地铁CC线坐到CC24 Kent Ridge站下车,从A3出口出站,出来后左转沿着LOWER KENT RIDGE DRIVE一路走到尽头往右看,就来到了University Health Centre。
当然比较省事的话直接在CC24出来左转的公交站坐school busA1线,具体坐到哪里我没留意,希望大家补充。反正只要看着右边,过了University Health Centre之后的一站下车往回走,也就几步路,附件附上NUS校车A、B、C、D四条线的路线,我在google地图上没有找到这几条线。
The collection of the medical report
Just come again to the UHC, you will get your medical report on the registration counter. There are three pages in all.
Actually we don't need to wait that long(a week), my roommate went to fetch his report five days after the medical examinations. So, no worry about being late for the SP application.