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[i习作temp] 【辉太郎杀G大队】7/25作业 Issue70 by Aliciasun [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-7-25 23:12:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE69 - "Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development"

Movie Resident Evil has prefigured a tragedy for people about the dark side of the scientific research and development. Governments, as the leaders of the society, undoubtedly should take responsibilities to lead the development directions for this research. With partially agreement that the governments should to some extent offer freedom and flexibilities to scientific research, however, I would represent the detrimental effects that it will cause if few or no restrictions are provided at all.

To begin with, admittedly, scientific research and development should possess certain space and thus the creativity and innovation nature of it can grow. As a matter of fact, with too much interfere and restrictions, these researches will lose vitality and continuous advancement. On one hand, the vitality of scientific research comes from the acumen tracking to the latest development of the technology of the world as a whole. Thus, if governments place restrictions on such as the processes, measures, or standards in certain areas, it would be difficult for people involved to keep walking with these fussy dogmatic limitations. In some research institutes of bureaucracy countries, a process to launch a research topic can cost several years for uncountless numbers of officer levels to audit and approve. After the final confirmation comes out finally, the research has already become no need as we live in the era with the roaring updated information every day. On the other hand, these sorts of useless restrictions from governments can also diminish the enthusiasm of the researchers who dedicate on it, thus the source of continuous advancement has been broken. Imagine, with their highly interested topics and mature thoughts to validate suspended for a long time, and finally the innovation possibility totally disappeared, who will continue working for the great goals in future? Hence, especially in the processes to process a scientific research, governments are not supposed to interfere too much.

Beyond the concession, however, I don't totally agree with the statement because it overlooked the detrimental results to which without restrictions the scientific research can lead to the contemporary society majority's interest. For one thing, for the sake of majorities’ safety and enjoyment of life, governments should take actions to restrict bad directions of research. Consider the software technology for example, without restrictions and corresponding legislations; hacker can unscrupulously attack the security systems of our personal computers, the companies or even banks. It would be more terrible for people to live in such an environment than old times that we didn't have computers at all. If this case can be classified into the mental area, another example is concerning the physical environment. At the beginning of 80s of last century, many printing factories emerged in China accompanying with the economy development in that period. Lead, as a material which benefits the cost reduction and better quantity for printing, was ever applied in the printing technology for a couple of years. Unfortunately, lead can cause severe pollution of rivers and terrains. Thus, within several years, almost all the rivers besides these printing factories could not feed any fishes any more. As illustrated, the governments obviously should perform activities in restricting the negative researches which can result the harm towards contemporary people’s interest.

Furthermore, unrestricted dangerous long-term scientific research and development can also cause unexpected results and these results will apparently ruin the future of human being. These worries apply for many areas. Especially in medical realm, though sounds terrible or even paranoid, as mentioned at the beginning, how can we know the desperate scenes in movies would not come true some day in future if the terrible researches about converting genes of human body continue? Someone may argue it’s only a movie assumption, then how about the researches on clone technology are not restricted for human being? People will meet themselves face to face someday, and nobody will need be responsible for their activities or even crime because you can always clone yourself. As a result, the society will be in a chaos. From the perspective of military, the consequence of unlimited technology research is also not optimistic, with the born of atom bloms in U.S, two big cities of Japan disappeared. Then with the unrestricted development of nuclear weapons, how many cities will vanish? Human being, as smart as they are, also have enough capability to destroy their future with their own intelligence. Therefore, governments as well as human being themselves should affirm what kind of future they want to have, and what sorts of scientific researches they should perform.

To sum up, I concede that governments should to some extent provide certain freedom and flexibitlies scientific research and development, yet they should also act more in guiding the correct directions on the premise of the interest of the mankind, no matter at now or in future. In fact, governments should consider the restrictions power more cautiously and modestly, rather than give up certain concentration at all.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-7-26 10:03:53 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE69 - "Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development"
Movie Resident Evil has prefigured a tragedy for people about the dark side of the scientific research and development. Governments, as the leaders of the society, undoubtedly should take responsibilities to lead the development directions for this research. With partially agreement that the governments should to some extent offer freedom and flexibilities to scientific research, however, I would represent the detrimental effects that it will cause if few or no restrictions are provided at all.
To begin with, admittedly, scientific research and development should possess certain space and thus the creativity and innovation nature of it can grow. As a matter of fact, with too much interfere (interference) and restrictions, these researches will lose vitality and continuous advancement. On one hand, the vitality of scientific research comes from the acumen tracking to the latest development of the technology of the world as a whole. Thus, if governments place restrictions on such as the processes, measures, or standards in certain areas, it would be difficult for people involved to keep walking with these fussy dogmatic limitations. In some research institutes of bureaucracy countries, a process to launch a research topic can cost several years for uncountless (countless已经是数不尽的意见)
numbers of officer levels (
这里修改下,你改改看,一级一级的审查通过,意思是明白的) to audit and approve. After the final confirmation comes out finally (删除,前面已经有了final了), the research has already become no need as we live in the era with the roaring updated information every day. On the other hand, these sorts of useless restrictions from governments can also diminish the enthusiasm of the researchers who dedicate on it, thus the source of continuous advancement has been broken. Imagine, with their highly interested topics and mature thoughts to validate suspended for a long time, and finally the innovation possibility totally disappeared, who will continue working for the great goals in future? Hence, especially in the processes to process a scientific research, governments are not supposed to interfere too much.(结论句式不错)(生命力和持续发展应该是一个概念吧,呵呵)
Beyond the concession, however, I don't totally agree with the statement because it overlooked the detrimental results to which without restrictions the scientific research can lead to the contemporary society majority's interest.
(这句话,真长,还是没有把结构分清楚,虽然我知道什么意思,哈哈)For one thing, for the sake of majorities’ safety and enjoyment of life, governments should take actions to restrict bad (adverse,什么是bad,有时候自己也会觉得不是很顺畅,对不?) directions of research. Considering the software technology for example, without restrictions and corresponding legislations, hacker can unscrupulously attack the security systems of our personal computers, the companies or even banks. It would be more terrible for people to live in such an environment than old times that (when) we didn't have computers at all. If this case can be classified into the mental area, (mental无关,我觉得) another example is concerning the physical environment. At the beginning of 80s of last century, many printing factories emerged in China accompanying with the economy development in that period. Lead, as a material which benefits the cost reduction and better quantity for printing, was ever applied in the printing technology for a couple of years. Unfortunately, lead can cause severe pollution of rivers and terrains (这个不会吧,铅有毒是事实). Thus, within several years, almost all the rivers besides these printing factories could not feed any fishes any more. As illustrated, the governments obviously should perform activities in restricting the negative researches which can result (不及物,result in  or   produce)
the) harm towards contemporary people’s interest.
Furthermore, unrestricted dangerous long-term scientific research and development can also cause unexpected results and these results will apparently ruin the future of human being. These worries apply for many areas. Especially in medical realm, though sounds terrible or even paranoid, as mentioned at the beginning, how can we know the desperate scenes in movies would not come true some day in future if the terrible researches about converting genes of human body continue? Someone may argue it’s only a movie assumption, then how about the researches on clone technology are not restricted for human being? People will meet themselves face to face someday, and nobody will need be responsible for their activities or even crime because you can always clone yourself. As a result, the society will be in a chaos. From the perspective of military, the consequence of unlimited technology research is also not optimistic, with the born of atom bloms (bombs) in U.S, two big cities of Japan disappeared. Then with the unrestricted development of nuclear weapons, how many cities will vanish? Human being, as smart as they are, also have enough capability to destroy their future with their own intelligence. Therefore, governments as well as human being themselves should affirm what kind of future they want to have, and what sorts of scientific researches they should perform.
To sum up, I concede that governments should to some extent provide certain freedom and flexibitlies (flexibilities) scientific research and development, yet they should also act more in guiding the correct directions on the premise of the interest of the mankind, no matter at now (now or at present) or in future. In fact, governments should consider the restrictions power more cautiously and modestly, rather than give up certain concentration at all.


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