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[i习作temp] issue130【1106G】gelivable小组 第12次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-10 22:52:50 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
The speaker asserts that the destiny of society depends how children are socialized today, and we have not yet learned how to raise children who can bring about a better society. I agree with the speaker insofar as the socialization of children is one of the factors which determine the destiny of society, but not the most important one. And I think our education is good enough to make our children adapt to society.

Admittedly, it is our fundamental duty to make our children adjust to the environment of society and adapt to the needs and uses of society. A well socialized student can communicate well with others and have a good relationship with others, thus he/she will have less obstacle when cooperate with others. When consider the adapting of social needs and uses there is a good example to illustrate the benefit and advantages of socialization. Since suit for the demands of personal computer, Bill Gates and Jobs gain a great achievement in the area of hi-tech. This achievement promotes social development. Moreover, if our children do not suit the environment of society there will be many problems occur. For example, children will be self-abased if it's difficult for them to express themselves and communicate with others. And this discontent of society will lead to extreme behavior, the rates of suicide will increase, and the Virginia tech massacre which one of the deadliest shooting incidents in the history of United States will be repeated.

However, how children are socialized is not the most important factors which determine the destiny of society. There are also some other quality and ability, such as personal conviction, individual responsibility and kindness, raw intelligence, which our society needs. For instance, Martin Luther King, a leader of the American Civil Rights Movement, due to his personal conviction, people begun to fight for equality and aimed to eliminate racial discrimination. His personal conviction brought about a better society. Mother Teresa, a woman who has a kind heart and social responsibility, assists numberless poor and helpless people. Her benevolence and charity make our society warmer. John F. Mash, despite isolation, his game theory are used in many fields, such as market economics, computing, evolutionary biology, and push society go ahead. Besides, many artists give the world a lot of great works and beauty by their talent. In short, socialization is not the only decisive factor, the development of society also rely on other factors.

In my view, our education is good enough, at least in the aspect of make children socialize. Since a great part of students have little problem when they enter society, the stress of socialization is unnecessary. On the other hand, the definition of better society is diverse in difference times. And the needs and demands of better society are different. Thus, we cannot simply put our standard and understanding of better society on our children. Things will go contrary to our wishes if our definition of better society is no longer suit for new era.

To sum up, the speaker's assertion that the degree of children socialized determines the destiny of society is too extreme, and the speaker ignores other quality and ability our society needs. In addition, we cannot know the needs and demands of better society define by children, and what we should do is give enough freedom to children to let them create the society which they think is better.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-12 00:02:49 |只看该作者
1# 315556264
The speaker asserts that the destiny of society depends how children are socialized today, and we have not yet learned how to raise children who can bring about a better society. I agree with the speaker insofar as the socialization of children is one of the factors which determine the destiny of society, but not the most important one. And I think our education is good enough to make our children adapt to society.

Admittedly, it is our fundamental duty to make our children adjust to the environment of society and adapt to the needs and uses of society. A well socialized student can communicate well with others and have a good relationship with others, thus he/she will have less obstacle when cooperate with others. When consider the adapting of social needs and uses there is a good example to illustrate the benefit【benefits】 and advantages of socialization. Since suit for the demands of personal computer, Bill Gates and Jobs gain【gained】 a great achievement in the area of hi-tech. This achievement promotes social development. Moreover, if our children do not suit the environment of society there will be many problems occur. For example, children will be self-abased if it's difficult for them to express themselves and communicate with others. And this discontent of society will lead to extreme behavior, the rates of suicide will increase, and the Virginia tech massacre which one of the deadliest shooting incidents in the history of United States will be repeated. 【感觉这段后面有点偏, 本段的主要内容是证明孩子应该适应社会的需要。但题目的意思是孩子的社会化会决定社会的命运。我觉得应该再讨论下孩子不适应社会给社会带来的影响】

However, how children are socialized is not the most important factors 【factor】which determine 【determines】the destiny of society【a society 或者 societies】. There are also some other quality and ability, such as personal conviction, individual responsibility and kindness, raw intelligence, which our society needs. For instance, Martin Luther King, a leader of the American Civil Rights Movement, due to his personal conviction, people begun to fight for equality and aimed to eliminate racial discrimination. His personal conviction brought about a better society. Mother Teresa, a woman who has a kind heart and social responsibility, assists numberless poor and helpless people. Her benevolence and charity make our society warmer. John F. Mash, despite isolation, his game theory are used in many fields, such as market economics, computing, evolutionary biology, and push society go ahead. Besides, many artists give the world a lot of great works and beauty by their talent. In short, socialization is not the only decisive factor, the development of society also rely【relys】 on other factors.

In my view, our education is good enough, at least in the aspect of make children socialize【socialized】. Since a great part of students have little problem when they enter society, the stress of socialization is unnecessary. On the other hand, the definition of 【a】better society is diverse in difference 【different】times. And the needs and demands of better society are different. Thus, we cannot simply put our standard and understanding of better society on our children. Things will go contrary to our wishes if our definition of better society is no longer suit for new era.

To sum up, the speaker's assertion that the degree of children socialized determines the destiny of society is too extreme, and the speaker ignores other quality and ability our society needs. In addition, we cannot know the needs and demands of better society define by children, and what we should do is give enough freedom to children to let them create the society which they think is better.

【我个人觉得稍微有点偏题了,第三段说还有其他原因是可以的。但问题主要是,首先社会化这个问题并没有深入讨论,其次第四段写的有点像argument啊。花了一段讨论better future的定义不确定所以没法判断孩子们是否能带来更美好的明天。better future应该是大家公认的啊,不用再争论这个了吧。个人意见,仅供参考】

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