Vo:first left,then right
Me: (我按了食指)like this?
Vo: Yeah, thank you!
Me: Thank you! (ft,谢来谢去的)
Vo: So you are from Zhejiang University?
Me: Yeah.
Vo: But your family is living in Shenzhen, right? 这个问题就是典型的跨区疑问了,但在户口在广州领事区范围内的没有关系,这个是广州签证的特殊性。建议户口在上海,成都,沈阳和北京里领事馆范围内的不要跨区签证。
Me: Yeah. My hukou is in Shenzhen.
Vo: (看了一小下电脑,没在继续纠缠我的跨区问题。大概对1000的看的不严~)
Vo:So will you study for a master or PhD at Vanderbilt?
Me: Master. 建议这里接着说完就好,去读什么什么专业的MASTER。如果VO不打断则继续介绍小方向
Vo: In economics?
Me: Economic Development. It writes “Economics, general” in my I20, but in fact, it is Economic Development. I’m gonna pursue my master’s degree in Ecnonmic Development at Vanderbilt university. (晕,反复说这个意思。) It is a special program that…(被打断,本想说这个专业是研究发展中国家经济发展情况的,可惜没机会了)
Vo:OK,can you tell me why don’t you study for an mba? What’s the difference between an mba and a master’s degree? 呵呵,这个问题就是在考察你的求学目的性啊,只要从专业的角度讲清楚这两个专业之间的差别就可以了。他是在看你是否真的了解你所要学得专业。能否清楚的指出该专业的特点。因为你没有工作经验,所以他的主要目的并不是在WHT NOT MBA上(说的飞快,还没对着话筒,但是我大致听出这个意思了,ft,这个问题连108问里都没有,为了缓冲,我excuse me了一次,他对着话筒重复一遍,语速一样快,但是听清了。)
Me:ahm…(2 seconds passed)(心想不能再拖了!还好我始终表现出那种莫名其妙的表情)I don’t like mba!
Vo: so you mean you don’t wanna go into business or management, right?
Me: yes.(也只好yes了,不然越解释越麻烦) 可能因为紧张吧,以上的回答不是很出色,推荐先用一两句话讲明白两个专业的差别,从这个差别出发,再讲你不要学MBA,要学你的专业。
Vo: ok. (我怀疑他是怕我去了美国转商科或mba?) 真的如果这样怀疑的话不会仅凭你一个不加任何有力解释的YES就打消顾虑的
Vo: what’s your plan after graduation?
Me: I wanna come back to Shenzhen.(被打断)
Vo:to do what kind of job?
Me: to seek a position in the department of plan and development in some big corporation. You see, Shenzhen is the most successful “special economic region” in China. It is a dynamic city full of hope and opportunities. I will easily find a job. 看来大家对PLAN确实都想过很多,但是回国计划切忌空泛,如果你确实是打算回国的那么你一定仔细调查过回国之后可以在哪一类公司找到哪一类的工作,薪水水平大概多少,并和HR的负责人谈过或浏览过相关网站知道具体的人才引进计划。
Vo: what kind of job?
Me: (急了) many corporations in Shenzhen need persons in this field. They have this department of plan and investment, no, plan and development, that needs this kind of persons. (shit,development,investment, department这三个恶心的词开始排列组合的说窜,真汗啊,一紧张嘴都不好使了!) 以上回答很空
Me:(开始对着他胡说。)You see, my parents both earns high salaries.
(隔了十秒左右,) and we also have two housing property.(真滑稽,说这个感觉好不合时宜。)we also have a deposit of **(不过看来vo还在关注回国计划。) 当然了,他最关心的就是你去了能不能回来,而你的计划在前面的回答中太不具体了,很难让一个负责任的VO信服Vo: But I still don’t know what kind of job you will do when you come back?(轻轻摇头!) 果然,这里如果再答不好可就要产生灾难性后果了。CALM DOWN ! 推荐在去之前一定要把归国后工作的相关问题调查仔细。准备好细节
Me: For example, the Shenzhen ** Group Corporation has a department of plan and development and I could go to corporations like that when I come back.
Vo: (说出具体公司,他似乎有些相信了。不再纠缠。)
Who will pay for your study?
Me: (松了口气。)My parents will pay all the fees involved for me.
Vo: what’s your parents’ job?
Me: My father is the CEO of a listed corporation that is Shenzhen ** Group Corporation. My mother is the senior executive of Shenzhen ** Group Corporation, also a listed company. 这个讲法是正确的,职位—公司—城市。
Vo: What does your father’s company do?
Me: they deals with business in roads, buildings etc. It’s a comprehensive corporation.
Vo: Do you have the certificate of their jobs?
Me: Sure! (刚想抽出来,他不要)
Vo: Would you please put the whole ** into the window so I could see them one by one.
Me: (那么小的窗口塞这么大一个文件夹,我想了个好方法塞了进去,他很满意的开心的笑了,还说”oh, I get it! I get it!”)
Vo: 紧张的气氛稍微好了些。他开始一页一页的快翻。他其实根本没细看我父母的工作证明和年薪证明,也可能是扫到了一眼就pass了。然后他翻到了我说过的某某公司的主页,问
So this is the kind of company you could go after graduation? 这里充分体现了作足材料的重要性,看来你确实是做过详细的回国计划的,但是因为紧张没有在最开始就把它讲到具体。使得整个过程充满紧张
Me: yes! (ft,看来美国人一定要见到具体的公司才肯满意)(他满意的点头。
Vo:what’s the highest mark you could get?
Me: 蒙了!难道你不知道GRE满分800吗?!I beg your pardon?
Vo: 他指着那个800的地方问,what’s the highest mark of this section?
Me: 800! I got full mark! (借题发挥)
You see, Economics needs strong math background. And my mathematics is very good. And also, the faculty of Vanderbilt said that it is ok for me to study.(汗啊,明摆着拿学校来给自己找借口^_^)
Vo: 又看了一会电脑,手在向红条那里伸。
Enjoy your life at Vanderbilt! Come here at 3:00pm tomorrow afternoon.
Me:真不敢相信自己的耳朵!我丧心病狂的对他大喊一声“thank you very much! And have a nice day!”
CONG! 你父亲的职位和公司使得他没有在资金问题上纠缠很多。恭喜拿到签证。