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发表于 2004-1-18 11:15:11 |只看该作者

issue152 嘉文博译范文

"The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies."

Sample Essay

Corporate executives do have a responsibility to make money for their companies. For publicly owned companies, this means that they must find a way to maximize shareholder value. People buy shares in a company because they want to make money, therefore the more money that the company makes, the more money the stockholder can potentially make. But it would be wrong to say that, without qualification, making as much money as possible is an executive's only responsibility. Shareholder value can be maximized in ways other than by making money, such as the corporation's treatment of the global environment and people, the corporation's image, and its long-term viability as a stable corporation.

First of all, corporate executives have a duty to protect our natural environment and to not exploit human resources, particularly in lesser-developed countries. These poorer countries sometimes have poorly developed legal systems and laws that can be used unfairly by companies, even though the companies are actually operating within the limits of the law in that country. As an example, a pharmaceutical company should not be allowed to test new drugs on people in a poor country even though it is perfectly legal under that country's laws. Similarly, a chemical company should not be allowed to use manufacturing processes in a developing country that pollute and destroy the environment, whether those manufacturing processes are legal or not in that nation. Corporate executives must take it upon themselves to ensure that it operates ethically in all countries and that the corporation does not exploit lax operating laws in underdeveloped parts of the world.

Secondly, a related responsibility of corporate executives is to make sure that the company reflects a positive image to the rest of the world, thus giving stockholders and owners a sense of pride in being a part of that company. Most people do not want to be associated with a company that is seen as greedy or exploitive. If corporate executives focus solely on making as much money as possible, there can be a backlash against that company for appearing too materialistic and uncaring. Executives at multinational companies such as McDonalds and Wal-Mart have recognized this problem in the past and have now become heavily involved in the communities in which their stores are located through charitable programs. As just one example, McDonalds operates "Ronald McDonald's homes" which give parents a place to stay near hospitals where their children are undergoing medical treatment. Corporate executives have a responsibility to ensure that their companies are seen as "people friendly" rather than just focusing on bringing in more money.

A third and also related responsibility of corporate executives is to ensure the long-term viability of their companies. Employees, as well as other stakeholders, need to know that the company executives are interested in building an enduring institution. A good example of this responsibility not being honored is that of the Enron energy company and Arthur Andersen bankruptcy and accounting scandal. In this case, corporate executives abdicated their responsibilities to both companies in order to maximize short-term profit and possibly their own bonuses and stock options. Enron used misleading documents and practices that overstated its income by hundreds of millions of dollars. As Enron's accountants, Arthur Andersen certified that Enron's bookkeeping was all in order when in actuality they knew otherwise. Both companies' executives failed to look at the possible effects on the long-term viabilities of the companies. As a result, Enron has declared bankruptcy and Arthur Andersen, one of the world's most respected accounting firms, is being broken up into small pieces. Corporate executives have the responsibility to make sure that the corporation will continue to exist for the foreseeable future.

Corporate executives do have a responsibility to make as much money as possible. But they also have the responsibility to do so in a manner that helps to protect the world's environment and people, that reflects a positive corporate image, and that will guarantee the long-term survival of the company.
(662 words)








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发表于 2004-1-18 11:16:29 |只看该作者

issue153 嘉文博译范文

"Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."

Sample Essay

The unquestioned role of a student is to learn as much as possible through whatever means it takes to ingrain that knowledge in the individual student. Teachers and professors are human beings and are therefore not perfect. No one knows the correct answer to every question even when you limit the questions to a certain field of study. Having a certain skepticism about what they are being taught can help students to make the teachers and professors even better by clarifying correct answers or correcting mistakes and misinformation.

Students certainly have a huge role in their own abilities to learn. Teaching faculty should act more as guides along the way rather than trying to force each student to learn whatever it is that they are studying. The best teachers in the world cannot teach an unmotivated student. If the teacher, for whatever reason, cannot motivate the student, then the student must somehow find a way to motivate him or herself. One method of doing this is by become an active rather than a passive student. The more the student involves him or herself in the act of studying, the better he or she can learn. One of the best ways to become more active is simply to ask the teacher or professor questions. Students who passively sit in a classroom and take everything that the teacher says for granted are not fully using their mental capacities to learn. Better education comes from teachers who are able to get their students to think about a subject rather than merely absorb a certain amount of information. Having a healthy skepticism can improve a student's ability to both think and absorb knowledge in a learning situation.

Students should practice a certain amount of skepticism in the classroom as a means of fostering better communication between the teacher and the students. To sit passively receiving and digesting information from a teacher or professor would be to assume that everything that the teacher says is absolutely correct. Teachers are human beings and no one is one hundred percent right all of the time, even in a classroom situation. No professor or teacher is infallible. Perhaps a teacher would simply unconsciously say the wrong word or pass on some misinformation that the teacher truly believed was correct. Simply asking a question by the student could prevent an entire classroom from becoming confused or misinformed.

In my own education, I have had at least two experiences that showed me the value of being somewhat of a skeptic at times in a classroom situation. In my younger years, a grade school teacher told the class that it was wrong for people of different races to intermarry because the children would grow up confused about their "real" identity. Although it seemed wrong at the time, because I was so young and impressionable, I thought that the teacher must be right because he was the teacher. Looking back now, I realize just how wrong he was and that a healthy skepticism even at a young age can be a valuable tool in education. In another example of the value of questioning a teacher, we had an inexperienced first-time teacher teaching our second language class. Although she tried very hard, it became obvious that she was making many mistakes. I began asking questions (in a helpful manner) and found out that the book that she was using was full of mistakes. She appreciated the feedback and we all had a better learning experience by watching for mistakes from the book. Without a little skepticism, we would have been pronouncing and using many words incorrectly.

There is of course a fine balance between a student having a healthy skepticism and just being a downright cynic. But with the proper attitude toward learning and a little skepticism, both the student and the professors or teacher can improve upon the learning process and maximize learning efficiency.
(652 words)








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发表于 2004-1-18 11:18:00 |只看该作者

issue154 嘉文博译范文


"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."

Sample Essay

Local schools are an integral part of a society and of each individual community. Much of what happens in a community is directly tied in to the local schools, whether the members of that community's children are of school age or not. The quality of the local schools also depends a great deal on the community. If the schools are well supported, they generally will be good quality schools. If the community ignores or contributes to the school's problems, the schools and students may not perform to the best of their abilities. Without the involvement of parents and the surrounding communities, professional educators cannot do their jobs properly. Additionally, the involvement of the parents ensures that educators will keep the school children as their first priority, rather than focusing on maximizing personal profits through teachers unions and the like.

Traditionally in years past, the parents and communities cooperated to set up schools to serve all the children in a particular location. As the United States has become larger, local, state and federal governments have become further involved, thus lessening the responsibilities of the parents with regards to the schools. Parents cannot and should not abdicate all of their responsibilities to the various governmental bodies, however. It remains incumbent upon the parents and communities to remain involved in as many aspects of the local schools as they can.

First of all, the most fundamental responsibility of the parents is that they must ensure that their own children are properly dressed, on time and actually behaving themselves in the classrooms. Professional educators cannot properly teach children that don't know how to behave while at school. Other children are distracted or maybe even misled to misbehave themselves by children who are chronically disruptive. Parents must control their own children and not leave the job of child behavioral training to the teachers at school.

Secondly, parents and communities must make sure that they contribute financially to their local schools, and not only by the mandatory payment of taxes to the government. School groups are always trying to raise money for some beneficial school projects. It is important that parents do not turn their backs when school children come door to door asking for money, even when (and maybe especially when) it is not their own children who are asking for help.

Furthermore, parents have more than just a financial responsibility to the local schools, they also have an obligation to give generously of their time whenever possible. Attending their own child's sports games and recitals are certainly important. Volunteering to coach, referee or to help organize activities for the school children are also extremely important. Local schools seem to never have enough help to accomplish all that needs to be done or to accomplish all that should be done. Just ask any teacher or professional educator, they can probably find a place for any volunteer that desires to help.

Finally, parents and communities must be involved with local schools just to be sure that the professional educators are indeed "professional" and are giving the children the proper educational basics that they need. Direct and continuous communications with a teacher or principal can sometimes give parents all the information that they need to decide whether he or she is properly fit for the job. Powerful teachers unions have developed over the years that sometimes tend to put the teachers first and the priorities of the children second. By staying involved with the local schools, parents and the communities can show the educators that they are committed to the children and the schools, and that they should always remember whom the schools were built for in the first place.

The success or failure of a local school depends almost entirely on the involvement of parents and the local community. The parents and others in these communities must be willing to make sure that their own children are properly behaved, that they support the school both financially and with their time, and that the professional educators always put the well-being of the children as the number one priority.
(681 words)










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发表于 2004-1-18 11:20:35 |只看该作者

issue161 嘉文博译范文 题目拆分


"In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any woman or man as a hero."

Sample Essay

Media coverage of just about every person and every topic of any interest anywhere in the world has certainly increased over the past few years. As the number of possible ways to broadcast that media coverage continues to increase, it seems likely that the phenomenon of exhaustive media coverage will only intensify further. However, as the saying goes, anything is possible, and that certainly pertains to whether or not a society can regard any man or woman as a hero in today's world. Despite the tendency of society in general and the media in particular to build up a person to hero status and then tear that person back down again, there are certainly people that society can look up to as heroes even today.

A few generations ago, media coverage was limited both in the overall information available and the methods of distribution of that information. Newspapers, radio and to a certain extent, television were the only forms of mass media available. Prior to the electronic age, only the written word, the arts and word of mouth could be used to disseminate information. Due to great distances and a much smaller population, it was much harder to find information then than it is now. People were able to keep a great many more things secret from the rest of the world in the past. There was also a tendency for people to be a little more discreet with what they did know, rather than selling the story to some national tabloid for money.

We now live in what has been termed "the information age" and that would seem to be entirely appropriate. Even if one considers only the Internet as a source of information, there is more information available now than the mind can even comprehend. As information becomes more and more digitalized, it becomes easier to access. People's entire written and recorded history could theoretically be obtained through one method or another (most of them likely illegal). No one is perfect. Many people make one or two mistakes that may involve the law when they are young. Someone intent on "digging up some dirt" can usually find even the most minor violations whether the person in question was underage or not. Because no one is perfect, and the intensity of media coverage tends to overemphasize even small mistakes, it becomes easy to understand then why one might be inclined to believe that there can be no more heroes

But heroes are made and not born. The public, to a certain degree, has learned to ignore that which is irrelevant while focusing more on the heroic qualities of the man or woman who has shown courage in a particular situation. One recent example involves the hundreds of firefighters and policemen that perished while trying to save others in the World Trade Center attacks in New York. No one can question their bravery, and certainly no one can deny that each and every one, no matter what their background, is a hero. The passengers on the airplane that rushed the hijackers and caused the plane to crash short of its target, likely the White House in Washington, D.C., are also each and every one a hero. One could possibly look into each firefighter, policeman or civilian's background and find problems in the past but there is absolutely no denying them their hero status on that day.

The world today is eager to find heroes, which may explain the tendency to prematurely promote a person to hero status and then find out later that maybe they were not so heroic after all. Intensive media coverage may make it harder to remain a hero, but heroes are still around today as evidenced by the courageous events of many on September 11, 2001.
(630 words)








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发表于 2004-1-18 11:52:06 |只看该作者

issue160 嘉文博译范文

"The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little."

Sample Essay

Leaders come in all forms - from those running small groups of people in an office to heads of state that must lead millions or billions of people. Leaders also serve during different time periods marked by different states of the overall environment. National leaders may act in times marked by intense crises such as war, while others may serve during relative times of peace. Business leaders may operate during rapid economic changes and progress or relatively slow times, such as during a recession. An effective leader must be able to fit the situation, whether that means remaining consistently committed to particular principles and objectives or being able to go with the flow of change of opinion to best complete his or her mission. The mission or final goals desired would most likely determine which type of leader would be most effective in that particular situation.

One example would be to examine the actions of two consecutive Presidents of the United States. President Bill Clinton served during a relatively peaceful time of prosperity and economic growth in the United States. Personal proclivities aside, President Clinton seemed to run the country by gauging popular opinion through the heavy use of polling. With almost never varying consistency, President Clinton took stands on the issues that fell closely in line with the popular opinions of the country. Mr. Clinton's opinions sometimes changed overnight, apparently following the ebb and flow of the tide of popular opinion. Most people in the world would agree that President Clinton did a good job of running the country during his administration and that he was an effective leader, whether or not they agree with how he conducted his personal life.

In stark contrast, George W. Bush had served little more than eight months as President when his leadership was subjected to one of the strongest tests possible. The worst terrorist attacks on the United States in history struck just as the economic conditions of the country seemed to be sliding towards recession. War and economic distress came to the country at the same time. Mr. Bush acted quickly and decisively on both fronts. War was all but declared against the ruling Taliban government of Afghanistan and the worldwide Al-Quaida terrorist organization. During the same time period, Mr. Bush's administration made several rapid adjustments to the government's prime lending rates. Many leaders worldwide and some opponents at home questioned some of his decisions. Popular opinion in the rest of the world often portrayed President Bush as acting as a "lone ranger" without regard to the opinions of the rest of the world. Through it all, President Bush stayed with his decisions, including the controversial statement regarding Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an "axis of evil". No one can seriously argue that President Bush has not been an effective leader while remaining consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Both Presidents took the opposite extremes proposed by the above issue statement, but both have been proven to be effective leaders. The situations were different and possibly called for a different type of leadership in order for the final goals to be reached.

Other levels of leadership also would likely require different actions of a leader in different situations. When times are good, it may be easier to follow along with popular opinion as long as it does not appear to be particularly disruptive. Usually when the majority of the population of a country or the stockholders of a corporation are happy, there is little call for rapid changes. However, when times turn tough, a leader that can make the difficult decisions to stay with certain principles and objectives is required. Although they may not be the popular opinions, they may be the best ones for the overall good of the country or company. An effective leader is one who can determine which approach will most likely lead to the accomplishment of the overall mission.
(654 words)







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发表于 2004-1-18 11:54:06 |只看该作者

issue164 嘉文博译范文

"Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes."

Sample Essay

Inevitably, there are times when imagination can be a much more valuable asset than experience. Life is full of examples of such situations. There are, however, times when the reverse is also true. No one would probably prefer, as cases in point, a first-time astronaut piloting a dangerous space mission or a newly commissioned officer leading an army into battle. But for many occupations and tasks, imagination leads to creative thinking and solutions that may be beyond the ken of someone with years of experience in that particular field.

One example that immediately comes to mind is that of the superiority of new computer software programmers. The computer software producing companies want to hire the latest graduates that have only the basic programming skills and abilities - and the creative ideas that may not have been presented to the industry before. Although years of computer programming experience may be advantageous for certain tasks, such as the building of computer network systems for businesses, the computer software industry must have the very latest in state-of-the-art design. Imagination leads to creativity that can take computer games and other types of software in directions that were never before thought possible. Innovative computer games and software can earn hundreds of millions of dollars for the company that produces them. The latest and most creative ideas come almost exclusively from the imaginations of fresh talent lacking any formal experience with computer software companies.

Another example that occurs frequently with management and human resources in business is the idea of
forming cross-functional task forces to solve problems that arise in the course of doing business. Management creates cross-functional task forces by choosing individuals across several different functional areas, such as the marketing, finance, human resources and accounting departments, to form a team that will address the particular dilemma facing the company. The idea is to invite the idea of "thinking outside of the box", or looking beyond the normal solutions that would probably be proposed by management or the particular department that is affected by the problem. As an example given, suppose that an accounting department is facing a crisis caused by the application of Western accounting principles to Chinese business documentation. By inviting all departments of the organization to focus on the problem, even though most have little or no accounting experience, the company hopes to gain an imaginative solution beyond that of the experience of the accounting department alone.

Politicians give maybe the prime example of the battle between the comparative merits of imagination versus that of experience. The classic battle lines are formed when a new challenger with no political experience faces an incumbent politician with perhaps decades of experience. The newcomer will focus his or her campaign on imagination as he or she attempts to generate new ideas to solve either the age-old problems of government or newly arisen crises. The wizened old politician will focus his campaign and the issues in such a way as to maximize his experience in politics as the prerequisite for an elected leader. Generally, a given voting population opposes change. Therefore in politics, in the absence of problems that obviously require imagination and fresh ideas, the candidate with the greater experience will probably have the edge, all other things being equal.

It goes without saying that in many cases imagination can be a much greater asset than experience. What would the state of technology in the world be today without the imagination and ingenuity of Thomas Alva Edison, as an individual example, or the imagination and experimentation of the thousands of medical doctors that have dramatically advanced the medical sciences over the ages? Experience does have its advantages at times and in certain situations, but it is imagination that can take people outside of their current state of knowledge to solve problems.
(635 words)








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发表于 2004-1-18 11:56:05 |只看该作者
"What is called human nature is really a reflection of the human condition: if all people had a reasonable share of territory and resources, such products of 'human nature' as war and crime would be extremely rare."

Sample Essay

At first glance, this would appear to be a reasonable and correct statement. If every person in the world could share all of the world's territory and resources on a reasonable basis, there would seem to be no need for crime or war or for that matter, any relational problems between human beings. To a certain extent, human nature probably is a reflection of the inequality of the human condition. But this would seem to exclude other aspects of human nature such as ethnocentricity and racism, religious conflicts and two of mankind's greatest troublemakers: envy and greed.

Ethnocentricity is the natural favoritism of one's own ethnic group over other ethnic groups wherein the individual cultural group's values, norms and beliefs are seen as superior to all others. While not as overt as racism, it can still cause problems between members of different races or ethnic groups simply due to the fact that the person simply believes that his or her culture is better than the other. Racism obviously causes problems in a similar but more open manner. The person that looks down upon another person simply because of his or her race is bound to cause problems any time he or she interacts with another race. Neither of these problems would disappear with the equal sharing of territory and resources. A world that shares territory and resources must interact as the territory and resources are not equally distributed in every part of the world. It is within the context of that interaction that ethnocentricity and racism would continue to cause such problems as crime and war.

Religious conflicts would also not be excluded by the sharing of territory and resources. Throughout the ages, wars have been fought based almost purely on religious beliefs. The early Muslim holy wars or "jihads", the Christian Crusades and various other wars based almost entirely on a desire to convert the rest of the world to a particular religious faith have raged throughout history. There are various reasons that otherwise religious people believe that they must make war in order to fulfill their religious beliefs. Some religious writings, particularly the Quran, specifically mention making war on all "infidels" that do not believe in its teachings. An example of this is found in the Islamic extremism of Osama Bin Laden and other Islamic militants who have vowed to kill all "infidels" in declaring "jihad" on all nonbelievers. Others can take religious writings out of context to find that they "require" them to convert others by whatever means are necessary. Certainly there are many religions that focus on peace and harmony, too many to mention here. But the sheer presence of any religion that believes that others must be converted at all costs ensures that even a world with equally divided territory and resources will continue to suffer from crime and war.

Finally, mankind as a species too often suffers from the twin evils of envy and greed. From the earliest days of humans, envy and greed have caused conflict even when the two parties involved don't really have anything that the other party needs. Greed could probably be best defined as the desire to have more than you actually need. Envy can be defined as wanting something that someone else has, whether you need it or not. In a perfect world, an equal division among the world's population of both territory and resources would solve these two problems. But humans are not perfect and are not infallible. The saying "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" is popular for a reason. It is simply human nature to want what you don't have. Dividing all territory and resources equally cannot solve this problem.

The human condition is part of what makes up human nature but it cannot be considered as the full cause of the various actions of human beings. History has shown that there are other motivations for war and crime that spring not only from an unequal division of territory and resources. The distinctly human problems of ethnocentricity and racism, religious conflicts, envy and greed will most likely always give rise to crime and war.
(695 words)








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发表于 2004-1-18 11:59:37 |只看该作者
"A person from one culture has no right to judge the actions or values of a person from a different culture."

Sample Essay

Virtually every person throughout human history has been required to look at different cultures of the world through his or her own cultural paradigm. It is practically impossible to separate one's cultural upbringing from an individual's true identity to allow for a perfectly subjective outlook on a culture different from one's own. Based on the assumption that all cultures should be considered truly equal, no person from one culture should have the right to judge the actions or values of a person from a different culture. However, there may be basic human rights that should not be violated that could allow an individual to at least judge some of the actions and/or values of an individual from another culture.

Cultural imperialism has been a factor in human civilization probably since time began. Stronger cultures have either converted or assimilated weaker cultures from the time when man still roamed the earth in nomadic tribes. Darwin's theory of evolution could probably applied to the human species' various cultures, as "survival of the fittest" certainly seems to describe the development of early cultures in particular. Natural selection allowed those early tribes to either learn and grow or fail to learn and die off as a culture. In the beginning, it seems likely that the cultural traditions that allowed human beings to survive in their environments the best were probably the ones that were kept, regardless of what other cultures thought of them or what traditions those other cultures were practicing themselves. A low population density probably kept most cultures from even coming into contact with one another.

As mankind developed and became more advanced, it is also likely that the cultural traditions that did not necessarily mean the difference between survival and death began to develop. Different regions began to produce different cultures depending upon their local conditions, their environment and the technologies available to them. As populations increased and travel technologies improved, cultures began to interact. The idea of ethnocentricity, the belief that one's own cultural values, beliefs and traditions, etc. are superior to others, would naturally have led people to view other cultures as inferior, even though they most likely were merely different. Obviously just being different does not make a culture inferior just as it does not make another culture superior.

It is difficult to determine what aspects of human behavior could be considered to be superior to others. It might be helpful to start with what might seem to be a simple question: What is the difference between right and wrong? But such a seemingly simple question again comes back to the problem of ethnocentricity and cultural bias - whose standards are to be used to determine this apparently simple question? Right or wrong even within a single culture is almost never a purely black and white issue, and that issue only becomes infinitely more complex when different cultures are compared.

There are probably some cultural values that are common enough among different societies that a judgment might be made by one culture of another. The killing of innocent men, women and children by whatever means and for whatever reason would seem to be a universally deplored offense. After that, the actions of a culture seem to move up the scale towards a gray area rather than being a purely black and white, right or wrong issue. Most people would agree that torture and rape are wrong, yet both are tolerated in many cultures. Again we must ask the question, whose values do we use to judge a culture's actions and values?

The right of an individual from one culture to judge the actions of another culture is very much open to debate. Some basic human rights would seem to be required of all cultures, but in many that is not the case. Until such a day as the world's population truly becomes one culture and each culture is entirely assimilated into the other, an answer to the question of who is to judge can probably never be answered.
(670 words)




实际上,纵观人类历史,每一个人都需要透过他/她自己的文化模式来观照不同的文化。把一个人自己的文化背景与其真正的身份割裂开来从而对与自己的文化完全不同的文化形成绝然主观的看法,这是完全不可能的。按照所有的文化都应被视为是平等的这一说法,任何来自一种文化的人都没有权力评判来自另一种 文化之人的行为和价值观。然而,可能存在着某些基本的人权,它们允许一个人评判来自另一种不同文化的人的至少某些行为和/或价值观,这些基本的人权是不容践踏的。

或许,从远古伊始,文化帝国主义一直是人类文明的一个因素。从人类以游牧的方式浪迹于地球之日起,强大的文化就一直改变或吸收着弱小的文化。达尔文的进化论,完全可以应用于人类不同的文化,因为"适者生存"无疑可以描述早期文化的发展状况。物竞天择迫使那些代表一种文化的早期部落要么学会适应并发展起来,或者学不会适应而堕落灭亡。很可能,在早期能够使人类在其环境中最大限度地生存下来的文化传统,是那些得以保存下来的文化,这些文化不会顾及其它文化对它们有什么看法,也不顾及其它那些文化在实践着什么样的传统。一个很低的人口密度,很可能使大多数文化甚至无法彼此接触往来。 随着人类的发展进步,更有可能,那些并不意味着非生即死的文化传统开始产生。不同的区域开始依据其地方条件和环境以及它们所能使用的技术创造出不同的文化。随着人口增加,随着旅行技术的改进,文化开始相互影响。种族优越感,自己的文化价值、信念和传统优于其它的文化价值和传统之先入之见,会很自然地致使人们视其它文化为劣等文化,尽管这些文化最有可能只是不同而已。显然,仅仅不同并不意味着一种文化为劣等文化,正如不同并不意味着一种文化为优等文化一样。 确定人类行为的哪些方面可以被认为是优于其它方面的,这是一件不易之事。或许,从一个简单的问题开始不无裨益:正确与错误之间有什么不同?但是,这样一个貌似简单的问题又回到了民族优越感和文化偏见这一问题上:用谁的标准来衡量这一简单的问题呢?甚至在同一种文化内,正确与错误也决不仅仅是一个黑白分明的问题,而且,当不同文化比较时,这一问题越发复杂。 极有可能,有些文化价值在不同社群中非常相似,从而一种文化与价值判断可适用于另一种文化。杀戮无辜的男人、女人和儿童,无论是以何种方式或出于任何原因,都是一种普遍受到谴责的罪行。在此之后,一种文化的行为,似乎逐级上升变得灰蒙蒙的,而不是一个纯粹的黑白或正误问题。

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发表于 2004-1-18 12:01:14 |只看该作者

issue171 嘉文博译范文

"People who pursue their own intellectual interests for purely personal reasons are more likely to benefit the rest of the world than are people who try to act for the public good."

Sample Essay

People who pursue whatever interests they have, be they intellectual or otherwise, for purely personal reasons are rarely interested in making a contribution to society. To say that these people are more likely to benefit the rest of the world than those acting for the public good is to assume that the positive innovations, discoveries or other findings of those acting for only personal reasons will be made available to the population in general, and that the overall results will be better for the world. There may certainly be some consequences that become public knowledge because their selfish interests also require that the researcher sell his or her ideas to make money or to become famous, but on the whole, people in pursuit of benefiting the public welfare are more likely to make a positive contribution to society.

First of all, there is something positive to be said about a person that is engaged in intellectual pursuits for entirely selfish reasons. That person is likely to be highly motivated by an inner desire to learn and to discover even if only for self-satisfaction. This inner motivation can sometimes be very strong, leading to an almost tireless quest for more knowledge to feed this inner fire. Whether the knowledge gained benefits society as a whole depends entirely on whether that individual is actually selfish in keeping the knowledge learned to him or herself, or whether he or she is at least ambivalent about whether the knowledge goes out to the rest of the world. As one example, although Nikolai Tesla shared much of his knowledge with the world, he died with some of his main achievements known only to himself. Had he truly been acting for the public good, this knowledge would have been shared with the world at some point in time, supplying countless and perhaps unimaginable benefits to mankind.

On the other hand, people who are motivated by the idea of improving the public good have the internal desire to help others. This aspiration can be every bit as strong as the ambition of a person acting for wholly selfish reasons. It is axiomatic that by basing one's pursuit of intellectual interests on altruistic goals, the public stands a much greater chance of benefiting in the end. Rather than focusing on one's individual (and therefore selfish) needs, this type of person looks outward to see what is needed in a society. The pathway to success for this individual is thus defined by the wants and needs of the general population as a whole, rather than one's personal desires. A great example of one motivated by the public good was personified in Mother Teresa, the highly motivated social worker. Her pursuits were almost entirely based on an intense internal desire to help others, whether with individual people on a small scale or with entire regions of a country on a larger scale. Surely the lasting benefits that she has given to society are greater than those of anyone who has perhaps made similar contributions but based them on purely personal interests.

In conclusion, what really matters is not whether the individual was motivated by personal, selfish reasons or if they were motivated entirely by a desire to contribute to the public welfare. But it would stand to reason that one who is motivated to make a situation better has a better chance of improving that given situation than does someone motivated by his or her own desires.
(577 words)





首先,一个人完全为了个人的利益追求知识,仍有一些积极的因素。即使仅仅为了自我满足,这个人也可能被一种内在的学习愿望或发现愿望所驱动。这一内在的动机,有时会非常强烈,因而导致对知识不倦的追求以满足这种内心欲望。这样所获得的知识,是否能够有益于社会,完全取决于这个人是自私地持有他/她所学的知识,还是稍有将其知识应用于社会之心思。这方面的例子之一是Nikolai Tesla。尽管Nikolai Tesla与世界分享他的大部分知识,但是他怀抱着他的主要成就进入坟墓。倘若他真有造福于公众利益之心,这些知识肯定会在某时为世界所共享,从而为人类做出无数的甚至是超乎想象的贡献。


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发表于 2004-1-18 12:03:49 |只看该作者

issue173 嘉文博译范文

"Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before: it means putting old ideas together in new ways."

Sample Essay

There are at least two different ways of looking at the concept of originality, and neither of these ways is mutually exclusive as proposed by the above statement. Both approaches to what constitutes "originality" - thinking up something entirely new that no one else has ever thought of before, and combining previously discovered ideas in new ways - have the word "new" in common. One can look at the two schools of thought and see that they are complementary rather than at odds with each other. Both are absolutely necessary for maximizing innovation and discovery.

First, let's consider the first phrase of the statement - "Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before". Coming up with something that has never been thought of before is probably the absolute pinnacle of originality. What could be more original than something that has never before presented itself to the human mind? History is rife with examples of such inventiveness and imagination. People have become rich on even very simple ideas that make one exclaim: "Why didn't I think of that?"
Brand new ideas are often scoffed at or ridiculed in the beginning. The idea that the world was flat was taken as a given until a group of explorers with a novel idea proved that the world was indeed round by circumnavigating the globe. Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity had never been thought of before - can anyone honestly say that this was not an "original" idea? Thomas Alva Edison's entire (and quite amazing) career was based on thinking of things that no one had ever thought of before. Can anyone claim that his inventions lacked originality? On the contrary, thinking up ideas that have never been thought before would seem to the "purest" sense of originality as something that is wholly and entirely brand new to the human species.

Similarly, putting together previously thought of ideas in news ways is just another branch of the notion of originality. Looking back to the example of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, there have been tremendous strides made throughout the sciences using his theory as a basis for theoretical and physical research and development. Combining Einstein's theories with theories on different subjects and areas that had never been looked at before also represents "originality" as they are used to develop new ideas and concepts. Edison is credited with more than one thousand patented ideas. These ideas have been combined with other people's ideas in creative and imaginative ways that Edison never could have imagined. From Edison's invention of the phonograph, we now have compact disks and MP3 digitized music files. The combination of Edison's never-before-thought-of ideas and the technology behind the digital revolution has led to the development of innovative and original methods of listening to music.

Finally, one need to only think about the concept that "originality means combining previously thought of ideas in new ways" to see that it is fundamentally in error. The statement presupposes that all basic ideas that could be thought up have already been proposed, and that there are no new ideas that have never been thought of before. This brings to mind the infamous statement made by the director of the United States Patent Office to U.S. President McKinley in 1899: "Everything that can be invented has already been invented." Concepts that we cannot even imagine will continue to be thought of for as long as people have the capability of thought. The true definition of originality must include both brand new, previously unheard of ideas as well as the later combination of those ideas in new-fangled ways to create something innovative.
(602 words)





首先,我们考察一下上述引文的第一个命题:"原创性并不是思考以前从未被思考之事物"。能构想出以前从未被思考过的事物,这或许是原创性的峰巅。还有什么能比为人类揭示出人类未知的事物更具原创性的呢?人类的历史就是一部此类发明和思想的历史。人们甚至会因为非常简单的想法--简单得以致于有人会说:"我怎么会没有想到呢?" --而成为富人。

崭新的思想在开始时常常受到取笑甚至嘲弄。地球是平的这一观念被认为是铁定的,直到一群拥有新看法的探险家环球旅行证明地球确实是圆的,这一观念才被推翻。Albert Enstein的相对论以前从未有人想到。能有人诚实地说这不是"原创性的"吗?Thomas Alva Edison的整个(且非常令人惊奇的)一生,都是在思考以前从未被人思考过的事物。能有人说他的发明没有"原创性"吗?相反,想到以前从未被人思索过的思想,似乎是原创性"最纯粹"的含义。原创即是指对人类来说纯粹和彻底的新事物。 同样,以新的方法把旧的思想融合在一起是原创性的另一方面。回顾Einstein的相对论,在整个科学史上有许多人运用他的理论作为理论研究或物理研究的基础,从而获得巨大成就和进步。把Einstein的理论与以前从未提出或探讨的学科或领域的理论结合起来,同样体现出"原创性",因为它们是用来发展新的思想和新的观念。Edison有一千多项专利发明。这些发明已与其他人的思想创造性地、富有想象力地结合起来,而这些思想是Edison所想像不到的。从Edison所发明的留声机,我们现在拥有了激光唱机和MP3型数字音乐唱机。Edison的"从未想到的"想法与数字革命以后的技术相结合,导致了富有革新意义和原创意义的聆听音乐方法的产生。

最后,我们只需考虑一下"原创性指的是用新的方法将各种旧思想综合起来"这一说法,就会发现这种说法完全是错误的。这一说法假定所有能想像到的想法都已被提出,而且已经不存在以前还未被想到的新思想了。这使我们想起1899年美国专利署署长对美国总统Mckinley所说的不知天高地厚的话:"所有能被发明的已全被发明"。只要人类还具有思想的能力,我们现在甚至还无法想像到的思想将永远会不断地被构 想出来。原创性的真正定义,必须既包括全新的、前所未闻的思想,又囊括后来用新奇的方法把旧思想综合起来而创造的事物。
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发表于 2004-1-18 12:05:49 |只看该作者

issue174 嘉文博译范文

"Laws should not be stationary and fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places."

Sample Essay

The very function of law is to bring stability and order to the group of people that the laws are enforced upon. For a legal system to work for a society, the laws must be knowable, fair and implemented equally among the population. Compliance is impossible without knowing the laws, and knowing the laws is impossible without them being relatively stationary and fixed. The rule of law as a system requires not only the written laws themselves, but also the institutions and people that enforce the laws and adjudicate those accused of breaking those laws. At the enforcement and judgmental stages, the law can become more adaptable to the particular circumstances.

In the beginning, laws became necessary as civilizations began to develop. One of the earliest known set of laws was known as Urukagina's Code, developed in 2350 B.C. by Mesopotamian kings. These were the first known laws that allowed normal citizens to know what types of actions would be punished and the penalties that could be expected for violating those laws. From that time onward, human societies have tried to perfect a legal system through such famous documents as the Ten Commandments, the Magna Carta, the Constitution of the United States of America, and more recently, the World Trade Organization's international trade agreements. Despite the centuries that separate them, they all have in common that they were written down as rules of law and relatively fixed and unchangeable. This allowed the members of a society to know how they were expected to behave, and in most cases, what rights they had under that particular governmental system.

Furthermore, these written documents showed that as a general rule of fairness, the laws had to be knowable and at least in theory, equally applicable to certain segments of the population. The popular expression "ignorance of the law is no excuse" would not be practicable if the laws were not written and available for those who are to comply with them. Without written and published laws, ignorance of the law would be an excuse, for an individual would have no way of knowing what the laws required. In addition, the laws needed to be fixed and stable so that they could be equally applied (in theory) to everyone. Frequent changes, especially those that were made in response to particular circumstances, times and places, would make for an unworkable legal system. No one could no what to expect from the law because no one could no what the law would be on a certain date or under certain circumstances.

However, in reality, the law is adaptable and flexible in certain situations, places and times. Although the written rules of law must be fixed and seldom changed, the people that enforce the laws, as well as those who judge those who break the laws, have a certain amount of built-in discretion to see that justice is done. A policeman can usually decide, depending on the particular circumstances of a situation, whether to make an arrest or give a verbal warning. Once charged with a crime, the prosecutor can make the decision whether to prosecute the offense or dismiss the charges. Even during a trial, the judges and juries have wide discretion in most cases to adjust the punishment to the individual situation. It is in the enforcement and judicial stages that laws and punishments can be made flexible to allow justice to be served.

In conclusion, without fast and hard rules of law, a society cannot be expected to be able to comply with those laws. Certain standards for enforcement and judgment must of course be followed, but with a certain amount of discretion allowed to make sure that, although justice is blind, it is not stupid.
(622 words)





在最初的时期,随着文明的发展,法律变得十分必要。已知的最早的一套法律是Urukagina法典,公元前2350年出自美索不达米亚历代国王。这就是已知的最早法律,它使普通公民了解什么样的行为将受到惩处以及违反法律将被处以什么样的刑罚。从那以后,人类社会一直努力通过各种条文完善法律体系,例如十诫、大宪章、美国宪法以及最近国际贸易组织的国际贸易协定等。尽管这些条文相隔几百年,但是有一点是共同的,这就是,它们都是作为法律条文形诸文字而且是相对固定和不变的。这就允许社会成员知晓他们应该怎样行为以及在大多情况下他们在某个特定的政府体制里拥有何种权利。 再者,这些形诸文字的法律文件表明,法律作为表现公平的一般原则必须是易于令人知晓的,而且至少在理论上是平等地适用于各个阶层的民众的。倘若法律没有形诸文字,那些守法遵律的人不能了解它们,那么我们常说的"对法律无知并不是借口"就不能成立。如果没有形诸文字并公开发表的法律,"对法律无知"就能成为一个借口,因为一个人就没有办法知晓法律所要求的是什么。另外,法律也需要是固定和稳定的,这样它们就可以平等地(在理论上)应用于每一个人。经常变化--尤其为了适应特殊的环境、时期和区域而做出的变化--将会导致产生一个无法操作的法律体系。没有人能够知晓从法律中期待什么,因为没有人知晓在某个日子或在某种情况下法律会变成什么样子。

然而在现实生活中,法律在某些情况下,在某些地区和某些时期是可以变通的。尽管形诸文字的法律条文必须是固定的,且几乎是不变的,但是执法的人员以及裁决那些违法之人的人员具有某种程度的法定酌处权,以保证正义得到申张。一位执法的警员根据某个特殊的情况决定执行逮捕还是口头警告。一旦提起公诉,公诉人可以决定是起诉这个违法事件还是撤消公诉。甚至在审判期间,法官和陪审团在大多数情况下具有很大的酌处权,针对个别情形对惩处进行调整。正是在执法和司法阶段,法律和量刑可以灵活变通以保证正义得到申张。 总之,没有牢固且严厉的法律条文,一个社会群体就不可能指望能够遵法守律。当然,进行执法和审判的某些准则是必须要遵奉的,但是那必须是允许有一定的酌处权以保证公正实施得不愚蠢,尽管公正的原则是不分你我的。
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发表于 2004-1-18 12:07:32 |只看该作者

issue177 嘉文博译范文


"The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes."

Sample Essay

One of the primary aims of an educational system is to change the way that its students behave and interact with the rest of the world, even at the elementary school level. As one moves further up through school, perhaps even moving on to the graduate level of studying a particular academic discipline, there is no doubt that the world itself has not changed, but the way that the educated person views the world has become vastly different. If this were not so, there would be little reason for a person to pursue higher learning.

To begin with, let's take the example of the study of a relatively simple academic discipline such as marketing. The scholar studies all aspects of marketing, such as marketing research, marketing communications and marketing management. Over a period of three to four years or more, the student learns all about how people, organizations, corporations and governments all use marketing to persuade the general public to believe in a particular idea, campaign, product or political belief. From the very first marketing class, the student becomes aware that marketing is engaged in the process of manipulating people. The world will never look the same to that individual as he sees the tremendous amount of information available to the world in an entirely different (and most likely more cynical) light. For instance, as a specific example, the student learns that most products and brands featured in television and movies are placed there deliberately, with a large fee paid to the producers by the company that sells the product. It will be difficult for the marketing scholar to watch almost any movie or program without looking through his or her new frame of reference, noticing practically every brand name and product that is featured in a television program or theatrical release.

Furthermore, the more intensive the education, the more that person's view of the world will change. Nuclear physicists cannot look at an object without noting on some level its subatomic components and construction. Astronomers with a PhD cannot be expected to simply gaze at a starlit sky in the same manner as a pair of young lovers out on a date. Physicians cannot help but see the human body in a much more clinical manner than most other people - after all, they have most likely thoroughly analyzed a human body before, both inside and out. A lawyer will never be able to perceive the world in the same way again after law school or especially after practicing law for several years. The study of law will instill in the law student a critical method of analyzing facts and situations. It is only natural that this training will spill over into other aspects of the lawyer's life, not just when dealing with legal facts. It is not possible to "think" in more than one way once your mind has been trained at critical analysis. Additionally, after the lawyer has practiced for several years, he or she will likely have seen both the good sides and the bad sides of humanity in a society. Even when meeting new people, the experienced lawyer will have a predisposed opinion of how he or she perceives this person based on their own paradigm, looking through the biased lenses of legal training.

The study of an academic discipline does not in and of itself make the world different, although the application of those studies can certainly change the course of human events. But the perceptions of the world and the way that it works are forever altered for the individual that pursues a higher education, as his or her "eyes" will never "look" the same way again.
(613 words)




一种教育体制的首要目的,是改变其学生的行为以及与世界交流的方式,甚至在初等教育的水平上亦复如此。随着一个人继续上学,甚至在研究生阶段研习某一学科,世界本身无疑是没有什么变化的,但是受教育者观察世界的方式已经是很大地不同了。倘若不是这样的话,就没有什么理由让一个人接受高等教育了。 首先,让我们以研习一个相对简单的学科(例如市场营销)为例。学习者研习市场营销的各个方面,诸如市场调查,市场流通,市场管理等。通过三、四年或更长时间的学习,学生学习到个人、机构、公司和政府是如何运用营销这门学问劝诱公众相信某种观念、运动、产品或政治信仰的。从最初的市场课堂,学生意识到市场营销所关涉的就是一个操纵人的过程。随着一个人用完全不同的(而且很可能是更加愤世嫉俗的)目光看到大量的信息涌入这个世界,这个世界将永远不会对这个人是同样的。例如,作为一个具体的例子,学生会了解到,在电视和电影中所宣传的大多数产品和商品都是故意地安排在那儿的,销售那些产品的厂家给制片人支付了巨额费用。对于市场营销的学者来说,去观看任何电影或电视节目而不加进他/ 她自己新的参照框架是很困难的。他会注意到电视节目或电影上播放的几乎每一种品牌和产品。


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发表于 2004-1-18 12:10:07 |只看该作者

"The way students and scholars interpret the materials they work with in their academic fields is more a matter of personality than training. Different interpretations come about when people with different personalities look at exactly the same objects, facts, data, or events and see different things."

Sample Essay

The underlying theory of how students and scholars interpret whatever materials they are working with is a subject of debate among psychologists and sociologists, similar to the debate over the "nature versus nurture" theory of some other forms of human behavior. In my opinion, whether personality or training plays a bigger factor in interpreting information will depend not only on the individual involved, but also the academic field that is being studied. Additionally, different interpretations arise even when people with the same personalities look at exactly the same objects, facts, data or events. This phenomenon is a fundamental part of human nature, not just a function of different personalities.

First of all, analysis and interpretation of information is going to depend a great deal upon the individual involved. Some people are much more emotional than others, which can lead them to act on their emotions in spite of their training. Other people may have a personality that can be subjugated to his or her training, no matter what the situation. Emotions are an integral part of one's personality. For example, a highly trained police officer with a hot temper may go beyond the bounds of his training and beat a suspect if provoked enough by that suspect. The officer had been fully trained while at the police academy on how to deal with hostile suspects during an arrest, and he knew exactly what the proper procedure was. However, the taunting of the suspect caused the temperament part of the officer's personality to take over and lash out, in spite of his regimented training.

On the other side of the spectrum, an individual with the very same training, perhaps from the same class as the hot-tempered policeman, may have viewed the situation in a very different manner and simply ignored the taunts of the suspect. This officer's personality allowed him to take provocation and insults without feeling it personally and to therefore follow his training in the situation. In the latter case, it was the training that was used to handle the problem. In the former, it was purely personality that caused the policeman's behavior. For the first officer, personality was more important, while for the second officer, training provided the basis for action.

Secondly, the type of academic field that is being studied also plays a big part in whether personality or training is the foundation for interpretation. Certain academic fields demand that the student or scholar act based on training, while others require the personality of the individual to guide interpretation. Perhaps the simplest example is the difference between a mathematics student and a student of the arts. The mathematics student will analyze the data being studied by using his or her training with formulas and numbers; there is very little personality involved in the study and application of mathematics. However, each and every art student will approach a painting or a sculpture from an almost purely personal point of view, which depends almost exclusively on that student's personality. Perhaps artistic training will give the art student the vocabulary to describe the object, but in this case it is personality that gives the basis for analysis.

Finally, it must be said that there are not just the two variables involved that give people different views of the exact same situations. A crime may have one hundred people as eyewitnesses, and investigators will get one hundred different descriptions. Although some of those people almost certainly have the same or similar personalities, other human variables distort what actually happened. Human nature is much too complex to ascribe different viewpoints or analyses based on the training versus personality argument.
(607 words)







其次,所研习的学术领域的类别,也在决定是个性还是训练成为解释的基础这个问题上起着重要的作用。有些学术领域要求学生或学者按照所受的训练行事,而其它一些学术领域却要求一个人的个性来指导对事物的解释。或许,最简单的例子是数学专业与艺术专业的学生之间的不同。数学专业的学生会用他/她所受训练的方式和数字去分析所研究的数据。在对数学的研究和应用过程中很少牵涉个性。然而,每一位艺术专业的学生都会从几乎完全是个人的视角看待一幅油画或一尊雕像,这几乎完全取决于那位学生的个性。艺术训练或许会给艺术专业的学生提供用以描述对象的语汇,但在这种情况下,是个性提供了分析解释的基础。 最后,应该说明的是,并非只有以上所谈的这两种因素使人们对相同的事情有不同的看法。一起犯罪活动可能有一百个目击者,调查人员就可能得到一百个不同的描述。尽管他们当中一些人肯定具有相同的或相似的性格,但是人类身上其它的可变性因素都会歪曲所发生的事件。人的本性太复杂了,因此我们不能仅仅根据训练相对于个性的说法去划分不同的观点或不同的分析解释。
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发表于 2004-1-18 12:12:45 |只看该作者

issue184 嘉文博译范文

"It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data."

Sample Essay

It is a rare situation where one is faced with a dilemma without the benefit of having at least some information about that particular state of affairs. Seldom does something pop up out of nowhere for which there is absolutely no data available. However, when a situation occurs where there is no information immediately available, hypothesizing about a theoretical explanation for that set of circumstances can certainly lay the groundwork for an understanding of what has happened.

To theorize means to form a theory about something or to speculate about a set of circumstances. Merriam Webster's dictionary defines a theory in part as "a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation; [or] an unproved assumption." People automatically make assumptions about a situation based on prior experience with a set of circumstances or a particular set of facts. It is the normal decision and thought-making process that human beings go through in trying to decipher the world around them. If an individual were not allowed to make an assumption about a situation, the individual would be lacking an essential human element in the process of interpreting that particular situation. Theorizing about a possible explanation can eliminate implausible solutions as well as generate a range of possibilities for what has occurred.

Additionally, the human ability to think in a logical manner to rationally explain an event or series of events is one important characteristic that separates us from animals. This ability stems from being not only able to remember past facts and events, but to actually apply those memories to future situations. The ability to learn from the past is a fundamental part of building knowledge, which allows us to advance as a civilization. If one accepts the idea that it is a grave mistake to hypothesize in cases where there is a lack of data, one of the most essential tools of learning would be taken away from us.

For example, consider the situation where a human skeleton is found with absolutely no clues as to what happened to this particular person. If the investigative team is not allowed to hypothesize or make an assumption about the circumstances under which the person died, they could not make a decision on how to even begin their investigation. Should they proceed with the investigation as a homicide or a death of natural causes? With no data available, the investigators must theorize as to a cause of death
and thus proceed with the inquiry on that basis alone. Without a hypothesis, there is no guide or "roadmap" as to how to proceed, and the investigators work would be greatly hampered.

As another example, consider the situation faced in the beginning by scientists researching cancer. At first, scientists and doctors knew only that people were dying slowly from some cause, but the cause itself was unknown. Researchers were faced with almost no data other than the fact that people were dying. Hypothesizing about the situation led doctors to look inside the body for the cause. Further hypotheses have led to the state of cancer research today, and obviously, much work remains to be done as no cure has been found as yet. It may be likely that a cure for some types of cancer may come from pure speculation based on a theory rather than on any hard evidence or data.

It goes without saying that it is a rare situation where there is no data available to form a hypothesis on which to proceed. But even in situations where there is only a small amount of data available, a hypothesis can be an invaluable director toward the truth.
(606 words)




人们面对某一困境,但对这一事态没能掌握最起码的信息线索,这一情境是极为罕见的。某事无缘无故地冒出来且无根可寻,没有一点信息线索,这种事情一般是很少存在的。但是,当出现一个事态且没有直接的信息时,为那一系列情状假设某种理论上的解释无疑会为我们了解所发生的事情的真相打下基础。 进行理论说明,指的是对某事物形成一个理论或对一系列事实进行理论判断。Merriam Webster词典对"理论"的定义是这样的:"为了论证或研究所做的假说;(或)尚未证实的假设。"人们自然地根据以前对一系列情况或事实的经验对一种情况进行假设。人们在试图破解他们周围的世界时肯定要经过正常的判断和思想过程。倘若我们不允许对某一事态做一假设,那么我们在解释那一事态的过程中就会缺少最基本的人类因素。对一个可能的解释做假设,不但可以消除不合情理的解释,还会为所发生的事情导出一系列的可能性。




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发表于 2004-6-17 19:00:02 |只看该作者

issue185 嘉文博译范文


“Scandals – whether in politics, academia, or other areas – can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.”

Sample Essay

Charismatic leaders and ultra-popular figures in society undoubtedly have the ability to redirect our attention towards some specific problems. But there is no doubt that a scandal in any aspect of a society may be a useful and powerful attention-getter that can motivate people to sit up and take notice of a previously unknown or little-discussed problem.

To begin with, a scandal cannot actually exist if no one knows about it. Normally when one hears of a scandal, it is caused by someone’s truly outrageous behavior. It is quite often someone of a least some celebrity status that is the offender; thereby making the scandal an even bigger news story than the conduct itself would have been in the first place. Just looking at the news worldwide, one can see that, many times, the news covers a particular political or societal scandal. The very fact that a scandal mesmerizes and titillates a society makes it an ideal motivator for focusing public attention on a particular problem within that society.

As one example, the recent scandal involving sexual abuse by Catholic priests and officials focused the world’s attention on the problem of pedophiles in high-ranking positions of authority. Although there had been such allegations and even lawsuit settlements in the past, it took a large-scale scandal to really focus the public’s attention on the problem. When only a few people had previously spoken out, very little attention was directed towards the potential problems. Then a massive scandal broke out involving hundreds of priests and victims, internal cover-ups and the Church’s admission of the moving around of accused priests from parish to parish. The public was outraged, causing the problems to be addressed at the highest levels of the Catholic Church, including an announcement by the Pope, the leader of the Catholic faith.

In an example from academia, a scandal over world famous author Stephen Ambrose focused the academic world’s attention on the previously little-discussed problem of plagiarism. Although allegations of plagiarism had arisen in the past, there had been no scandal created because those accused were not well known and had mostly written little work of any consequence. On the contrary, Mr. Ambrose had been cited as an expert authority on history and had sold millions of best-selling books worldwide. The ensuing scandal that erupted over his admitted (and supposedly inadvertent) plagiarism probably focused attention on the problem of misappropriating the writings of others in a way that no individual could have done.

A further example of the impact of scandal on society can be found in the history of the public’s reaction to the AIDS virus. In the early 1980’s, the general population was not concerned about the disease as it was seen mainly as a homosexual problem with little risk to so-called “normal” people. But when famous movie star Rock Hudson died of AIDS, followed by the resulting scandal over his previously little-known sex life, the public’s attention became more focused on the plight of people with the deadly disease. Many individuals had spoken out on the potential problems caused by AIDS before his death. But it was the scandal caused by revelations over Mr. Hudson’s life and death, followed by the similarly scandalous deaths of other celebrities that tragically brought home the reality of the disease – everyone could be at risk.

In summary, there are potentially many very charismatic and influential people that can be truly motivational leaders and focus a society’s attention on a particular problem. But quite often it takes a scandal and the accompanying publicity to make the public truly take notice and actually contemplate a specific issue.

(603 words)







在一个学术领域的案例中,涉及世界知名作家Stephen Ambrose的丑闻,把整个学术界的注意力汇聚于以前很少探讨的剽窃问题。尽管对剽窃的指控以前曾经有过,但是并没有造成丑闻,因为那些被指控者大都不太知名,而且也没有写过有什么影响力的作品。Ambrose先生被公认为史学界的权威专家,有数百万册畅销书在全世界销售。接蹱而来的便是有关他已承认的(而且据称是非故意的)剽窃所引起的丑闻,这一丑闻可能以前所未有的力度使人们关注盗用他人写作成果这一问题。

另一个说明丑闻对社会影响的例子,是公众对爱滋病毒的反应。在20世纪80年代早期,大众并不关心这一病症,因为它被认为主要是同性恋问题,对所谓的“正常”人并没有什么危险。但是当著名的电影明星Rock Hudson死于爱滋病,紧随着是他从前鲜为人知的性生活的丑闻的披露,公众的注意力才更多地汇集到患有这一致命疾病的人们所处的困境。在Hudson死之前,许多人已直言爱滋病所引起的潜在问题,但是正是有关Hudson先生的生活和死亡的丑闻的披露,以及随之披露的其他名人要员的类似丑闻,才悲剧性地揭示出这一疾病的现实:每个人都有可能受其危害。

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