
标题: 江畔何人初见月,江月何年初照人?--- Argument中疑问句的用法和误区 [打印本页]

作者: irvine666    时间: 2009-6-8 19:07:59     标题: 江畔何人初见月,江月何年初照人?--- Argument中疑问句的用法和误区

的确,AW的核心是逻辑,然而ETS从来没有说过“用词,语法和修辞不纳入打分考虑范围”吧?恰恰相反,虽然没有明文要求,ETS56分范文的comments当中无一例外,大力的赞扬了它们的standard written Englishsyntactic sophistication,从这里我们就可以很容易的看出一些好的句式变化和修辞手段对最终成绩的影响力了。

2------Topic: University of Claria
Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.
The University of Claria is generally considered one of the best universities in the world because of its instructors' reputation, which is based primarily on the extensive research and publishing record of certain faculty members.In addition, several faculty members are internationally renowned as leaders in their fields.
For example, many of the faculty from the English department are regularly invited to teach at universities in other countries.Furthermore, two recent graduates of the physics department have gone on to become candidates for the Nobel Prize in Physics.And 75 percent of the students are able to find employment after graduating.Therefore, because of the reputation of its faculty, the University of Claria should be the obvious choice for anyone seeking a quality education.

The Physics and English departments are internationally known, but these are only two of the areas in which one might study.
Other departments are not listed; is this because no others are worth mentioning, or because no other departments bothered to turn in their accomplishments and kudos to the publicity office?

This evaluation of the University of Claria is too brief, and too general.Nothing is mentioned about the quality of overall education; it only praises the accomplishments of a few recent graduates and professors.More important than invitations to teach elsewhere, which might have been engineered by their own departmental heads in an attempt to remove them from the campus for a semester or two, is the relationship between teacher and student.Are the teaching faculty approachable?
Are they helpful?
Have they an interest in passing on their knowledge?
Are they working for the future benefit of the student or to get another year closer to retirement?
How enthusiastic are the students about the courses being taught and the faculty members who teach those classes?
Are there sufficient classes available for the number of students?
Are the campus buildings accessible; how is the University handling all those cars?
Is the University a pleasant, encouraging, interesting, challenging place to attend school?
What are its attitudes about education, students, student ideas and innovations, faculty suggestions for improvement?

作者的TS是:“UC的评估过于笼统”,下面他指出UC仅仅凭借少数毕业生和教授的成就来断定自己学校的high quality是不科学的,更有效的断定方法应该是师生之间是否有效的互动。然后用了一堆的疑问句来支持这个alternative point,从而达到了否定原来题目中的assertion的目的。
2.所有这么长一串问句的作用,功能性的目的仅仅是为了支持作者提出的那个alternative point,而不是为了引起下文,更不是为了表达作者的疑惑,因此是属于无需回答的问题。
咱们来看板油的习作,来自seagullhere 童鞋argument235中的一段论述:
Last but not the least, the manager only mentions that shifting its programming from rock-and-roll music to a continuous news format, but he or she fails to inform us the kind of the news. Is the news about politics, sports or economics? Furthermore, is it possible for the radio station to report the news without stop? Can the listeners accept the continuous news without feeling boring? Clearly, the manager’s suggestion needed to be further considered.

这段论述,从中间的furthermore开始,前后的话题是不同的,前面的关注焦点是kind of the news,后面的焦点则是完全看不出来,很混乱,恩不过我们现在也不是讨论论述焦点的问题,所以先忽略吧,just focus on问句。
seagullhere童鞋的第一个问句"Is the news about politics, sports or economics?"毫无疑问,是属于我们所讨论的第二种问句表强调。然而不幸的是,在这个问句的前面她并没有提出明确的alternative points,仅仅说了一下题目里面没有指出kind of the news那么没有这种kind of the news,作者的话为什么就不可信了?说不定failed to inform the kind of the news对作者观点的可信度一点都没有影响呢?此外seagullhere童鞋的提到的3个方面:politics, sports,economics为什么能证明作者没有考虑周到?后文并没有详细解释,自然也就让人怀疑。
反观官方范文的问句,哪一条不是首先提出一个与题目观点矛盾的观点,然后证明自己是对的,从而证明是错的?最为关键的是,范文中的反问句,绝对没有说单纯的提到某几个方面就算完了的,我们回顾一下这个范文里的问句: Other departments are not listed; is this because no others are worth mentioning, or because no other departments bothered to turn in their accomplishments and kudos to the publicity office? 作者详细的分析了 not listed 的可能的原因:no worthbothered?相对来说,作者的问句都是详细的解释清楚了他质疑的原因的他可没有直接反问:“how about other departments such as philosophy, engineering, and international relationship?”吧?
再来看furthermore后面的两个问句:is it possible for the radio station to report the news without stop? Can the listeners accept the continuous news without feeling boring? 显然我更倾向于把它归结到第一种问句当中,通过询问来引发读者的兴趣。但是,问完了以后呢?段落就直接结束了!那么读者的兴趣被钓到半空中,他们怎么办?尝试过半途而废的感觉么?想像过某个异性通过主动的行动,成功引起了你的兴趣让你想入非非以后突然消失的感觉么?问句的作用是勾起别人的兴趣,你既然都勾起了,就要负责解释清楚,论证段落里面拿出一个问句就宣布论证结束,比一个陈述句就结束的后果更严重!
What about that 75% employment record?Were those students employed in the field of their choice, or are they flipping burgers and emptying wastebaskets while they search for something they are trained to do.A more specific statement about the employability of students from this University is needed in order to make the argument forceful.

这一段就是典型的问完勾起兴趣了以后就匆匆结尾的段落,我个人觉得原因可能是作者限时时间差不多到了,毕竟他已经在前面写了相当多的内容和信息量。事实上,ETS对这段话的评价也同样不高:Although the fourth paragraph ("What about that75% employment record?") interrupts this discussion, the essay is, on the whole,…算是一个小小的败笔了,但是考虑到限时写作和前文的强悍论证,它并不会影响整篇文章得满分。
作者: bernina    时间: 2009-6-8 19:10:05

本帖最后由 bernina 于 2009-6-8 19:11 编辑

作者: 远迹    时间: 2009-6-8 19:11:00

作者: ddcmj519    时间: 2009-6-8 21:16:39

作者: 米饭袜子    时间: 2009-6-8 23:27:31

作者: winning1030    时间: 2009-6-14 23:46:13

作者: tracywlz    时间: 2009-6-28 16:16:15

作者: 旋转云端    时间: 2009-6-30 20:05:33

作者: oversea2009    时间: 2009-7-12 00:30:47

作者: fingshang    时间: 2009-7-15 20:52:16

分析的真好 支持
作者: verazhangbeibei    时间: 2009-7-19 23:02:59

作者: 天使大茜    时间: 2009-8-5 11:28:12

作者: cool1580    时间: 2009-8-13 11:35:35


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