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[i习作temp] Issue11 【0710G-HIT坚持交作业小组作文大帖】第十一次作业 ambitionxx [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-10 18:06:59 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

TOPIC: ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."
WORDS: 618          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-10 上午 11:29:33

With the development of the society, many things have taken place in our society, such as the global warming, the violence, poverty, especially, some problems make thread to humankind. Then there comes a question: should all nations unite together to found a university to solve these problems. However, as far as I concerned, it is fundamentally unpractical and unnecessary to found a university like this. To better present my viewpoint let me illustrate the details.

First, many factors will obstacle to found this type of university, such as the language, the religion belief, the culture, which are very different from the nation and can not be changed at a short time. In order to solve the problem, using the same language to communicate with each other is the first task to consider. Unfortunately, there are so many languages to select, even if the English is selected as the major language, nobody can guarantees every student is willing to study and succeed in grasping this language. In addition, we may have different religion beliefs and cultures, which make people think the problems at a different view, even the opposite, but can not be changed. Consequently, they are very difficulty to cooperate with each other to solve the problems. For example, some students may come from the Islam, which is the most important belief in their life, and now there is an urgent problem to solve, but harm to the Islam. At this time, it can not expect that these students can cooperate with each other to solve this problem. Consequently, it is unpractical to found this type of university.

Furthermore, even if this university can be founded, how to determine the problem as the world's most persistent social problems? It is hard to decide the problem due to the nation benefits. Some problem indeed are harm to one nation even the humankind, so the nation think this problem is the most urgent problem, however, another country will not agree with it because this will decrease the profit, curtail the employee and make his nation progress slowly. As we all know, the most problem today is the global warming, which will cause changes in the climate and thread human to live in the earth. The Kyoto Protocol came into being at this time with the help of the scientists’ endeavors. Of course, most nations have signed the Kyoto Protocol, after all, which is beneficial to humankind. However, the Unite State, the major nation of Greenhouse gases, refused to sigh it. Why? Because the car industries and other corporations will decrease even close down in Unite State if the law is signed. So it is very difficulty to determine the problem as the real urgent problem.

In fact, it is not necessary to found this kind of this university, after all, the founding of a global university is not only method and the university targets to let the students develop freely according to their interests. Undoubtedly, there are many universities in the world, which will educate all kinds of individuals, such as the scientists, the politicians and historiographer so on, so our human have the enough resources to solve this problem. However, we do not have an organization to organize these people and give them enough power to solve these problems. If we do these, I believe that these problem in the future. For example, how hard is to figure the human gene, however, we succeed at last.

All in all, from all the discussion above, we can safely draw the conclusion that our human actually face many urgent problem and have to solve them, however, the founding of a global university is unpractical and unnecessary and we have to search other methods to solve this problem.

[ 本帖最后由 ambitionxx 于 2007-8-10 18:09 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-13 03:03:46 |只看该作者
With the development of the society, many things have taken place in our society, such as the global warming, the violence, poverty, especially, some problems make thread(threaten?/将后半句改成in which some threaten...的定从如何?) to humankind. Then there comes a question: should all nations unite together to found a university to solve these problems. However, as far as I concerned, it is fundamentally unpractical and unnecessary to found a university like this. To better present my viewpoint let me illustrate the details.

First, many factors will obstacle to found this type of university, such as the language, the religion belief, the culture, which are very different from the nation and can not be changed at a short time. In order to solve the problem, using the same language to communicate with each other is the first task to consider(be considered?). Unfortunately(语气是不是严重了点), there are so many languages to select, even if the English is selected as the major language, nobody can guarantees every student is willing to study and succeed in grasping this language. In addition, we may have different religion beliefs and cultures, which make people think the problems at a different view(用复数?), even the opposite, but can not be changed(不知道这种句式规不规范). Consequently, they are very difficulty to cooperate with each other to solve the problems. For example, some students may come from the Islam, which is the most important belief in their life,(这里用一个句号,后面的内容用个if 从句,并取掉at this time,可能表达起来会顺畅一点) and now there is an urgent problem to solve, but harm to the Islam. At this time, it can not expect that these students can cooperate with each other to solve this problem. Consequently, it is unpractical to found this type of university.

Furthermore, even if this university can be founded, how to determine the problem as the world's most persistent social problems? It is hard to decide the problem due to the nation's benefits. Some problem indeed are harm to one nation even the humankind, so the nation think this problem is(as) the most urgent problem(one?), however, another country will not agree with it because this will decrease the profit, curtail the employee and make his nation progress slowly(这句话感觉有些突兀). As we all know, the most (差点东西?) problem today is the global warming, which will cause changes in the climate and thread human to live in(on) the earth. The Kyoto Protocol came into being at this time with the help of the scientists’ endeavors. Of course, most nations have signed the Kyoto Protocol, after all, which is beneficial to humankind. However, the Unite State, the major nation of Greenhouse gases, refused to sigh it. Why? Because the car industries and other corporations(' profit?) will decrease even close down in Unite State if the law is signed. So it is very difficulty to determine the problem as the real urgent problem.

In fact, it is not necessary to found this kind of this university, after all, the(去掉或用found的名次形式) founding of a global university is not only method and(for?如果是的话targets就要改成targeting) the university targets to let the students develop freely according to their interests. Undoubtedly, there are many universities in the world, which will educate all kinds of individuals, such as the scientists, the politicians and historiographer and so on, so our human have the enough resources to solve this problem.(文章开头提到的建立世界大学的目的应该是解决影响人类生存的一些世界性问题,个人觉得这里应该呼应,而不应另起一个让学生自由发展的话题) However, we do not have an organization to organize these people and give them enough power to solve these problems. If we do these, I believe that these problem(???) in the future. For example, how hard is to figure the human gene, however, we succeed at last. (此段论述不是太清晰,可能是有些仓促)

All in all(总觉得这个表达不是太地道,呵呵,可能是我自己不知道), from all the discussion above, we can safely draw the conclusion that our human actually face many urgent problem and have to solve them, however, the founding of a global university is unpractical and unnecessary and we have to search other methods to solve this problem.


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RE: Issue11 【0710G-HIT坚持交作业小组作文大帖】第十一次作业 ambitionxx [修改]
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