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[i习作temp] issue185 ardorous 看过来,我也写了一篇!XDJM请随便拍! [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-7-25 15:25:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

1 scandals 有用
2 scandals 有害
3 leader and speaker can do what scandal can not do

Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

I tend to fundamentally agree with the former part that scandals can be useful. But I preserve my own idea about scandals can draw our attention which speaker or reformer could, after all, we do not lack excellent leaders or speakers to lead our attention on more valuable things.

Admittedly, scandals can be utilized by the media to attract our cares and bring us some practical measures or ameliorated laws from time to time. Because all scandals can reveal some ever privacy things we did not know, due to human intrinsic character of curiosity or exploring spirit, the pubic have aspiration to know more "secret facts " to satisfy their curiosity. No matter what kind of scandals they are, the public always pay attention to the hottest news as media show up everyday. For example, Sun zhigang, a Chinese citizen and undergraduate student who worked on Guangzhou, the capital of South China province Guangdong, was beat to death cruelly in a city accommodation of Guangzhou in 2004 just because he had not carried his temporary identity for working in the capital. As the detailed information was reported by all kinds of media, including the internet, thousands of people express their indignity and outrages for the inhuman and illegal behavior, as well as for the confused principle-- Regulation of City Accommodation. The public accelerates the process to cancel this irrational regulation which is not in accord with the Constitute. To this point, scandals have value but the cost is too expensive.

In addition, there are some incidents which have no value at all. To support my opinion, I will take former princess Diana for example. Diana, a charming and smart women representing the English royal in some occasions, was confused and annoyed by unceasing numerous cameras which continued reporting her privacy life. Everyday, the public was shown the new private things of Diana and her family. Scandals reported by all media about her and her husband Charles draw much attention from the public all over the world. In the end, we should confess that it had nothing valuable but indirectly caused her death several years ago in a weird accident, leaving two pitiful sons. So we can safely conclude that not all scandals can be useful while some of them hurt some and put someone in unexpected trouble.

On the contrary, there are some outstanding leaders or speaker who could call for public attention for their perfect personalities and rational theories. Recently, Live 8 concerts held in night countries, ten cities continuously, really attracted attention of billions of people from different nations on millions of Africa people in poverty and hunger, which any scandals can reach the scale; people watched and participated in a charitable and generous mood, which any scandal can reach; the public united together sounding a uniform voice for peace and anti-poverty, which any scandal can reach. The initiator of the series movement, Bob, was proud of human being's virtue. Martin Luther King, who published the famous speak I have a dream, had never relied on scandal but it is his personality that called for thousands of people to strike for rights of the Black people.

In sum, scandals may have values in some occasions, but not always. Even if it is scandals that focus attention, their worth is fulfilled by speakers or leaders. To some extend, some leaders and speakers can attract our attention in ways that no scandal ever could while benefit the human being.

[ Last edited by 翦瞳 on 2005-7-26 at 11:08 ]

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-7-25 22:32:53 |只看该作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-26 00:41:48 |只看该作者
I tend to fundamentally agree with the former part that scandals can be useful. But I preserve my own idea about scandals can draw our attention which no speaker or reformer could, after all, we do not lack excellent leaders or speakers to lead our attention on more valuable things.最后一句表示什么?有more valuable things 就代表大家注定是能注意到那些丑闻么?

Admittedly, scandals can be utilized by the media to attract our cares and bring us some practical measures or ameliorated laws from time to time. Because all scandals can reveal some ever privacy things we did not know, due to human intrinsic character of curiosity or exploring spirit, the pubic have aspiration to know more "secret facts " to satisfy their curiosity. No matter what kind of scandals they are, the public always pay attention to the hottest news as media show up everyday.精简一些吧.然后加一个过渡。Due to the human's intrinsic curiosity,"secret facts" offered by media can always draw our attention. And some of them do bring us valuable changes. For example, Sun zhigang, a Chinese citizen and undergraduate student who worked on Guangzhou, the capital of South China province Guangdong, was beat to death cruelly in a city accommodation of Guangzhou in 2004 just because he had not carried his temporary identity for working in the capital. As the detailed information was reported by all kinds of media, including the internet, thousands of people express their indignity and outrages for the inhuman and illegal behavior, as well as for the confused principle-- Regulation of City Accommodation. The public accelerates the process to cancel this irrational regulation which is not in accord with the Constitute. To this point, scandals have value but the cost is too expensive.

In addition, 这里和上一段是并列补充么?是转折把?there are some incidents which have no value at all. To support my opinion, I will take former princess Diana for example. Diana, a charming and smart women representing the English royal in some occasions, was confused and annoyed by unceasing numerous cameras which continued reporting her privacy life. Everyday, the public was shown the new private things of Diana and her family. Scandals reported by all media about her and her husband Charles draw much attention from the public all over the world. In the end, we should confess that it had nothing valuable but indirectly caused her death several years ago in a weird accident, leaving two pitiful sons. So we can safely conclude that not all scandals can be useful while some of them hurt some and put someone in unexpected trouble既然是丑闻,对当事人当然有伤害,可是要加上对公众来说,这也是毫无意义的。

On the contrary,there are some outstanding leaders or speaker who could call for public attention for their perfect personalities and rational theories. Recently, Live 8 concerts held in night countries, ten cities continuously, really attracted attention of billions of people from different nations on millions of Africa people in poverty and hunger, which any scandals can reach the scale; people watched and participated in a charitable and generous mood, which any scandal can reach; the public united together sounding a uniform voice for peace and anti-poverty, which any scandal can reach. :confused:The initiator of the series movement, Bob, was proud of human being's virtue. Martin Luther King, who published the famous speak I have a dream, had never relied on scandal but it is his personality that called for thousands of people to strike for rights of the Black people. 你不说一说这些东西的价值么?只摆一个事实,不说他比丑闻更需要关注,更值得关注,是不能称为论述的。

In sum, scandals may have values in some occasions, but not always. Even if it is scandals that focus attention, their worth is fulfilled by speakers or leaders.是么?还有,你这句话是说丑闻没有价值呢?还是有价值?一个让步的even if,让人觉得没有,后面一句话又让人觉得似乎有? To some extend, some leaders and speakers can attract our attention in ways that no scandal ever could while benefit the human being



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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-7-26 11:06:04 |只看该作者

Issue185 修改后的!

1 scandal’s value
2 scandal’s defect
3 reformer and speaker utilize scandal
4 reformer and speaker do further things

Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

In some occasions, scandals have its value which is fulfilled by speakers or reformers. As like the bitter pill is beneficial for patients, the scandal is beneficial for society, but both them can be replaced by normal meal or political affairs. Moreover, speakers or reformer can attract attention of the public on more vital things.

In political incidents, scandal is common resulting from competition between candidates, opponents who are ambitious, and more often from media who just want to win attention. As a result, the public know the fact. Then they are stirred by various secret or overt facts and impel some reformation in the end. For example, Sun zhigang, a worker in Guangzhou, a southern large city in China, was beaten to death in an accommodation due to absence of temporary resident identity. His cruel death put a rock into a peaceful lake and the public opinion erupted in the moment in order to request to cancel the irrational principles about the emigrants in Guangzhou. Accounting to the overwhelming pressure from the public, the Congress passed through the suggestion of canceling the City Accommodating Principle. We get a victory but cost a young life. To this point, we can say scandals have its intrinsic values with too expensive cost.

However, it is not always the case. Scandals had its inevitable flaws in it. As we know, scandals about Diana Princess were shown on television, newspaper and magazines everyday when she was alive. The public was attracted to care trivial things of Diana without any help to themselves as well as society. Due to the unceasing report, Diana was under great pressure, which indirectly caused the weird accident of her death. What useful benefit can we get from Diana Affairs? We can say nothing but her pitiful death in her golden age. It is common to see scandals distract the public attention to silly things and cause someone in trouble.

On the contrary, the reformer and speakers play a vital role in political improvements propelled by scandals. If no authority pays attention on problems, there will no substaintial progress we can achieve eventually. Take Sun Zhigang for example, it is the Congress who directly decided to cancel the irrational regulation. Furthermore, speakers and reformers in Congress had found this problem but had no impetus to begin reforming. The scandal was a prologue or a fire clue which initiated the great and senseful improvement. Therefore, if we must attribute values to scandal, we should take the influence brought by speakers or reformers into account.

In addition, speakers and reformers could benefit society in which scandal could not do. For example, Martine Luther King published the famous lecture: I have a dream, to call for people to strike for the Black's entitles other than give up. His potent dream gave the Black confidence to strike, and consequently they got what they wanted. Recently Live 8, a series of concerts held in night countries, ten cities, drawn the human being to care millions of Africa people who are in poverty and hunger. In fact, speakers and reforms can indeed make the public to care more important things other than to dig others' privacy and shortcomings. To this point, speakers and reformers are more valuable than scandals.

In summary, I would say that scandal could not replace normal behavior conducted by speakers, reformers, and the populaces. We can conclude scandal is a pill to cure some illness. If we are healthy enough, we need no pill. So with endeavors by whole human being and utilizing Scandals' limited value while despite its fault, we can get a harmonious society and need no scandals to warn us of problems in the future.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-26 15:22:50 |只看该作者
In some occasions, scandals have its value which is fulfilled by speakers or reformers. As like the bitter pill is beneficial for patients, the scandal is beneficial for society, but both them can be replaced by normal meal or political affairs. Moreover, speakers or reformer can attract attention of the public on more vital things.这句话我没看懂。如果开始反对了的话就不能用 Moreover)

In political incidents, scandal is common resulting from competition between candidates, opponents who are ambitious, and more often from media who just want to win attention. As a result, the public know the fact. Then they are stirred by various secret or overt facts and impel some reformation in the end. For example, Sun zhigang, a worker in Guangzhou, a southern large city in China, was beaten to death in an accommodation due to absence of temporary resident identity. His cruel death put a rock into a peaceful lake(这种表述好怪。不知道行吗?) and the public opinion erupted in the moment in order to request to cancel the irrational principles about the emigrants in Guangzhou. Accounting to the overwhelming pressure from the public, the Congress passed through the suggestion of canceling the City Accommodating Principle. We get a victory but cost a young life. To this point, we can say scandals have its intrinsic values with too expensive cost.(这个例子倒是没错。只是它能支持你的TS嘛?好像不行哦!而且这个例子太长了,有凑字数的嫌疑。建议修改TS)

However, it is not always the case. Scandals had its inevitable flaws in it. As we know, scandals about Diana Princess were shown on television, newspaper and magazines everyday when she was alive. The public was attracted to care trivial things of Diana without any help to themselves as well as society. Due to the unceasing report, Diana was under great pressure, which indirectly caused the weird accident of her death. What useful benefit can we get from Diana Affairs? We can say nothing but her pitiful death in her golden age. It is common to see scandals distract the public attention to silly things and cause someone in trouble.

On the contrary, the reformer and speakers play a vital role in political improvements propelled by scandals. If no authority pays attention on problems, there will no substaintial progress we can achieve eventually. Take Sun Zhigang for example, it is the Congress who directly decided to cancel the irrational regulation. Furthermore, speakers and reformers in Congress had found this problem but had no impetus to begin reforming. The scandal was a prologue or a fire clue which initiated the great and senseful improvement. Therefore, if we must attribute values to scandal, we should take the influence brought by speakers or reformers into account.

In addition, speakers and reformers could benefit society in which scandal could not do. For example, Martine Luther King published the famous lecture: I have a dream, to call for people to strike for the Black's entitles other than give up. His potent dream gave the Black confidence to strike, and consequently they got what they wanted. Recently Live 8, a series of concerts held in night countries, ten cities, drawn the human being to care millions of Africa people who are in poverty and hunger. In fact, speakers and reforms can indeed make the public to care more important things other than to dig others' privacy and shortcomings. To this point, speakers and reformers are more valuable than scandals.

In summary, I would say that scandal could not replace normal behavior conducted by speakers, reformers, and the populaces. We can conclude scandal is a pill to cure some illness. If we are healthy enough, we need no pill. So with endeavors by whole human being and utilizing Scandals' limited value while despite its fault, we can get a harmonious society and need no scandals to warn us of problems in the future.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-7-26 16:03:53 |只看该作者
一开始写的时候记得开头不顺,后来忘了,又是 TS!
I will be careful about the Topic Sentence!
The revised Ts in B1:
In political incidents, scandals indeed can help to improve  principles or laws, though sometimes the cost is high. Scandals are discovered and presented to the public, as a result they are stirred ......

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-26 23:46:20 |只看该作者


Issue185 修改后的!------摘要------第二次写限时了,但是修改是后来完成的,从570字到了600字在word里贴过了提纲:
1 scandal’s value
2 scandal’s defect
3 reformer and speaker utilize scandal
4 reformer and speaker do further things
Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

In some occasions, scandals have its value which is fulfilled by speakers or reformers. As like the bitter pill is beneficial for patients, the scandal is beneficial for society, but both (of) them can be replaced by normal meal or political affairs. Moreover, speakers or reformer can attract attention of the public on more vital things.(文章的题目是把scandal and speaker or reformer 放到了平行的位置上,这样的关系我还没想过呢)
In political incidents, scandal is common resulting(result) from competition between candidates, opponents who are ambitious, and more often from media who just want to win attention.(这个定义下得不错) As a result, the public know the fact. Then they(指代不清) are stirred by various secret or overt facts and impel some reformation in the end. For example, Sun zhigang, a worker in Guangzhou, a southern large city in China, was beaten to death in an accommodation due to absence of temporary resident identity. His cruel(这个词有点问题,cruel形容人凶残把) death put a rock into a peaceful lake(这种说法是外国的吗,如果不是老外不一定懂) and the public opinion (is)erupted in the moment in order to request to cancel the irrational principles about the emigrants in Guangzhou. Accounting to the overwhelming pressure from the public, the Congress passed through the suggestion of canceling the City Accommodating Principle. We get a victory but cost a young life. (最好不用we 你根本没给自己定位,不要用we)To this point, we can say scandals have its intrinsic values with too expensive cost.

However, it is not always the case. Scandals had its inevitable flaws in it. As we know, scandals about Diana Princess were shown on television, newspaper and magazines everyday when she was alive. The public was attracted to care trivial things of Diana without any help to themselves as well as society.( 不可就要的表达,这样好象不准确, they just can not help themselves get rid of the obsession from the coverage of the Diana ) Due to the unceasing report, Diana was under great pressure, which indirectly caused the weird accident of her death. What useful benefit can we get from Diana Affairs? We can say nothing but her pitiful death in her golden age. It is common to see scandals distract the public attention to silly things and cause someone in trouble.

On the contrary, the reformer and speakers play a vital role in political improvements propelled by scandals. If no authority pays attention on problems, there will no substantial progress we can achieve eventually. Take Sun Zhigang for example, it is the Congress who directly decided to cancel the irrational regulation. Furthermore, speakers and reformers in Congress had found this problem but had no impetus to begin reforming. The scandal was a prologue or a fire clue which initiated the great and senseful improvement( sensitive improvement什么意思,敏感话题?). Therefore, if we must attribute values to scandal, we should take the influence brought by speakers or reformers into account(没有谈他们的作用啊?).

In addition, speakers and reformers could benefit society in which scandal could not do. For example, Martine Luther King published the famous lecture: I have a dream, to call for people to strike for the Black's entitles other than give up. His potent dream gave the Black confidence to strike, and consequently they got what they wanted. Recently Live 8, a series of concerts held in night countries, ten cities, drawn the human being to care millions of Africa people who are in poverty and hunger.(有speaker在里面吗?) In fact, speakers and reforms can indeed make the public to care more important things other than to dig others' privacy and shortcomings. To this point, speakers and reformers are more valuable than scandals.

In summary, I would say that scandal could not replace normal behavior conducted by speakers, reformers, and the populaces. We can conclude scandal is a pill to cure some illness. If we are healthy enough, we need no pill.(可以讲讲每种药都有side effect) So with endeavors by whole human being and utilizing Scandals' limited value while despite its fault, we can get a harmonious society and need no scandals to warn us of problems in the future. (忘提reformer and speaker 了)比上一篇好多了,继续加油啊,有什么需要我做的就说,不过我也是菜鸟

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