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[i习作temp] issue212 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-2 22:36:04 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
WORDS: 638          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-2 15:54:47

Is it acceptable to take any means to achieve certain goals? Maybe from the goal itself it is worthy. However, the author ignored the preconditions underlying the goals that without which his assertion is unsounded.

  Firstly, we should define what the term 'worthy' exactly mean? to have value or worth is the explanation by dictionary. If we want a deeper understanding, in fact worthy is a conclusion, a conclusion after weighing the prons and nons of a particular goal. According to this, the author's statement sounds in some cases: a rocket, whose life-long goal is sending a satellite into space, might destroy itself during the task. But it is worthwhile, for his final destination is that, any means-including the destruction of himself-is justifiable.

However, when it comes to man things will be different. Unlike robot or rocket, all of our goals are temporal, serving for further improvements. For example a student may certainly think a high score as his goal, but his final destination is surely not a score but a promising future or things like that.  Then we must take some preconditions that might nullify our temporal goals; if the 'any means' destroy these regulations, the goal itself would be meaningless. Again lets look at the example, a student going after a better score, if taking any means-as the author asserted, might get a higher score. But if he was found to be cheating, his scores-though might be high-are useless, and the discredit behavior itself will bring much more difficulty in his future life. So, when talking about a goal, we should first recognize these preconditions and make a estimation whether 'any means' is acceptable.
  Unfortunately, the price of these 'any means' is so great that we can not afford. In these cases, by re-evaluate the risk of the means and the preconditions, most of the time, regulating our behavior in rational realms is worthy. A typical example for this is Nixon, who announced his abdication because the Water Gate Scandal. Considering the trivial benefit and the risk of his means that against the law, we would find how unwise his choice is. If given another chance, Nixon would never do things like that again. However, no one can force the pace of time back, leaving only regret for him. Therefore, if we want to get further progress and improvements, we must not destroy the preconditions of our goal, in these cases, any means are irrational.
  What's more, theory has shown that 'any means' not only hurt our own behaviors but do harm to the community. In Nash's Game Theory, a vital conclusion is that in the process that everyone searching benefits, together the whole will get little money. To demonstrate it, some companies will discharge toxic effluvia that do harm to our environment and health during the manufacturing process, If one of these companies pay no money to the disposal of toxic effluvia, it would undoubtedly make more money than others and becomes more competitive. However, when others find this, for survival they have to keep pace with this company and neglect the importance of environmental protection too. If not, because of the money consumed in disposal of the wastes, their products will be higher in price and lower in profits. Therefore, all the companies-if they want to survive-would pay no attention to environment. In the long term, this will surely bring more detrimental effect and finally all these companies will have fewer profits. This is the direct result when the 'any means' are allowed. Therefore, even from the profits of a larger scale, extreme means for profits is more of a curse than a bless. The only way to solve this is regulate our behavior in acceptable realms.

To sum up, because all human's goals are temporal, serving for further improvements, before we choose these 'any means', we should consider the preconditions and re-evaluate the prons and nons. In fact, in these cases, either from our own benefits or from the whole society, any means is irrational.

[ 本帖最后由 norns 于 2007-8-4 15:48 编辑 ]



使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2007-8-3 22:57:56 |只看该作者

欢迎 回拍!!!!!

Is it acceptable to take any means to achieve certain goals? Maybe from the goal itself it is worthy. However, the author ignored the preconditions underlying the goals thatandwithout which his assertion is unsounded.  Firstly, we should define what the term 'worthy' exactly mean? to have value or worth is the explanation by dictionary. If we want a deeper understanding, in fact worthy is a conclusion, a conclusion after weighing the prons and nons of a particular goal. According to this, the author's statement sounds (reliable)in some cases: a rocket, whose life-long goal is (to send )sending a satellite into space, might destroy itself during the task. But it is worthwhile, for his final destination is that, any means-including the destruction of himself-is justifiable.However, when it comes to man things will be different. Unlike robot or rocket, all of our goals are temporal, serving for further improvements. For example a student may certainly think a high score as his goal(aim the high score as his goal), but his final destination is surely not a score but a promising future or things like that.(不太明白)  Then we must take some preconditions that might nullify our temporal goals; if the 'any means' destroy these regulations, the goal itself would be meaningless. Again lets lookturn to at the example, a student going after a better scor(不太通吧), if taking any means-as the author asserted, might get a higher score. But if he was found to be cheating, his scores-though might be high-are useless, and the discreditdishonest behavior itself will bring much more difficulty in his future life. So, when talking (take account for  )about a goal, we should first recognize these preconditions and make a estimation whether 'any means' is acceptable.

感觉有点太冗长了, 有些用的不太准吧, 但列子很不错, 有独到之处, 值得学习

欢迎 回拍!!!!!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-3 22:56:39 |只看该作者

其实预定计划中 三四段区别还是有的,三段的作用主要是在引出这个概念; 四段的作用主要是在深化分析加上潜在条件后不值得。后来果然一写就晕了啊,呵呵

to nbta03 这个是我在哪里见到的权衡利弊的意思

保险起见google了一下 :

约有2,320,000项符合weigh the pros and cons的查询结果


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-3 22:29:28 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-3 22:28:27 |只看该作者
Is it acceptable to take any means to achievecertain goals? Maybe from the goal itself it is worthy. However, the authorignored the preconditions(写具体一点会不会效果更好?) underlying the goals that withoutwhich his assertion is unsounded.

Firstly, we should define what the term'worthy' exactly mean? to(To) have value orworth is the explanation by dictionary. If we want a deeper understanding, infact worthy is a conclusion, a conclusion after weighing the prons and nons ofa particular goal. According to this, the author's statement sounds in somecases: a rocket, whose life-long goal is sending a satellite into space, mightdestroy itself during the task. But it is worthwhile, for his final destinationis that, any means-including the destruction of himself-is justifiable.比方打得很贴切啊,最后再回到人上面写一两句比较好,否则,很突兀就结束了,而且你打比方的预期效果也达不到了。

However, when it comes to man things will bedifferent. Unlike robot or rocket, all of our goals are temporal, serving forfurther improvements. For example a student may certainly think a high score ashis goal, but his final destination is surely not a score but a promisingfuture or things like that.  Then we musttake some preconditions(有这种说法么?) that might nullify our temporal goals; if the 'any means' destroy these regulations, the goalitself would be meaningless. Again lets look at the example, a student going aftera better score, if taking any means-as the author asserted, might get a higherscore. But if he was found to be cheating, his scores-though might be high-areuseless, and the discredit behavior itself will bring much more difficulty inhis future life.(你不觉得这里与下一段有重复吗?都是讲不择手段最终损害自身利益) So, when talking about a goal, weshould first recognize these preconditions and make a estimation whether 'anymeans' is acceptable.   

Unfortunately, the price of these 'any means'is so great that we can not afford. In these cases, by re-evaluate the risk ofthe means and the preconditions, most of the time, regulating our behavior inrational realms is worthy. A typical example for this is Nixon, who announcedhis abdication because the Water Gate Scandal. Considering the trivial benefitand the risk of his means that against the law, we would find how unwise hischoice is. If given another chance, Nixon would never do things like thatagain. However, no one can force the pace of time back, leaving only regret forhim. Therefore, if we want to get further progress and improvements, we mustnot destroy the preconditions(偶觉得这种说法很奇怪) of our goal, in these cases, anymeans are irrational.  

What's more, theory has shown that 'anymeans' not only hurt our own behaviors but do harm to the community. In Nash'sGame Theory, a vital conclusion is that in the process that everyone searchingbenefits, together the whole will get little money(换个词吧).(可以再加工一下这句话,每个人追求自身利益的最大化,结果导致两败俱伤)(看到自己专业的东东了,赏心那个又悦目,hoho To demonstrate it, some companies willdischarge toxic effluvia that do harm to our environment and health during themanufacturing process, If one of these companies pay no money to the disposalof toxic effluvia, it would undoubtedly make more money than others and becomesmore competitive. However, when others find this, for survival they have tokeep pace with this company and neglect the importance of environmentalprotection too. If not, because of the money consumed in disposal of thewastes, their products will be higher in price and lower in profits. Therefore,all the companies-if they want to survive-would pay noattention to environment(不是对环境不重视,而是一种竞争策略,也许也是重视的,但是为了自身利益而放弃了。). In the long term, this willsurely bring more detrimental effect and finally all these companies will havefewer profits(为什么?写出原因比较好). This is the direct result when the 'any means' are allowed.Therefore, even from the profits of a larger scale, extreme means for profitsis more of a curse than a bless. The only way to solve this is regulate ourbehavior in acceptable realms.   这一段的例子可以再精炼一下

To sum up, because all human's goals aretemporal, serving for further improvements, before we choose these 'any means',we should consider the preconditions and re-evaluate the prons and nons. Infact, in these cases, either from our own benefits or from the whole society,any means is irrational.
偶再一次的挑一下偶像的刺:1.你多次提到preconditions,偶从头看到尾都没见你给它一个说明,不明白具体是说什么,单单一个preconditions太泛啦;2. 那个第三段有点在文中地位不明朗啊,与第四段有重复,看你怎么修改一下;3.你那个开头很有北美风格,如果追求高分,要不要来点新潮的?呵呵

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 19:43:27 |只看该作者

Is it acceptable to take any means to achieve certain goals? Maybe from the goal itself it is worthy. However, the author ignored the preconditions underlying the goals that without which his assertion is unsounded.

  Firstly, we should define what the term 'worthy' exactly mean?
toTo have value or worth is the explanation by dictionary. If we want a deeper understanding, in fact worthy is a conclusion, a conclusion after weighing the prons and nons of a particular goal. According to this, the author's statement sounds(少个形容词) in some cases: a rocket, whose life-long goal is sending a satellite into space, might destroy itself during the task. But it is worthwhile, (这里的逗号可以不要吧)for his final destination is that, any means-including the destruction of himself is justifiable.个人感觉放火箭的例子没有必要,因为都是讲人,在下面那段中可以在学生的两种情况中讲值得或者不值得

However, when it comes to man things will be different. Unlike robot or rocket, all of our goals are temporal, serving for further improvements. For example a student may certainly thinks a high score as his goal, but his final destination is surely not a score but a promising future or things like that.  Then we must take some preconditions that might nullify our temporal goals; if the 'any means' destroy these regulations, the goal itself would be meaningless. Again let’s look at the example, a student going after a better score, if taking any means-as the author asserted(asserts不用过去时吧), might get a higher score. But if he was found to be cheating, his scores-though might be high-are useless, and the discredit(discreditable) behavior itself will bring much more difficulty in his future life. So, when talking about a goal, we should first recognize these preconditions and make
a(an) estimation whether 'any means' is acceptable.

Unfortunately, the price of these 'any means' is so great that we can not afford. In these cases, by re-evaluate the risk of the means and the preconditions, most of the time, regulating our behavior in rational realms is worthy. A typical example for this is Nixon, who announced his abdication because the Water Gate Scandal. Considering the trivial benefit and the risk of his means that against the law, we would find how unwise his choice is. If given another chance, Nixon would never do things like that again. However, no one can force the pace of time back, leaving only regret for him.好句子! Therefore, if we want to get further progress and improvements, we must not destroy the preconditions of our goal, in these cases, any means are irrational.对个人的影响
  What's more, theory has shown that 'any means' not only hurt our own behaviors but do harm to the community. In
Nash's Game Theory, a vital conclusion is that in the process that去掉 everyone searching benefits, together the whole will get little money. To demonstrate it, some companies will discharge toxic effluvia that do harm to our environment and health during the manufacturing process, If one of these companies pay no money to the disposal of toxic effluvia, it would undoubtedly make more money than others and becomes more competitive. However, when others find this, for survival they have to keep pace with this company and neglect the importance of environmental protection too. If not, because of the money consumed in disposal of the wastes, their products will be higher in price and(应该用or吧,应该是属于alternative) lower in profits. Therefore, all the companies-if they want to survive-would pay no attention to environment. In the long term, this will surely bring more detrimental effect and finally all these companies will have fewer profits. This is the direct result when the 'any means' are allowed. Therefore, even from the profits of a larger scale, extreme means for profits is more of a curse than a bless. The only way to solve this is regulate our behavior in acceptable realms.对社会的影响
To sum up, because all human's goals are temporal, serving for further improvements, before we choose these 'any means', we should consider the preconditions and re-evaluate the prons and nons. In fact, in these cases, either from our own benefits or from the whole society, any means is irrational.

你的思路是先看事物值不值any means => 有可能对个人的影响 => 有可能对社会的影响?

如果是这样,是不是把第一意群段放在最后面 作为解决方法比较好

另外小白问题:prons and nons 啥意思,我没有查到。。。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-3 02:16:31 |只看该作者
en, 确实应该改一下~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 01:46:03 |只看该作者

Is it acceptable to take any means to achieve certain goals? Maybe from the goal itself it is worthy. However, the author ignored the preconditions underlying the goals that without which his assertion is unsounded.

  Firstly, we should define what the term 'worthy' exactly mean?
toTo have value or worth is the explanation by dictionary. If we want a deeper understanding, in fact worthy is a conclusion, a conclusion after weighing the prons and nons of a particular goal. According to this, the author's statement sounds(少个形容词) in some cases: a rocket, whose life-long goal is sending a satellite into space, might destroy itself during the task. But it is worthwhile, (这里的逗号可以不要吧)for his final destination is that, any means-including the destruction of himself is justifiable.这里说worthy到底是什么,然后用火箭来说,是不是要在补充一下像火箭这种情况的总的事物会比较好,单说火箭。。。

However, when it comes to man things will be different. Unlike robot or rocket, all of our goals are temporal, serving for further improvements. For example a student may certainly think a high score as his goal, but his final destination is surely not a score but a promising future or things like that.  Then we must take some preconditions that might nullify our temporal goals; if the 'any means' destroy these regulations, the goal itself would be meaningless. Again let’s look at the example, a student going after a better score, if taking any means-as the author asserted, might get a higher score. But if he was found to be cheating, his scores-though might be high-are useless, and the discredit behavior itself will bring much more difficulty in his future life. So, when talking about a goal, we should first recognize these preconditions and make
a(an) estimation whether 'any means' is acceptable.对于人来说却大不相同(但偶觉得只用一个学生的问题来说是不是太单薄,应该再加点其他的)

Unfortunately, the price of these 'any means' is so great that we can not afford. In these cases, by re-evaluate the risk of the means and the preconditions, most of the time, regulating our behavior in rational realms is worthy. A typical example for this is Nixon, who announced his abdication because the Water Gate Scandal. Considering the trivial benefit and the risk of his means that against the law, we would find how unwise his choice is. If given another chance, Nixon would never do things like that again. However, no one can force the pace of time back, leaving only regret for him. Therefore, if we want to get further progress and improvements, we must not destroy the preconditions of our goal, in these cases, any means are irrational.提出解决方案应该是注意前提
  What's more, theory has shown that 'any means' not only hurt our own behaviors but do harm to the community. In
Nash's Game Theory, a vital conclusion is that in the process that everyone searching benefits, together the whole will get little money. To demonstrate it, some companies will discharge toxic effluvia that do harm to our environment and health during the manufacturing process, If one of these companies pay no money to the disposal of toxic effluvia, it would undoubtedly make more money than others and becomes more competitive. However, when others find this, for survival they have to keep pace with this company and neglect the importance of environmental protection too. If not, because of the money consumed in disposal of the wastes, their products will be higher in price and lower in profits. Therefore, all the companies-if they want to survive-would pay no attention to environment. In the long term, this will surely bring more detrimental effect and finally all these companies will have fewer profits. This is the direct result when the 'any means' are allowed. Therefore, even from the profits of a larger scale, extreme means for profits is more of a curse than a bless. The only way to solve this is regulate our behavior in acceptable realms.any means 带来的坏处

To sum up, because all human's goals are temporal, serving for further improvements, before we choose these 'any means', we should consider the preconditions and re-evaluate the prons and nons. In fact, in these cases, either from our own benefits or from the whole society, any means is irrational.

还有个问题:body12 好像表达的意思就是:

使用道具 举报

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