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[习作点评] :【NINE小组】【作业集】---by 夜猫 (更新到第15次作业 I) [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:18:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 m7catsue 于 2011-9-19 23:52 编辑



Theauthor asserts that people’s ability to think for themselves will deterioratedue to their dependence on technology to solve problems. In accordance with mystance, I am inclined to support the idea that depending on technology to solveproblems does, to some extent, bring some negative influences, but with thehelp of technology people can work more effectively and liberate themselves fromthose onerous physical labors, which undoubtedly will save a considerableamount of time for people to think about other more creative and meaningfulaffairs.

Itis true that the utilization of technology may discourage people’s certainability because indolence is one of the human natures and all of us want to solvea problem in a simpler way. Consequently, when confronted with a new problem,instead of trying to figure out the problem by ourselves, we tend to existentresolutions probably provided by current technology. For instance, we allprefer using calculators to deal with mathematical problems, trying to avoidthe complex calculations, in spite of fact that we may suffer from recession ofour calculating ability. So, indeed our certain ability may deteriorate due tothe use of technology.

Whileit may be true that utilizing the technology generates some negative effects,there is no denying that technology is a double-edged sword which indeed hassignificantly ameliorated our living conditions in the past centuries and,unavoidably, influenced our way of thinking. Utilizing the technology of theday, human beings have emancipated themselves from those relatively heavyphysical labors, leading to more and more people carrying intellectual occupations,which have been contributing to the creative thinking in our history. It isobvious that scientists and artists, if live in poverty and starvation, cannothave as many meaningful thoughts as they live a fairly prosperous and securelife which, in a large sense, results from the utilization of technology.

Inaddition, rather than discouraging the thinking ability, utilizing technologysomehow boosts people’s ability to think, for the reason that with the utilizationof technology, we can observe the mysteries or the phenomena that attract us,which arouse our curiosity about the world and in that way people think deeperand more actively. Human history has been filled with a variety of examplesrelated to this kind of relationship between technology and thinking ability,with the following one being the foremost. Telescope was invented by GalileoGalilei and was utilized by him to observe the universe. It was based on hisobservation on the universe which closely related to the latest technology ofthe day that Galileo can know more about the natural facts, thus thinking relativelyfurther about the nature of the universe. Therefore, instead of deterioratingour thinking ability, technology furthers humans’ thoughts.

Soin conclusion, the utilization of technology, although in certain degree mayhave some negative influences, indeed brings people more benefits includingmore creative and meaningful thoughts in both science and art.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:20:46 |只看该作者

I strongly agreewith the author that free university education should be provided to anyadmitted student who cannot afford the tuition.

In the first place,government offering free university education to admitted students who cannotafford the tuition promotes social fairness. Receiving education is one of thebasic rights of individuals in any modern society. Everyone has the right to receivehigher education if they are admitted to a college or university. If due to financialreasons capable students cannot receive college education and only studentsform rich families can go to the university even if they may not be asexcellent as their poorer classmates, then the social fairness will bechallenged. And if this situation keeps going, it is likely that the rich willalways be rich and the poor will always be poor, because the poor always cannotafford the college tuition for their next generation and thus their kids maynot find high-income jobs, having no choice but to live with poverty again. Sounfortunately this may become a dead circulation and destruction to socialfairness. Effective measures are necessary to protect poor citizens’ rights ofreceiving education and government offering free university education will be agood resolution.

Secondly, providingfree university education to admitted students without affordability acceleratesthe development of the society. It is universally acknowledged that educationis the key to the development of a society. A free college education policywill ensure a higher enrollment rate of universities and more well-roundedindividuals available to the society. Well-educated individuals create morevalue and can better guide their next generation which is the future of thewhole nation. If two countries A and B are equal in most domains, but A hasmore citizens who received higher education while B has limited individuals whowent to the college, it is obvious that A will develop faster than B, and definitelyin decades A will be superior in most domains. Free college education ensuresthat every capable student can receive higher education and thus can make agreater contribution to the society which has helped him/her go though theuniversity. This is a win-win relationship between the society and the studentswithin. Therefore adopting the free college education policy will be beneficialto both individuals and the development of the society.

To sum up, freecollege education accessible to all admitted students upholds social fairnessand will make an indelible contribution, in the long run, to accelerate thedevelopment of the society. If government can provide such policy, not onlystudents from poor families can change their destiny but also the country willown a brighter future.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:24:01 |只看该作者
The author claimsthat all college students should be required to take courses of imaginativeliterature such as poetry, novels, and mythology, aiming at becomingwell-rounded individuals. From my perspective, I agree that students should take courses which improve imagination and creativethinking. However, I don’t think it necessary to make these courses anobligation for all college students, especially those who do not major inliterature, to study without any process of selection according to theirinterests or majors.

I couldn’t agreemore that the 21st century andmodern society need well-rounded individuals with not only expertise in onecertain field but also fundamental understandings about other aspects of ourworld and, above all, imagination and creativity, which are the origins ofcreative thinking and productivity. And there is no denying that courses likeimaginative literature, to a large extent, can inspire students’ creativity andimagination.

Imaginativeliterature, undoubtedly, is a good way to improve students’ imagination, but Iam inclined to support idea that students choose their own means, according totheir interests or majors, to enhance their creative thinking and imaginationwhich are indispensable for becoming well-rounded individuals. Interest is thebest teacher, and there are ways for students to choose, to become well-roundedpersons. If students can choose to study by their favorite means, specifically,by taking courses which they are really interested in, they can be much moreactive in their study, not only in imaginative literature courses, but also inother relatively difficult professional courses. On the contrary, if studentsare compelled to attend lectures which they have little interests in, theeffect of their study will be counterproductive.

And another reasonwhy I disagree with the author’s method of all college students takingimaginative literature courses is that students may spend too much time readingnovels or mythologies. If the courses require students to read thoseimaginative novels, such as the Lord of Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire, the widely acknowledged classics of imaginative literature with acomplicated plot and quirky twist, probably leading to dilapidation of students’professional study, which is also an indispensable element of a well-roundedindividual. It is not advisable to choose a uncertain means to inspire students’imagination and creativity at the risk of their professional study, when thereare many alternate methods which can attain the same effects.

The last reasonwhy I oppose the author’s proposal in the claim is that colleges anduniversities have to put additional resources to ensure all the students,regardless of their majors or appetites, taking imaginative literature courses.This will definitely increase the burden of universities, not only financiallybut also in arrangement of teachers, classrooms, and curriculum. If the author’sproposal is put into practice, universities probably have to cancel othercourses which may be peripheral considered by students whose major isirrelevant to them, just like the condition which imaginative literature facestoday. Hence, it is not realistic or reasonable to require all college studentsto take imaginative literature courses.

To sum up, collegestudents becoming well-rounded individuals is the goal for us to make effortsfor. But it will be more effective if students choose their own method to workfor the goal instead of requiring all students to take imaginative literaturecourses as an obligation, which may lead to the opposite consequence.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:26:11 |只看该作者
Comparedwith facts memorization and mechanical application, I consider the ability toexplain ideas, trends, and concepts which the facts illustrate being of moresignificance. And in accordance with my proposition, the assessment ofstudents’ learning should be based on these two indispensablesegments, the grasp of facts, and the comprehensive understanding of the basicsbehind these facts, both of which contribute to the individuals’ practicalability and the progress of society.

Itis dangerous if educators base their assessment of a student mainly on his/herability to memorize facts instead of comprehending the basics. Indeed in mostcircumstances, the mechanical application of the facts we memorized can be usedeffectively to solve the problems we confront. And most of us are contentedwith this easy solution.There seems to be no need for us to asses a student’s learning on whetherhe/she can fully comprehend the basics of the facts, since he/she only needsthe facts themselves to solve the problems, not the abstract basics behind. However,this kind of easy solution discourages students from creative thinking andinnovation. Nowadays we can find complaints on TV or newspapers from managersabout college graduates not being able to handle practical problems in work. Thisphenomenon is probably due to the over stress on the facts memorization in thecollege education and the lack of comprehension of general ideas of the basics.Therefore, as long as the goal of education of inspiring creative thinking andinnovation is to be attained, facts memorization should not be the main base ofthe evaluation of a student’s learning.

Secondly,a comprehensive understanding of the basics behind the facts is beneficial toboth of memorization and application. With the ability to explain ideas,trends, and concepts which the facts illustrate, students will have a better comprehensionof the facts they memorized. For instance, memorizing a huge number of organicchemistry reaction formulas seems extremely painful for some students and evenif they can memorize theses formulas, it still remains questionable whetherthey can fully understand and apply them. However if they can comprehend thebasics of these reactions, they do not even need to memorize the complexformulas which are only the derivation of the basics of organic chemistry. Thereis no doubt that memorization and application will be much more efficient ifthe substantive matters of the facts are fully understood and only in this waycan students apply their knowledge flexibly.

Tosum up, both of the facts and the basics behind are the indispensable elementsof the evaluation of the students’ learning. If the educators neglect either ofthese two elements, students will be discouraged from creative thinking andflexible application.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:30:43 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 m7catsue 于 2011-9-4 00:48 编辑


Theright to know is one of the basic indispensable rights for the citizens in ademocratic society. In accordance with my proposition, people should be fullyinformed about the current events and have access to the truth behind. And onlyin some specific circumstances, withholding information from the public can bejustifiable.

Ingeneral cases, the public has the right to know the truth of current events andgovernmental affairs. If political leaders withhold information arbitrarily aboutcurrent events, regardless of concerns from the public, social stability andgovernment’s credibility will definitely be damaged. For instance, in 2003 whenSARS was epidemic in China, instead of warning the public of the prevalence of SARS, the government tried first to withholdinformation about this new disease, which on the contrary caused only panicacross the country and discredit on the government. The panic and distrust didnot vanish until the government began to notify the SARS cases on a dailyreport to the public. Besides the truth of some big events, in order to fulfillits responsibility to supervise the government, information about governmentalaffairs should also be accessible to the public. In China, the press censorshipestablished by the authority withholds information which is considered negativeto the current regime. As a consequence, rumors on the internet sometimesspread even faster and wider than the news from the state-run media due to thecensorship which withholds the truth of governmental affairs. And eventually thiscensorship causes social discontent and undermines stability and the foundationof democracy. Therefore, the public should be fully informed in most cases inorder to supervise to government and maintain stability.

However,in some specific circumstances, it is necessary and even desirable forpolitical leaders to withhold information from the public. Some information suchas the military disposition, details about national strategic projects and someimportant economic data must be held secrets for the general interests of thepublic. If these important intelligences are accessible to ordinary people,then public security will be under threats of terrorist attacks and hostilenations. So, withholding some special information is acceptable and necessaryfor national interests and public security.

Tosum up, it needs a case by case analysis when it comes to the issue of freedomof information. Absolute freedom is nonexistent and any freedom has a price topay. From my perspective, people should have access to the truth of currentevents and governmental affairs, and only for the general good of the publiccan political leaders withhold relevant information from the public.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:31:43 |只看该作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:33:01 |只看该作者
In this argument, the author predicts adramatic increase in sales of Whirwind’s video games according to a recentsurvey of video-game players, which indicates that the most appreciated featureof a game is lifelike graphics, requiring the most up-to-date computers. Theauthor also points out that Whirwind has launched an extensive advertisingcampaign aimed at people aged between 10 and 25, the age group that consideredmost likely to play video games. However, the prediction is based onunsubstantiated assumptions, which render it unconvincing as it stands.

To begin with, the conclusionunjustifiably relies on the assumption that the survey is accurate andrepresentative, which unfortunately cannot be proved in the argument. Theauthor fails to provide specific information about the total number ofvideo-game players and the number of players interviewed in the survey. If thesurvey only covers a small part of the video-game players, of which the totalnumber is numerous, then the author’s conclusion is much weakened. What’s more,we are also not informed in what specific area the survey was conducted and whetherits result can represent the condition of a relatively large scope. The authordraws the conclusion based on the assumption that the survey is accurate andrepresentative, however, without any convincing proofs, thus leaving theconclusion unsustainable.

Secondly, even if we assume that theresult of the survey is valid, and the most appreciated feature of a video gameis lifelike graphics, according to the survey of video-game players. Therestill remain questions unanswered. The author indicates that games withlifelike graphics requiring the most up-to-date computers will be the reasonwhy Whirwind’s sales will increase dramatically in the next few months, but failsto provide information of the percentage of video-game players who areaccessible to the up-to-date computers. Without up-to-date computers, playersare not likely to buy the games which require high configuration of thecomputer. And without further statistics, the author’s conclusion is dubious.

Additionally, the quality of a specific gameis based on many factors such as its price, category, and the features of acomputer the game requires, not only its graphics. Although Whirwind’ games canprovide lifelike graphics, there are no details to illustrate other aspects ofWhirwind’ games which are also indispensable in the consumer’s consideration whenthey are going to purchase a video game. If the prices of Whirwind’s games areprohibitive, then even if with one or two features which the players appreciate,its products are still not competitive compared with maybe its rival’srelatively cheap games. Therefore additional information is required, if theauthor wants to support his/her conclusion.

To sum up, this argument is notconvincing as it stands. To strengthen the argument, evidence proving thesurvey’s accuracy and representativeness is needed. Besides, additional surveysof a larger scope about video-game players will be of help to collect specificinformation about the target market, thus improving Whirwind’s sale strategies.Finally, only with moreconvincing details could this argument become more than just an emotionalappeal.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:33:58 |只看该作者
Basedon a recent study of 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia, the author draws aconclusion that lavender cures insomnia within a short period of time. Tosupport this conclusion, the author illustrate a three-week experiment in whichtraditional sleeping medication and lavender-scented pillows work as variablesto study the effect of lavender on curing insomnia. At first glance, the author’sconclusion seems valid, but with further reflection, I find this argument sufferedseveral critical flaws and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.

Inthe first place, the experiment the author cites lacks a control group, whichcontrasts with the experimental group in order to find out the effect of certainvariable in an experiment. Without a control group, in which the onlydifference from the experimental group is the variable, the observation of the experimentis not convincing in large degree. There may be other explanations for the phenomenaobserved in the experiment. For instance, it is possible that the duration of everyvolunteer’s sleep is also one of the factors which might influence the sleepquality in the experiment, for the reason that there is no control group limitingthis variable, which may lead to a totally different conclusion.

Inthe second place, the sample in this experiment, specifically of the30voluntees, is definitely not big enough to convince people of the accuracyand the representativeness of the observation. Besides, the author also failsto provide detail information about the 30 volunteers. We have littleinformation of the volunteers about their genders, ages, and most importantly,the severity of insomnia they are suffering from, all of which areindispensable parameters of the experimental subjects in a scientificexperiment. So, to enhance the validity of the experiment, more volunteers areneeded and comprehensive information of these volunteers is also required.

Additionally,without any follow-up study the author cannot conclude validly that lavendercures insomnia. Even if we accept the result of the experiment that in thethird week volunteers did sleep longer and more soundly, there is no evidenceto illustrate the volunteers’ sleep quality without the lavender-scentedpillows after the treatment. The conclusion whether insomnia is cured or not needto be based on a chronic observation and an only three-week experiment cannotprovide such convincing result. Therefore, the author’s conclusion is muchweakened without further observation.

Tosum up, the author’s conclusion based on the unscientific experiment is notconvincing as is stands. A control group is indispensable in any scientific experimentwhich is aimed at validating the effect of creation variable which people areinterested in. Besides, more volunteers, their comprehensive backgrounds, and alltheir feedbacks are required, if valid observations are expected.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:40:57 |只看该作者
Theauthor concludes that the dizziness and nausea reported by consumers ofPromofoods are not result from its tuna cans. The conclusion is based on asample test conducted by chemists from Promofoods. In the test, five of theeight chemicals which are considered the usual causes of dizziness and nauseaare not found in the tunas of Promofoods. And the other three chemicals areonly in a very small amount considered common in all canned foods and not responsiblefor the dizziness and nausea of the consumers. At first glance, the author’sconclusion seems valid, but with further reflection I find this argumentsuffered several critical flaws and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.

Inthe first place, the author fails to provide detail information about thesample of tuna cans tested. We have little information about the number of tunacans the sample contains, thus the representativeness of the sample and thevalidity of the test is questionable. If only several hundred of these eight millionrecalled tuna cans have been tested as a sample, obviously the conclusion basedon the test is not convincing. Therefore to validate the conclusion, the authorneed to provide additional information about the sample tested.

Inthe second place, we do not know whether the chemists form Promofoods areprofessional enough to carry out such test. Without specific professionalknowledge and skills, they may not be able to detect other substances which mayalso cause dizziness and nausea. Hence there is a possibility that the chemistsfrom Promofoods fail to detect other chemicals which links to dizziness andnausea. And the professional backgrounds of these chemists will be a convincingevidence to improve the experiment’s validity.

Additionally,the author commits a hasty generalization fallacy. In the argument the author hastilyconcludes that the canned tuna do not pose a health risk, regardless of thefact that there are three substances detected in the tuna cans that may causedizziness and nausea. It may be true that these three chemicals are common inall canned foods, but the test does not rule out the possibility that thesechemicals may react with the canned tuna and produce other chemicals that leadto dizziness and nausea. Maybe in other canned foods these three chemicals areinnocuous, but without further experiment it remains to be seen whether theyare safe additives in tuna cans. So to validate the safety of the tuna cans,follow-up researches are necessary.

Tosum up, this argument is not convincing as it stands. To strengthen theargument, more detail information about the sample tested and the professionalbackgrounds of the chemists are needed. And further researches are necessary toconvince the public of the safety of the canned tuna produced by Promofoods.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-4 00:42:05 |只看该作者

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2011-9-5 21:48:50 |只看该作者
4# m7catsue
1.“managers complain...” 这个例子不错。并且例子后面"over-emphasis"的解释也能很好地relate to your topic sentence in this paragraph。


2.关于withhold information to the public那篇习作,中心论点及body部分的分论点也很清楚,
我阅读的过程中能容易地跟上你的思路或推理链条(line of reasoning),观点清楚,支持理由也相关。

TIP:优势应保持--比如清楚的论点及topic sentence(s)。在写作训练初期,不怕浅白,就怕长难句故作高深--结果读者不知所云。

努力方向--例子选取宜运用上面1中所提"managers complain"【接近实际且与论点相关】,以取代“7x9”之类【课堂书本气重--与论点相关度差


使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2011-9-5 22:10:21 |只看该作者




The author claimsthat all college students should be required to take courses of imaginativeliterature such as poetry, novels, and mythology, aiming at becomingwell-rounded individuals. From my perspective, I agree that students should take courses which improve imagination and creativethinking. However, I don’t think it necessary to make these courses anobligation for all college students, especially those who do not major inliterature, to study without any process of selection according to theirinterests or majors.

I couldn’t agreemore that the 21st century andmodern society need well-rounded individuals with not only expertise in onecertain field but also fundamental understandings about other aspects of ourworld and, above all, imagination and creativity, which are the origins ofcreative thinking and productivity. And there is no denying that courses likeimaginative literature, to a large extent, can inspire students’ creativity andimagination.

Imaginativeliterature, undoubtedly, is a good way to improve students’ imagination, but Iam inclined to support idea that students choose their own means, according totheir interests or majors, to enhance their creative thinking and imaginationwhich are indispensable for becoming well-rounded individuals. Interest is thebest teacher, and there are ways for students to choose, to become well-roundedpersons. If students can choose to study by their favorite means, specifically,by taking courses which they are really interested in, they can be much moreactive in their study, not only in imaginative literature courses, but also inother relatively difficult professional courses. On the contrary, if studentsare compelled to attend lectures which they have little interests in, theeffect of their study will be counterproductive.

And another reasonwhy I disagree with the author’s method of all college students takingimaginative literature courses is that students may spend too much time readingnovels or mythologies. If the courses require students to read thoseimaginative novels, such as the Lord of Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire, the widely acknowledged classics of imaginative literature with acomplicated plot and quirky twist, probably leading to dilapidation of students’professional study, which is also an indispensable element of a well-roundedindividual. It is not advisable to choose a uncertain means to inspire students’imagination and creativity at the risk of their professional study, when thereare many alternate methods which can attain the same effects.

The last reasonwhy I oppose the author’s proposal in the claim is that colleges anduniversities have to put additional resources to ensure all the students,regardless of their majors or appetites, taking imaginative literature courses.This will definitely increase the burden of universities, not only financiallybut also in arrangement of teachers, classrooms, and curriculum. If the author’sproposal is put into practice, universities probably have to cancel othercourses which may be peripheral considered by students whose major isirrelevant to them, just like the condition which imaginative literature facestoday. Hence, it is not realistic or reasonable to require all college studentsto take imaginative literature courses.

To sum up, collegestudents becoming well-rounded individuals is the goal for us to make effortsfor. But it will be more effective if students choose their own method to workfor the goal instead of requiring all students to take imaginative literaturecourses as an obligation, which may lead to the opposite consequence.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2011-9-5 22:51:19 |只看该作者
2# m7catsue

I strongly agreewith the author that free university education should be provided to anyadmitted student who cannot afford the tuition.

这样貌似没有考虑到controversial issue的 complexity.

若执行这样一项政策, 政府能承受得起吗? 尤其是最近十年, 中低收入家庭的孩子纷纷进入大学, 绝大部分can't afford the tuition, 即使不考虑学费,政府也得增加教员\ 新建教学设施;

以上对政府开支而言,而对低收入家庭大学生而言, 免费会否有不利影响?会否让这些接近或已成年的学生....

对公共政策而言,要考虑的因素\ 相关/受影响的利益群体, 不可轻言一边倒:)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-6 00:35:22 |只看该作者
13# panmingming2008


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-6 00:37:46 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 m7catsue 于 2011-9-6 00:43 编辑


ISSUE 36 Governments should not fund any scientificresearch whose consequences are unclear.

Idisagree with the author’s claim that scientific researches without clearconsequences should not be funded by the government. Any scientific researchhas a risk to take and no one can foresee the consequences after the invention orapplication of certain technology. If we abandon the research because of ourscare of its uncertainty, we also give up our most instrumental tool to createa better world for humanity. The government, instead of arbitrarily cut off researchingfunds, should confront the challenge and regulate uncertain researches, sparingno effort to ensure that technology serves rather than harm humanity.

Governmentsshould widely fund scientific researches even though their consequences may be unclear.One of the major reasons why we can live such a comfortable life is thetechnology brought by scientific researches among which many of theirconsequences were not clear at the time they were under development. Most basicresearches have been being funded by the government because of the cost and hazardswhich enterprises usually cannot withstand. If the government cuts off researchingfunds due to uncertain consequences, then we may lose one of the mostrevolutionary inventions of the 20th century, the internet, whose fundmainly came from the US government first aiming at improving its militarycommunication. Unlike applied researches, governments are the only funders ofbasic researches in many circumstances. It is indispensable that governmentsmaintain the financial support for scientific researches.

Also,if we abandon certain scientific research due to its uncertain consequences or justpossibly negative effects, then we also lose our best hope to build a betterworld. It is known to everyone that, big or small, doing a thing has a risk totake, and scientific researches are not exceptional. If governments stopfunding the research of transgenic technology, indeed we may avoid a possible healthproblem caused by the transgenic foods. But equally we lose a great opportunityto end the starvation in the globe. In addition, there may seem to be soundreasons for governments to stop funding the cloning technology, but in that waywe also shut the window of opportunity to cure people with severe disease usingcloning organs. So from my perspective, governments’ not funding researcheswith uncertain consequences is shifting the responsibility to face thechallenge. For the general good of the public, governments are supposed to supportscientific researches and try the best to regulate them to seek for a better futurefor the citizens.

Tosum up, I consider it necessary for governments to fund scientific researches evenwith uncertain consequences for the moment. And more importantly governments shouldfulfill their responsibility to supervise and regulate researches to ensure abright future for humanity.

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:【NINE小组】【作业集】---by 夜猫 (更新到第15次作业 I)
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