
标题: DIY工厂签经点评之十六:构成移民倾向的逻辑漏洞 [打印本页]

作者: imong    时间: 2005-7-1 11:03:14     标题: DIY工厂签经点评之十六:构成移民倾向的逻辑漏洞



发信人: talisman9817 (talisman), 信区: Visa
标  题: 2000,自费,读美国研究,今天再次悲剧,签经加求助,提前谢谢了!
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Tue Jun 28 19:40:46 2005), 站内

me: Nice to meet you Sir!
vo: So today is the second time for you. What did the officer talk to you last time?
me:He asked some questions about my financial statement and didm't say other things. All my materials are true, and my only purpose was to study, i do not why why my rightful demand for study was not supported last time.  
HiAll Rocky点评:开始就把责任推给上一个签证官,给VO感觉很不好。哪怕适当承认自己上次表现不好或者材料没有带全,都会给人感觉诚恳些。

vo:Well, the reason is why you want to study in America.
me:I'll study American Studies(想继续说the best place to learn this major is in America,不幸被打断)
HiAll Rocky点评: 这个问题其实不是考察为什么去美国,是考察为什么去美国这个学校读这个专业。应该给签证官一种感觉,你不是为了这个学校的专业才去美国的,如果这个Program(或者教授)在印度,你应该去印度的。

vo:Why go to America?
me:Well, the best place to learn America is in America, and I believe Americans will come to China to learn China. And also I need the English environment to improve my English, it is very important for my future career.
HiAll Rocky点评: 仍然没有具体到学校、未来导师。给人感觉就是为了去美国而去美国。你既然需要English environment为什么不去欧洲那?如果是为了学英语去美国,任何VO都不会给你签证的。

vo:What's your future career?
me:I want to find a job in cultural exchanges company(打断)
HiAll Rocky点评: VO在等待多时仍然没有等到自己想要的答案,所以直接问到专业、职业发展。这是最后一个机会了! 结果回答仍然没有和自己专业联系起来。

vo:You don't need to learn it
me:Well, you know Beijing desperately need people with deep and overall knowledge of America because America (is opening its market to China...想说的又没说成,还是被打断了)
vo:But to learn American Studies is not having deep knowledge of America.
me: Yes,I can show you my courses  
HiAll Rocky点评: 前面给VO的感觉都是为了提高英文能力、了解美国而去读书并回来,签证官终于找到逻辑上的漏洞--American Studies和knowledge of America的差别。

vo :No.How many Chinese universities did you apply?
me:Chinese universities?
me:no, I did not apply for Chinese universities
HiAll Rocky点评: 《美国签证白皮书》里面重点分析过的问题,间接考察移民倾向:签证官不是考察你是否申请了中国学校,他关心的是你当初申请选校的逻辑:你是考虑了国内、欧洲、美国所有大学后找到你Match的Program,还是直接就选了美国。你可以say no, 但是要把原因清晰表达出来(中美学校在你专业上面的差别)

vo:So what will you do if I do not give you visa?
me: It is very important for me, and I will keep (...打断)
HiAll Rocky点评: 在犯了3-4个错误后,签证官已经很难相信你了。

vo:Why study in this university?
me: my grandma suggested this univerisity, she is an English teacher...
HiAll Rocky点评: 签证官比较nice,又给了一次机会,其实这个问题就是第一个问题Why go to America? 结果又没答好。

vo: I will not give you visa. It is no need of you to go to America and you will not come back.
me: Maybe Americans thinks American Studies is not useful in America, but China need!

HiAll Rocky点评: 总体来讲,签证官应该给了至少3次机会,但是一次都没抓住,很多很明显很简单的问题都没有回答到点上。根本来讲,还是没有想清楚一个基础,两条主线:你要学的专业是所有问题的基础,两个主线一个是为什么去美国一个为什么要回国。(更多内容参考《美国签证白皮书》)

https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... type&typeid=164
作者: haimingshao    时间: 2005-7-2 05:33:08

American Studies
What is that?

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