本来下来就该是我了,可是可能前面积了太多的人在等,SSGG做了个手势,我便止步了,我当时一点也不紧张,平常心对待,觉得这一礼貌的举动首先为我赢得几分。后来听到他叫我的名字我才上前,觉得他把我的名字念得好清楚,不像我们那个系主任,跟我通电话的时候把我的名字发出一个很奇怪的音,害得我赶快报上我的英文名。(看我真是罗嗦,下面才是正式的签经, 有一些细节我不太记得清,记得的都写下来了:)
ME:Morning, nice to meet you
VO: Whar’re you doing here?
ME: I come here for my F-1 visa.
VO: Where will you go to study?
ME: University of Houston
VO: What are you doing?
ME: Fine,thank you??(我有没有理解错)I mean…..
VO:What are you going to study In University of Houston
ME: Pharmacy, I want to learn the scientific Ideas In western world and apply them Into the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we abbrevieate It Into TCM.
VO: Pharmacy?!
ME: Yes(有什么错吗,我的I20就是这样写的),I want to study for MS degree, according to my I-20(这里有我的硬伤,其实我是去读博士的,因为我没有MS证书,也不知道是学校不认我的还是怎么样,总之I20上写我去读硕士,为此事我也烦恼了很久,后来决定I20上写什么我说什么,所以说的时候理直气壮)
VO: why do you want to study In US?
ME: You know, my current major Is the basic research of Intergration of TCM and western medicine, so a good understanding of both TCM and western medicine Is necessary.
VO: Are you still student?
ME: Yes
VO: Where are you studying now?
ME: Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
VO: When will you graduate?
ME: I’ll graduate In 2005, and here’s a letter from my advisor, she promise me there’s no problem for me to suspend the PhD program In our Institution, and I can come back to finish It at any time, because there will be rotation program In our Institution, you know, our major Is really booming In China. (把SL递他看,SL上我把想让他注意的地方用荧光笔highlight了)
VO看了信后,爆出一个很长的句子,语速极快,里面我就听见了什么worry about,PhD program之类的, pardon了两三次也没听懂,迷茫中SSGG俯下身子,很费劲地用蹩脚的中文试图解释,我现在也记不清到底说的是什么了,总之就那么应付过去了。只是很可怜他,他讲中文实在费劲。
VO: Are you single?
ME: Yes!(我回答每个yes都充满自信,非常高兴)
VO: Give me your ….letter.
ME: you mean offer letter?(找出来递过去,那是一个像银行柜台的槽,所以CHENMM的作品递不过去)
I have to explain something about this letter, you see, It said that I was accepted In a doctoral program, so I was very surprised at such an I-20. Then I contact with the secoratory of the department and here are the reply(把打印出来的email递进去,他拿起来看了一眼,没说什么)
VO:who will support you study
ME: The school.(看见他指着I20在看)
VO:What will you do after your study
ME: First of all, I want to come back to complete my PhD program and……..(还没说完)
VO:Your publication
我把我发表的文章和论文递进去,VO翻着杂志说这是你写的?我说不不不,that’s my article where a page Insert and I highlight my name, that one Is my thesis, which I made by myself.
VO翻着我的论文说here’s English Abstract我高兴地说yes,然后他说RESUME,我就把简历递过去,看着我漂亮地PS嘀咕this’s my statement,结果他也没理我,抬头丢过来一句,pls wait a minute,我就乖乖地加入了CHENMM的队伍,什么感觉也没有。
我在那儿站了好像没有一会,连羡慕旁边那个去哥大的人都没羡慕完,就听见SSGG又一次很响亮清晰地叫我的名字,我赶紧抱起我的一大堆他看都没看的材料跑过去,就见他手里拿着我递过去的一大堆东西和著名的蓝条,说sorry make you wait,我说never mind. 然后他向我解释I’ll give you a visa(应该没听错吧,太让人兴奋了)but …..send to Washington D.C. because …..medical ……
ME: How long will It take?
VO: one or two month, you should tell your school about It
ME:Should I book another Interview
VO: No, you…..10:30….with this(指蓝条),他还很nice地弯下腰,又准备用蹩脚中文跟我解释什么,我也没听懂,然后就把I20,护照,中文的DS表还给我,还说会跟我联系。我笑着Thank you就走了。