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[i习作temp] ISSUE1 欢迎指点这样的水平可以报2月底的机考吗 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-14 17:32:57 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
题目:We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.

As an ordinary and fallible person, we are often inclined to share similar views than different views, especially when we have some important views about something. But maybe uncomfortable and very difficult, we should have a balance between our nature and our ration on this matter. Not only should we learn from people whose views we share, but we should have a open mind to some disagreement if they are really useful to improve our views.
For example, on the individual taste, there is no so-called difference of views. You may like baroque style, he may like easy manner. If you want to change his easy manner with your baroque style, then you will cause stress on him, and as a result, unfortunately, you will never have a real and interesting learning about easy manner and you may not come along with him. But if we should be tolerant to other persons’ style of life because everyone has his way of life, we can be much happier and feel less stress. Learn to be tolerant is important and urgent to a modern person. In such a fast globalization of world, there is no distinct right or wrong in different taste and culture. But in reality, we still face to some stress once we make some choice about our life very different from others. In such times, we can just make ourselves feel at ease, without considering other persons’ views.  
But as to some other matters, we should make a balance between our views and others’. As to which one should be the first between development and environment, of course, development is important to our people’s daily life, but the environment is important to our human’s future. So if we have views to make development in sacrifice of environments, it’s dangerous to human. But if we do all things under the idea of protection of environments, it’s hard to make our practical idea on development. So whether we are inclined to take which one of views, to the different one, we should have a balance. On the station of balance of different views could we have a much more clear and practical idea about the matter, the outside, and the world.   
    Of course, not all different views are useful to us. As to develop a brand of clothes, we can’t put every kind of style into it. We should stick to one kind of views of style, then little by little, step by step, absorbing other different views of style. While we try to put different views of style together, it’s very hard to judge which views are helpful to our own views of style. So we must manage to keep the useless views from our own views. How to stick to ourselves is very crucial in such an intense situation: someone may insist on his views of style, someone may disagree with you. You could encounter with all kinds of problems including some face-to-face collisions of different views. And inevitably, you will be very stressful on how to make a good idea and on how to let your views be accepted by others. It’s important to a person who wants to do something of his own. But it’s a key to one to become himself. And also, it’s a key to a culture to become itself.
In conclusion, as to taste and like, there is not right or wrong. One should have his own taste and like. But to many other things of construction, there are always some views much better than you hold just now. Try to make a subtle balance between your views and other’s views maybe the best way to get much more perfect views.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-17 10:51:48 |只看该作者
As (an) ordinary (and fallible )person(+s), we (are often inclined) often like to share similar views than different views, especially when we have some important views about something. But maybe uncomfortable and very difficult, we should have a balance between our nature and our rational on this matter. Not only should we learn from people whose views we share, but also we should have an open mind to some disagreement if they are really useful to improve our views.
her comment:I think you are still thinking in Chinese logic here in this paragraph. It is hard for an English reader to follow your thought.
For example , on the individual taste, there is no so-called difference of views. I don’t quite understand this sentence.
her comments: Do you mean that “different individuals have different tastes, but that doesn’t mean that different tastes are definitely different opinions”?
You may like baroque style, he may like easy manner. If you want to change his easy manner with(into) your baroque style, then you will cause stress on him, and as a result, unfortunately, you will never have a real and interesting learning about easy manner and you may not come(get along) along with him. But if we should be tolerant to(should be deleted) other persons’ style of life because everyone has his way of life, we can be much happier and feel less stress. Learn to be tolerant is important and urgent(Not the right word) to a modern person. In such a fast globalization of world, there is no distinct right or wrong in different tastes and cultures. But in reality, we still have face to(delete) some stress once we make some choices about our life which are very different from others. In such times, we can just make ourselves feel at ease, without considering other persons’ views.  
But as to some other matters, we should make a balance between our views and others’. As to which one should be the first between development and environment, of course, development is important to our people’s daily life, but the environment is important to our human’s future. So if we have views to make development in sacrifice of environments, it’s dangerous to human. But if we do all things under the idea of protection of environments, it’s hard to make our practical idea on development. So whether we are inclined to take which one of views, to the different one, we should have a balance. On the station of balance of different views could we have a much more clear and practical idea about the matter, the outside, and the world.   
    Of course, not all different views are useful to us. As to develop a brand of clothes, we can’t put every kind of style into it. We should stick to one kind of views of style, then little by little, step by step, absorbing other different views of style. While we try to put different views of style together, it’s very hard to judge which views are more helpful to our own views of style. So we must manage to keep the useless views from our own views. How to stick to ourselves is very crucial in such an intense situation: someone may insist on his views of style, someone may disagree with you. You could encounter with all kinds of problems including some face-to-face collisions of different views. And inevitably, you will be very stressful on how to make a good idea and on how to let your views  be accepted by others. It’s important to a person who wants to do something of his own. But it’s a key to one to become himself(might make sense in Chinese, not in English). And also, it’s a key to a culture to become itself.
In conclusion, as to taste and like, there is not right or wrong. One should have his own taste and like. But to many other things of construction, there are always some views much better than the one? you hold just now. Try to make a subtle why subtle? balance between your views and other’s views maybe the best way to get much more perfect views.

her comments:There are more things I might want to revise in your essay. But, basically, your wordings and grammars are okay. It’s not the things you are worrying right now that is the weakest part of your essay. As I said, you need to learn how to think in English logic, not transferring Chinese into English. If you have time, I’d rather talk to you about this essay sentence by sentence, so you won’t be confused by my comments.

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荣誉版主 挑战ETS奖章 寄托之心勋章 Aries白羊座 GRE斩浪之魂

发表于 2005-12-14 17:46:06 |只看该作者
天佑中华!!Bless bless bless

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-14 17:39:20 |只看该作者

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RE: ISSUE1 欢迎指点这样的水平可以报2月底的机考吗 [修改]
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ISSUE1 欢迎指点这样的水平可以报2月底的机考吗
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