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[i习作temp] Issue47 FIVE 第四次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-7-11 17:28:10 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE47 - "Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect-that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills."

Reasoning and cognitive skills are abilities to doubt existing knowledge and to acquire the knowledge that is need. It is associated with the process of knowledge acquiring and differentiating. It is critical skills for everyone. I fully agree with the speaker's opinion. Though the society seems highly developed, it, however, does not place enough emphasis on the intellect than it needs.

In the present education, we mainly focus on knowledge learning rather than intellect cultivating. Most of teachers, though well-informed themselves do not really know how to teach the students. What they always tell the students is what this is and what that are, and they seldom make them think why is this, or how this comes up. Moreover, when they are doing the evaluation, grades would more likely to be the only standard to judge a student. So it is not surprising that the students prefer just accepting what the teachers have taught them to doing any practice on reasoning, and equally they seldom tend to be interested in something out of the textbook. Little emphasis has ever been put on reasoning and cognitive skills.

The society has also misled the students in their learning experience. Many of the companies focus on the degree of an interviewee rather than what they really can do, which actually is a little difficult to be judged. This has given the students an false idea that intellectual skills of reasoning and cognitive are of no use, and the grades of their study might be proved to be more useful.

However, reasoning and cognitive skills are critical to the success of one's career and should be the true aim of the education. There is a good saying that what you actually learn from the education is not the knowledge you can memorize after you leave the school or university, but the things left after you have totally forget what the teachers have said ten years later. And the left thing is just the ability to acquiring knowledge and to differentiate among them. The education should not tend to fill the students with a head of knowledge and seal them after the students left, instead it should open the mind of the students and make it a receptacle to fill it themselves after they begin their careers. When confronting new problems, though not knowing the answer, they at least know how to find the answers out, and that would be enough. Bill Gates had left Harvard before he graduated. However, he has obtained great achievement and become one of the best-known persons. What underlying this is not what he originally knew, which would be less than his peers’, but what had learnt after he started his own career. It is his reasoning and cognitive skills helped him to the success.

Nowadays, these skills have become especially important. Since the world is developing in a fast-than-ever speed and everything is constantly changing. What we have learnt before would possibly turn obsolete even after a night. How to differentiate and learn from the tons of new information has become a basic skill for everyone to catch up the pace of the development. Obviously, rather than already gained knowledge, reasoning and cognitive skills would have more merit.

In summary, we could reach the conclusion that though knowledge itself is something seems important for us to live in such a society, the reasoning and cognitive skills are in fact more critical for anyone in the long run and these skills are exactly what a student should learn. The society should place more emphasis on such invaluable skills, even though teaching on them may seem a little more difficult, however will eventually benefit the society to a large extent.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2006-7-12 23:54:20 |只看该作者
Reasoning and cognitive skills are abilities to doubt existing knowledge and to acquire the knowledge that is need. It is associated with the process of knowledge acquiring and differentiating. It is critical skills for everyone. I fully agree with the speaker's opinion. Though the society seems highly developed, it, however, does not place enough emphasis on the intellect than it needs.

In the present education, we mainly focus on knowledge learning rather than intellect cultivating. Most of teachers, though well-informed themselves do not really know how to teach the students. What they always tell the students is what this is and what that are, and they seldom make them think why is this, or how this comes up. Moreover, when they are doing the evaluation, grades would more likely to be the only standard to judge a student. So it is not surprising that the students prefer just accepting what the teachers have taught them to doing any practice on reasoning, and equally they seldom tend to be interested in something out of the textbook. Little emphasis has ever been put on reasoning and cognitive skills.

The society has also misled the students in their learning experience. Many of the companies focus on the degree (学历貌似不是这么表达,但是我也没想到更合适的词)of an interviewee rather than what they really can do, which actually is a little difficult to be judged. This has given the students an false idea that intellectual skills of reasoning and cognitive are of no use, and the grades of their study might be proved to be more useful.

However, reasoning and cognitive skills are critical to the success of one's career and should be the true(true用词不贴切,建议更换) aim of the education. There is a good saying that what you actually learn from the education is not the knowledge you can memorize after you leave the school or university, but the things left after you have totally forget what the teachers have said ten years later. And the left thing is just the ability to acquiring knowledge and to differentiate among them. (赞!)The education should not tend to fill the students with a head of knowledge and seal them after the students left, instead it should open the mind of the students and make it a receptacle to fill it themselves after they begin their careers. When confronting new problems, though not knowing the answer, they at least know how to find the answers out, and that would be enough. Bill Gates had left Harvard before he graduated. However, he has obtained great achievement and become one of the best-known persons. What underlying this is not what he originally knew, which would be less (would not more than更合适)than his peers’, but what had learnt after he started his own career. It is his reasoning and cognitive skills helped him to the success.

Nowadays, these skills have become especially important. Since the world is developing in a fast-than-ever speed and everything is constantly changing. What we have learnt before would possibly turn obsolete even after a night. How to differentiate and learn from the tons of new information has become a basic skill for everyone to catch up (with) the pace of the (去掉the)development. Obviously, rather than(compared to,没有取舍,不适合用rather than)) already gained knowledge, reasoning and cognitive skills would have more merit.(复数)

In summary, we could reach the conclusion that though knowledge itself is something (去掉is something,累赘)seems important for us to live in such a society, the reasoning and cognitive skills are in fact more critical for anyone in the long run and these skills (which,非限制性定语从句连接,让句子更简洁)are exactly what a student should learn. The society should place more emphasis on such invaluable skills, even though teaching on them may seem a little more difficult,(even though maybe a little bit difficult to be taught) however (没主语,或主语混淆,加these skills))will eventually benefit the society to a large extent.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2006-7-12 00:13:03 |只看该作者


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