aim is the most important objective of a government; thus, without considering the ability of sustainable development of a nation. Whether its people have a life of welfare reflects the greatness of a nation. Consider some African countries, these countries even cannot provide enough food to its people; we cannot consider this kind of countries as great nations. Another example, consider some developed countries such as US, Japan that often considered as great nations. The welfare of its people is admired by the people of some developing countries. In short, when we judge whether a nation is great without considering the ability of sustainable development of a nation, the conditions of the welfare of its people is a significant index.

On the other hand, what kind of a nation can be defined as a truly great nation? when we come to answer this question, we cannot draw a conclusion only through the welfare of its people, and we must also consider the ability of sustainable development. For example, we admit that the people of some Middle East countries rich in oil such as- Saudi Arabia enjoy a wonderful life full of welfare, but perhaps many people would not agree that these countries are great. Why? It is because these countries lack the ability of sustainable development. How to evaluate this ability? The achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, especially technology and political leaders take a significant role in the process of evaluation. Consider the Scientific and technological level of a nation first, Common senses tells us that Science and technology is a primary productive force. Technology such as computer science serves as a very important tool in improving the production capacity of a society and eventually promoting the development of a society.

Then consider the role of achievements of its rulers in evaluating the greatness of a nation. The ability of a political leader to some extent decides whether a nation can continue to grow and prosper. For example, consider Deng Xiaoping, a successful leader who made an important contribution to the development of China. In the 1980s, China cannot be considered as a great nation at that time in every aspect; however, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, all the people of China believe China will become great and prosperous. As a result, the policy of reform and open up finally leads china into a new era with great potential for growth and prosperity.

In sum, when we evaluate the greatness of a nation. It is the welfare rather than the achievements that decide current level of prosperity of a society. However, the ability of sustainable development of a nation which can be indeed reflected by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, especially the rulers and scientists is a significant factor in judging whether a nation is great. In final analysis, both of them play a significant role in decide whether a nation is great.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-7-6 00:02:19 |只看该作者
Issue170 By WDI小组 snail
The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people."
The author asserts that the general welfare of all its people rather than the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists is the surest indicator of a great nation. In my view, I suppose that a great nation should include both the welfare of its people and the ability of sustainable development. I tend to agree that the general welfare of all its people is a significant indicator of a great nation. However, from the standpoint of sustainable development, the achievements of its rulers, artists, scientists serve as a base and impetus of the development of a great nation. Both of them play a significant role in decide whether a nation is great.
第一段提出Welfare和sustainable development是great nation的最明显的评判标准。原文中的模版味很明显(the author asserts…,In my view…, However…),改进下吧。

On the one hand, if we define the greatness of nation as good health, happiness, and prosperity of its people, I agree that it is the welfare of its people rather these achievements that judging whether a nation is great. For a government, it aims at make its people become well-being(n.指国家) and this aim is the most important objective of a government; thus, without considering the ability of sustainable development of a nation(破句). Whether its people have a life of welfare reflects the greatness of a nation. Consider some African countries, these countries even cannot provide enough food to its people; we cannot consider this kind of countries as great nations. Another example, consider some developed countries such as US, Japan that often considered as great nations. The welfare of its people is admired by the people of some developing countries (加上原因,如Welfare是人们生活的依靠,是社会的基础。。。). In short, when we judge whether a nation is great without considering the ability of sustainable development of a nation, the conditions of the welfare of its people is a significant index.
(Africa,US and Japan是不错的例子,可以对比着写;考虑从更深层次着手,揭示为何welfare可以作为评判标准。)

On the other hand, what kind of a nation can be defined as a truly great nation? when we come to answer this question, we cannot draw a conclusion only through the welfare of its people, and we must also consider the ability of sustainable development. For example, we admit that the people of some Middle East countries rich in oil such as- Saudi Arabia enjoy a wonderful life full of welfare, but perhaps many people would not agree that these countries are great. Why? It is because these countries lack the ability of sustainable development. How to evaluate this ability? The achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, especially technology and political leaders take a significant role in the process of evaluation. Consider the Scientific and technological level of a nation first, Common senses tells us that(中式英语)Science and technology is a primary productive force. Technology such as computer science serves as a very important tool in improving the production capacity of a society and eventually promoting the development of a society.
Saudi Arabia这个例子特别到位。只是把achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists全部归入sustainable development是否合适?artists貌似不行吧。可以将三者分开写。

Then consider the role of achievements of its rulers in evaluating the greatness of a nation. The ability of a political leader to some extent decides whether a nation can continue to grow and prosper. For example, consider Deng Xiaoping, a successful leader who made an important contribution to the development of China. In the 1980s, China cannot be considered as a great nation at that time in every aspect; however, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, all the people of China believe China will become great and prosperous. As a result, the policy of reform and open up finally leads china into a new era with great potential for growth and prosperity.
In sum, when we evaluate the greatness of a nation. It is the welfare rather than the achievements that decide current level of prosperity of a society. However, the ability of sustainable development of a nation which can be indeed reflected by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, especially the rulers and scientists is a significant factor in judging whether a nation is great. In final analysis, both of them play a significant role in decide(deciding) whether a nation is great.

我认为Issue题中welfare是整体和目的,achievements是典型代表,两者都是greatness的标志。你把后者归位sustainable development是否合适呢?

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