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Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them.
Nowadays, many successful celebrities 【怎么说呢,用这个词不算错,自己也才查了一下google,但是我还是觉得famous person/people更好些,当然我自己也不能很权威的说到底哪个更正确,因为自己毕竟不是English Major,有时间看看economist,New Yorker】are interviewed by the media and their success stories are well known 【用spread如何】in the world. Instead of considering that the emphasis on role models【读起来超级不顺口,改改】, in other words celebrities【应该是:in other words,celebrities…注意“,”的位置】, will prevent people from thinking and acting independently【很中式的表达,改改】, I assent that their exemplary stories boost up our morale and other people【others】could【为什么用could呢?表示“虚拟语气”吗?但是,这是一个事实啊,没必要虚拟】 learn from stories while apply adaptively in different situations.【1。apply 和adaptively是由一个词源延展出来的,两者放在一起感觉用词很单调2。adaptively和in different situation仔细想想是否是一种“逻辑包涵”的关系呢?前者其实已经包涵了后者了,这样就重复了(这个要求的比较高,但是不要以为目前做不到就不需要努力,功夫没有白下的,时候到了汗水自然就体现出其作用了) 3。那个while用的很差,介词的准确使用是AWA考核的一个重点,要注意。而且如果用while的话,这个句子从逻辑上讲是很混乱的。Learn和apply一般而言是两个独立的过程,并非密不可分的。 所以建议整体改为:and then put them into practice 】
4。缺点C: 逻辑思路有待提高。在原文中,有好几处遣辞造句,可以找到明显的逻辑漏洞。当然,这中缺点不是我告诉你,你知道了,就立即可以改正的,这需要一个过程,但是,首先要从意识上认识到。今后要有意识的加强!说中文也是一样,其实逻辑是没有国界与领域的,掌握好了,总是好的。
Undoubtedly, some celebrities【用词贫乏,前面这个词已经用过了,这里就应该换一个。以后要有意识的提醒自己:在一篇文章里,尽量避免重复用词!先要有那么个决心,然后才能慢慢纠正】, because of their great breakthrough and contribution【1。because of 建议换成since,as等小词。2。这句话的表达台chiglish了,以后要注意3。插入语的表达形式自己可以找找其他资料,学习一下地道的表达方式,然后专门发个帖子,让大家共同进步,如果你有时间的话:)】, have motivated thousands of youngsters in their studies and careers【1。youngster和career是不是显的有点不和谐呢?这里最好就用person、people等词,看似common,其实从逻辑角度而言,是很少有漏洞的2。从侧面这里暴露你一个问题,其实自己也提过了,在上周的作文点评中,那就是“认识需要再深化”。不要老是用年轻人的视角来来看待问题,这这能说明思想不成熟。看问题,尽量要用一个human being的视角去对待,当然,这很难做,先告诉你了】. In many cases【这种表示“开始举例”的句子放在这里是极其不合适的,我看是还以为你要举例了,但结果,是进行理论分析。但ETS的判官们不会看的这么仔细的,想想高考作文判卷吧,道理一样,只要是人,你就要考虑到他一定会疲劳,会出错。但是,咱们不能坐以待毙啊,所以,自己的表述上要尽量标准化一些,让别人看的舒服一点,自然,能得高分的概率也就相应的大一点】, they are the first to successfully achieve the target that was considered to be impossible to attain previously【1.这个句子超级杂糅,超级chinglish,Cui哥们儿,你语言要下大功夫了。我建议改为:they are the first one who attain those targets impossible 2.感觉你在凑字啊,这可不行呦,字数不是衡量分数的重要标准之一,能力不使用“量”来体现的】. Their success will inspire others to achieve dreams which may also be considered as impossible【1。词句就不说了,还是要改。2。重点要说的是,在句首要加个连词,比如:so。如果说结构使骨头的话,连词就是关节,没有关节的人就无法调动他们的躯体。这样也就能理解,像AJ,AI,姚明这些篮球运动员为什么如果出事一定都是关节如何。相应的,只有用好了连词,这个组织文章的“关节”,才能使文章做为一个有机体更加紧凑】. Xiang, Liu, the most famous Chinese athlete, has won the gold metal of 100 meter hundles in the Athens Olympic Games【这个介绍的就没有重点了,世界知道刘翔不是因为他是中国人,而是因为他获得了奥运冠军,顺序要颠倒一下,以符合US强调个体荣誉的习惯】. People have a opinion which last for a very long time that the black people possess the overwhelming advantages in sprint and it is impossible for Asians to have an excellent result in the sprint. And in facts, before Xiang, Liu, no other Asians【?】 could win the medal in the sprint. The significance of Xiang, Liu's success not only lies in the refutation of the traditional opinion, but also motivate other Asians in sprints or who are willing to devote themselves in this field. The advent of Xiang, Liu【第一词提到刘翔的时候要要用全称,后面的就直接说liu就可以了,听听FIFA200X里怎么念中国球员的自然就知道标准的英文表达了,这个需要注意―――调动一切途径去获取英文知识,不要老想着为了考试,其实是为了joy,但看你能否想通了】 makes them confident that if they could practice more with scientific coaching, they also have the possibility to succeed. So it could be seen that the role model could be a striking motivation force that impels people to move forward.
3。缺点E: 由于对US的某些思维习惯不是很熟悉,致使从表达上较多的体现出“中国特色”,这个尽量要提醒自己。
Besides【用的比较好,新手连词最好就是要在句首体现】, the role model's examples provide indispensable traits to the success for others. The story of the role model, will disclose the reason why he or she could obtain the outstanding result and effect of other factors, like outside environment, supports from friends and chances that could help achieve the result. From learning all these traits, other people could apply in their own situations.【这里最好查一个,for instance什么的,以提醒判官,这里我举例了,不要老想当然的认为,我写了,自然你就应该看到,那么老米们也可以想,你让我找例子的那么累,我自然也要扣你一点分。大家其实都是好人,都要互相体谅一点,其实ETS的老师判卷也不容易啊,想想咱们中国的高考,估计也差不多】 Dells【举例,最好是大家想一想还能回忆出来的,也不要都弄成了独家绝例了】, whose marketing strategy is the direct sales which makes his business prospective tells us that the advantage of direct sales and how to utilize it to make a fortune. Once realizing the advantage of low cost and intimate contact with customers that the direct sales could bring, businessmen afterward develops the concept of network marking, introducing and delivering the product directly to customers by his sales team which is popular in the skin care market. Not surprisingly, in the lecture of MBA courses, many real case studies of some giant companies are discussed. And experts have proved that it is the most efficient way to learn from those who are successful. So the role model could leave the precious experience which may provide a great help for followers.
Of course, people who copy ways that lead to role models' success without change abandon the independent thinking and acts. Past evidences have already proved that they will fail definitely. Different environment, different policies will make the exact role models' method obsolete. Bill Gates began to succeed at developing the operation system for the computer. At that time, there was nearly no competition in that area and a great potential lied in this field【这个不太正确,如果对OS发展史比较了解的话,其实那时候,主要是MS靠上了IBM这个大象,其实当时最好的系统OS是IBM的OS/2,个人OS是一个叫CXXX什么的。开始IBM想买那个,结果那个教授不想让他的OS广泛商业化,所以IBM才找Bill模仿着做了MS-DOS。综上,我归结其成功为运气 :D】. However, if somebody still try to succeed by developing a new operation system, he will have much less chances to win over Microsoft since Microsoft has conquered the whole market and it is very advance now. Obviously, Bill Gate's way is outdated and can not lead to the success by simply copying without change. And this analogy is prevailing in any other field.
A. Their success will inspire others to achieve dreams which may also be considered as impossible.
B. Besides, the role model's examples provide indispensable traits to the success for others
C. Of course, people who copy ways that lead to role models' success without change abandon the independent
2。首先,看看题目:Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them.要学会分析出题人的潜涵义,这个issue,出题者最想要的answer是什么,你首先要利用直觉或者什么的在第一时间判断出来。很明显是:反对偶像崇拜,要学会正确面对偶像。
这个结论是很明显的,US就是要强调特性(当然,目前他们是特性太泛滥了,少了共性,所以目前在补我们从小学的,比如team work,但是说到底,US是崇尚个性的,这个主次不要颠倒)
To sum up, role models have many advantages and people who absorb the relevant trait with dependent thinking could benefit a lot.
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[ Last edited by Orange&Blue on 2005-10-15 at 12:52 ] |