Thank you very much for your interest in the University of Windsor.
The University of Windsor recognizes that applicants from overseas face unusual barriers to accessing its high quality programs. As a result, my colleagues and myself facilitate and make every effort to assist international students in regards to their applications for admission.
We received your Master of Engineering application at the University's International Outreach Office. However you must contact one of our offices in Beijing to complete the application process.
Please make arrangements to show your original academic transcripts/mark sheets to our liaison offices at the addresses below. We also require a personal interview, which is also your chance to ask many questions and get a great deal of assistance about attending the University of Windsor.
Please get in touch with our offices for further information. Please note the contacts below:
最郁闷的是 它的主页改版了 之前小秘给的link进不了 现在很多信息完全找不到,,,
之前明明看到有transportation的方向 现在找不到 却多了个关于这个方向的international program
打电话过去北京那边问 他又说不是international program 也不用额外收费....