USC 安纳伯格CMGT最全面经汇总!
2017-02-05 发布
我申请提交的比较早,12月就交掉了。USC Annenberg 的CMGT是第三个发来面试邀请的专业,面试定在1.18到1.20日。面试形式很奇葩:进入他的邀请界面,测试摄像头和麦克风,之后就是三道随机的面试题。那是录制好的问题,没有真人一对一,意味着没人会对你的简历刨根问底!{:t_0032:} 收到邮件三天之内完成就行。面试形式跟托福口语很像,每道题给出20s思考时间,2min回答时间,总共15min之内。界面如下图,忽视右上角那只小小的我。{:t_0028:} [attach]589486[/attach] 我把能扒拉来的面试题统统整理出来了,附在下面供大家参考。题目内容脑洞特别大。{:t_0012:} 1.谈谈家乡及其有名的地方 2. memorable experience in college life 3.在intense的graduate program认为最重要的是什么 4.如果你收到 USC 通知,你会第一个告诉谁 5.Who is the most important person that is alive in the world? 6.你什么时候开始考虑 anneberg 和CM 专业的?你对我们学校和这个专业了解多少? 7.what is the most useful thing someone has ever told you about work? 8.如果有个 magic creature 答应帮你实现一个愿望,你希望实现什么?(you may not wish peace of world) 哈哈括号中是怎么回事,因为太多人回答世界和平了吗?薛之谦可以啊! 9.如果回到 5、6 岁,梦想以后干什么 10.if you can eliminate a disease by only clicking your finger, what disease would you choose 11.你如果来了美国 什么会让你最享受和最难忘的? 12.biggest regret. 13.Olympic, bad or good? 14.Are students today too stressed?Is it a problem or something students should learn to cope with 15.Do you prefer one big exam or lots of smaller one. 16.Who cares the most about your grades? Your parents or you? Why. 17.Are you proud of humanity and what we as humans have achieved so far 18.你听说过的最奇怪的职业 19.你们食堂最好吃的东西和你最希望你们食堂有但是你们食堂没有的菜 20.在美国生活你最会享受什么,最怀念什么 21.你为啥适合这个role 22.你第一次和你父母说你申请USC时,他们说了什么?和你期待的一样? 23.What's the youngest time that a student/young man can start part-time job? 24.What's your personality characteristic that makes you successful in USC 25.最喜欢的学习环境? If you could talk with any living (or deceased) person, with whom would it be and why? 26.What is your favorite memory from childhood? 27.讲一个teaching experience, or when the time you had to explain the things to others. do u think it is successful, why? 28.How do you like your university experience. Do you look forward it in your graduate school. 29.list three important things when you select your graduate school 30.最effective的team experience 31.Tell me about a time when you were on a team and it did not work well 32.Talk about a current event evolving in the world headlines and why you find it interesting 33.Give an example of where you pushed yourself to do more than the minimum 34.你有super hero power的话,你要选什么 35.Please tell us what math and computing coursework you will have taken in your last year of study? 34. Tell us about a time when you worked with someone who had a different perspective from you. 35. When facing a conflict, which of the following characteristics is most important in solving the conflict? Why? 36. Tell me about a time when your expectations were not met and how you respond 37. What is the biggest risk you have taken? What was the outcome? What would you do differently if you did it again? 38. Can you please share something fun/unique about yourself that we may not already know? 39. 你朋友会指出你的三个优点和三个可以提高的地方? 40. 给你30天,你会做什么? 41. 你最大的优点和最大的缺点是什么? 42. 讲一个你需要去解决问题的例子 你是怎样handle 它的 43. 讲一个你自己的想法被group study 所接受的例子 45. Is it good or bad to study abroad for a year? 46. Is Olympic good or bad? 47. Who is the most important person that is alive to you? 48. Does it make you better at managing your time if you have a part-time job? 50. What else will you choose as your undergrad major? 51. Who will you tell after you are admitted? 52. What can the president do to improve your undergrad school? 53. If you can go to anytime and anywhere, where would you go? And why? 54. What is the most important thing in an intense graduate program? 55. Memorable experience in your college life? 56. Please describe the first person landing on Mars in your mind. 57. Do you think what you have learned from your job is more important than that from your college? 58. Tell me about a time miscommunication caused a problem. 60. If you have a chance to restart your college, which course would you spend more time on? 61. We will always meet someone who is hard to get along with, how would you deal with that? 62. What do you think of communication’s importance in a job? 仔细分析这些题目,他们想知道的,无非就是学生的创造力和对人类的关怀。对于经历和专业知识,并不在意。所以,所有的题目都即兴发挥好啦!但是我还是把这些题全部过了一遍,想了想关键词。纯粹让自己安心而已。{:t_0021:} 我问到的问题是:①描述你的家乡和有名的地方(拿笔!荧光笔!划重点!此题必问)②你觉得世界上有外星人吗?③看过izombie吗?里面的zombie是干啥的......哈哈,izombie,美剧都问出来了。万一我没看过呢? 分享这篇面经,希望能帮到大家。申请季加油!走到这一步太不容易了。我刚刚干掉了5场面试。等结果ing~祝大家offer多多!另{:t_0003:}
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