task 1:第一个词well的发音有误;with the clothingstyle is becoming more and... 第一句的这个with改为as; it wouldn't be a fade away,检查一下这句话有没有语法错?还有就是这个题要说一个interesting style,在开头建议把interesting 点出来。虽然我觉得我说的也不interesting,还是点出来你觉得interesting。
task 2:花费时间可以用just take me 20mins,gain social network 听起来有点奇怪,可以改为construct social network。还有一个建议就是中途不要那么多“啊木”,加油!
T1,有一些小语法错误like: rules isXXX
T2, 例子很好,说得很具体,说你从host family那里了解到了很多XXX,但没有说明这与你选择的明确关系,再加一句总结like: I may not have the chance to know all these intesting things if I only stay there for little time.