2017-01-21 发布
刚刚面了UT,Jimmy本人络腮胡,亚麻色,还挺顺眼的,很年轻。刚开始我没看到他人,还以为他没开视频,问了句 Do I need to open the video? 他说yes. 需要一直开着。后来发现有个弹框我点了个yes 才看到他。 他问的问题我都准备到了 1. Why UT? (他说了一大堆 许多学生来美读法律 这里有很多学校 你为啥申请了在UT的program) 我回答 For many reasons。 然后说了四个 最后一个与法律无关 因为想看看谢耳朵家乡什么样(他微笑)。 第一个原因取了个巧,我说 I think UT can help me to meet my objectives;所以很自然他第二个问题就是: 2.What are your objectives? 我就简单说了一下,他语速特别快,把我也带的有点快了 = =。 3. What are you primary goals like some lessons or experience you wanna have or What are three main objectives after you come to the U.S? 我先回答了两个 to work and prepare early so that I can take control of the pace of study. to sit for the bar exam and get qualified. 然后我用疑问的口气说lessons? you mean the lessons i wanna take? If that counts as an objective. 无形中又引导了他的问题 4.What are some courses you would like to enroll in or any professor’s research fields you are interested in? 我就说我知道你们网站上列了很多选修课,其中我最想修... 因为它让我想起我曾经修过的证券法 老师经常给我们讲一些典型案例,证券法很难,但是却每周只有一节,所以there's still a long way to go. 他笑笑说确实很难。 5.Did you attend any class given by native speakers? (也是先说了一堆我们一直是小班规模 大概五十个人 和JD native Americans 一起上课,教授也是native speaker they would speak very fast) 我说没有 我说不过我大学的英语老师有留学经历,她有很好地英式口音,那个也许会有帮助。(他说sure definitely will help)(这里脱稿了,其实应该照着我准备的说) 6.最有价值的一次实习,学到了啥?实习经历中你认为最宝贵的事? 我说我在法院实习的一次学到了一些qualities. 并举了一个我记得的实践经历 其实和法律无关 就是个签字用笔的常识。 (不懂他这里为啥笑) 他没问到的问题: 1.Three advantages of UT. 2.Why concentrate on business law? 3.Is there any particular field you like the most? and why? 4.If the 10 is excellent, what scores would you give to yourself when you gotta study in english? 5.What's so particular about LLM programs in UT?(why llm&why UT 的结合版) 6.Do you have any plan on your job? 我的问题: 1.Are students admitted to your university required to join the summer camp before the term begins? Or do you have the summer camp? 他说我们法学院没有夏令营。大概在7月或8月入学,但那之前有个 summer program, 是来自不同学院的,大家一起互相交流,帮助你尽快融入美国,形成一些relationships. 这个参加需要fees. It's not required by the university. 2.If I wanna get a job in the U.S. after graduation, can you introduce the general formalities? 我问的是大概的手续,他回答成了我们不直接给其他公司啦什么介绍毕业生,你可以在我们网站上看到我们有llm fairs, interviews opportunities. 美国与其他地方没有什么不同 有时候你需要你的network帮你推荐工作。他提到了visa 然后我就把话接过去问Should I need to apply for the OPT(Optional Practical Training) first, do I ? 他说是的,这个是你在美国实习(get internship whether paid or unpaid)的保证。 and then ask my employer to apply for the H-1B? 然后他说I have to warn you that it's very difficult to find a job especially in the field of business law or corporate law. It's very competitive even for the JD. 其实我主要想问is it necessary to apply for OPT before the H-1B? cause I heard H-1B will not work immediately after you apply.( 也就是说即使我找到了工作 老板愿意给我办H-1B 也得下一年生效,这之间有个空挡,是不是申请了opt 能填补这个空挡。。。(还是英语水平不够)) 他好像承认了确实不会立即生效,这个问题的答案我也不知他没回答清还是我没听懂,哪位了解啊?? 然后他就又I just have to warn you that it's a lottery to get a visa, it's very difficult. blah blah 3. Some Chinese say NY bar is easier to get than California Bar. What about Texas Bar? 没太听清 语速太快。 他说什么 通过率很低。there is no uniform in NY. It gets changed every year.总之他想说:这个不好说。不知为啥他提到咱们这里先考试、再实习一年才能practice law. 然后他说他们那里怎么怎么以后也是可以再去美国考。 大概两周后收到信。预祝新年快乐。我说希望是好消息。然后拜拜。 关于他的表情,他喜欢假笑,就是说着说着 摆一个微笑的表情;或者 说话时微微眯着一只眼睛。 再问一下,哪位了解我的第二个问题啊,求分享。
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