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[i习作temp] ISSUE17习作,欢迎来拍,有拍必回 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-8-20 18:17:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
" There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."

Admittedly, as there are some limitations on the development of the laws, wen cannot make every law
just to everyone, but this doesn't mean that we can only obey the just ones and try to disobey the unjust ones. Otherwise, our sociey will be trapped in disorders and consequently hinder the advancement of individuals and society as a whole. We should appeal to justifiable measures to advocate our opinions on the unjust law.

It's normal that there are flaws in some law. In a democratic nation, the legislation may take a long period of time and the efforts of many people in different areas from which we get advice. However, this doesni't mean the law is perfect. The ones who anticipate the legislation represent their own interests and profits, which will surely result in different attitudes toward certain items. Besides, during the enaction of a law, there can be opponents for the judge make his/her decisions based both on the law and the facts which leaves the judgement open to questions. So, there's no denying that part of laws are unjust to both the legislatures and the public.

The existence of unjust laws, however, doesn't indicates that we can disobey them according to our own experience and judgements. Laws, since its birth, are defined as the forceful rules that we must obey, otherwise we will undergo punishments which force people to obey them without conditions. On the other hand, the behaviors of disregarding laws, no matter just or not, can cause only harm to others and our society. Because, according to one's own experience and situations, he/her makes the assertion whether the law is just. But common sense tells us that this kind of assertions vary from each other, if on which we behave the way we favor to disobey the law, we will bring no only disturbance to others' legal rights but alse harmful effects to the orders of the society. Thus, law provides us a standard for rightness and wrongness which make sure the harmony among person and in the society, only by which can we make contributions to the prosperity of the whole nation.

History has told us that the most effective way to revise or rescind the law is by legal ways. If the ordinary people desire to propose his opponent ideas on the law, they can vote for the candidates who have similiar views or aggregate paradise to show their disagreements to the legislation. A judge, if oppose some items in a certain law, should present advice to the legislature or the presients instead of revising the law in the way in his own favor overlooking the authority of law. Only by legal measures can we make sure that the legislature take account of as many as possible the interests of different groups and confirm the amendation is juster than the former one, or the newly-revised law is very likely to triger much more dissatisfaction and illegal behaviors.

To sum up, it's manifest that there are shortcomings in some certain laws, which doesn't mean we can disobey the laws but instead to take legal measures to present our opinions and willingness to revise the law. And this can both take into consideration many opponents’ various propositon, protect the rights of the minority and confirm a healthy development and effectiveness of the legal system in a cycling way, which is a crucial factor of a domecratic and prosperous society.


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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-8-20 20:05:53 |只看该作者
Admittedly, as there are some limitations on the development of the laws, we cannot make every law fair to everyone, but this doesn't mean that we can only obey the just ones and try to disobey the unjust ones. Otherwise, our society will be trapped in disorders and chaos which consequently hinder the advancement of individuals and society as a whole. We should resort to justifiable measures to express our opinions on the unjust law.

It's inevitable that there exist some flaws in the law. In a democratic nation, the legislation may take a long period of time and great efforts of the masses who express their concerns and opinions to the legislation institute. However, this doesn't mean the law is perfect. The ones who anticipate the legislation represent their own interests and profits, which will surely result in different attitudes toward certain items. Besides, during the enacting of a law, there can be opponents for the judge make his/her decisions based both on the law and the facts(不太懂) which leaves the judgment open to questions. So, there's no denying that part of laws are unjust to both the legislatures and the public.

The existence of unjust laws, however, doesn't indicate that we can disobey them because they are contrary to our own experience and judgments. Laws, since its birth, are defined as the forceful rules that we must obey, otherwise we will undergo punishments which force people to obey them unconditionally. On the other hand, the behaviors of disregarding laws, no matter just or not, can cause only harm to others and our society. Because, according to one's own experience and situations, he/her makes the assertion whether the law is just(一个残缺的,意义不明的句子). But common sense tells us that this kind of assertions vary from each other, if on which we behave the way we favor to disobey the law(看不懂), we will bring not only disturbance to others' legal rights but also harmful effects to the stability of the society. Thus, law provides us a standard for rightness and wrongness which make sure the harmony among person and in the society, only by which can we make contributions to the harmony of the whole nation.

History has told us that the most effective way to revise or rescind the law is by legal ways. If the ordinary people desire to propose his opponent ideas on the law, they can vote for the candidates who have similar views or aggregate paradise to show their disagreements to the legislation. A judge, if oppose some items in a certain law, should present advice to the legislature or the president instead of revising the law in the way in his own favor overlooking the authority of law(意义不明的残缺句子). Only by legal measures can we make sure that the legislature ensure the involvement of as many interest groups as possible and confirm the amendment is more fair than the former one, or the newly-revised law is very likely to trigger much more dissatisfaction and illegal behaviors.

To sum up, it's manifest that there are shortcomings in some certain laws, which doesn't mean we can disobey the laws but instead to take legal measures to present our opinions and willingness to revise the law. And this can both take into consideration many opponents’ various proposition, protect the rights of the minority and confirm a healthy development and effectiveness of the legal system in a cycling way, which is a crucial factor of a democratic and prosperous society.

内容单薄。要多积累素材。这个题目的素材不是没有。比如Prohibition movement

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