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[i习作temp] issue153 学生应该怀疑 ,高频,大家互拍啊(sally) [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-22 12:47:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
153"Students should bring certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
1.        严格的说,学生可能学到的一切都是观点,而不是事实。
2.        在怀疑的过程中,学生能够磨练他们的思考能力,并作出能够推动他们学习,生活乃至社会进步的贡献。
3.        让步,无条件或者不理性的怀疑不仅浪费人们的精力和时间,还会剥夺他们获得真知的机会。

When I was three, I used to ask my parents where I came from and received the answer that I was sent to them by migratory birds. Though relatively luckier than the kids who were told by their parents that they were picked up in the woods, this "fact" remained opressive in my mind until I found out the truth myself more than ten years later. With respect to the fact that educational systems of different countries in different times even provided more ridiculous answers for a variety of different topics, my naive experience may illustrate profound ideas: students' effort of questioning whatever they study will not only benefit their learning process and their lives but also promote the development of society in a larger sense.

First, strictly speaking, all that students may learn are opinions, not facts. All the people, whether they are great scientists, scholars, politicians, or artists, live lives in times and they are inevitably influenced by their own knowledge, habits, experiences, beliefs, and characters even when they are pursuing the careers that emphasize most on logics and facts. And it is personal opinions of all these people that compose what we call knowledge or authority that is taught to the students by the educational system. In addition, no educational system can be free of the influences of ideas and creeds of its own countries. A society always tries to convey its dominating ideas and creeds to its own people through education. For example, both the textbooks of the U.S and North Korea are advocating that their own social systems are the most perfect in the world and trying their best to condemn each other. When it happens like this, the context of the textbooks is rather propagandizing tools than means to imparting information, and it would rely on the students' ability of questioning to get closer to the truth.

Second, through questioning what they are taught, students can hone their ability of critical thinking and may make discoveries that contribute to their learning process, future life or even to the progress of the society. By questioning the conclusions and ideas from the professors and textbooks, students may have to carry out experiments or enrich their pool of evidence to check the reliability of the cited evidence and examine carefully the logical connections between the cited evidence and the conclusions. In this process, students’ comprehension about the conclusions is deepened and their ability of critical thinking is strengthened. And if the conclusions do not accord with each other, they may try to explain them in their own way, which possibly leads to a certain extent of innovation. This trend is especially obvious in studying of science: a lot of students promoted its progresses by questioning authorities. For instance, without the habit of independent thinking and doubt against the dominating theories of Aristotle, it was hardly possible for Galileo to make his unique contribution for classic mechanics while he was still a student. Again, without the questions about the applicability of classic mechanics in microscopic scopes, it is equally impossible for Albert Einstein to give birth to principle of relativity. Simply put, without questioning what they are taught, learning is hardly any better than a process of rote for the students.

Admittedly, unconditional or irrational skepticism may lead to a sacrifice of students' time and energy as well as their chances to get closer to the truth. Confucius ever said: thinking without learning causes only tiredness. So does skepticism. When people lack the spirit of open mind, certain abilities of critical thinking or necessary evidence or knowledge, suspicion for skepticism’s sake is rarely more than irrational harbor suspicion or bombastic bigotry based on ignorance. One case in point is that even if many people saw with their eyes that the two steels balls fell on the ground at the moment, they still angrily declared it was due to Galileo’s sorcery that produced the scene. The example may well illustrate that skepticism cannot exert its positive power of skepticism without conditions such as an open mind or certain levels of critical thinking.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that since there is absolute or perfect knowledge or ideas, it is necessary for students to maintain a certain extent of skepticism towards whatever they are taught. And I would like to add premises such as a spirit of open mind to make the argument sounder.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-22 18:59:08 |只看该作者
issue153 学生应该怀疑 ,高频,大家互拍啊(sally)

153"Students should bring certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
1.        严格的说,学生可能学到的一切都是观点,而不是事实。
2.        在怀疑的过程中,学生能够磨练他们的思考能力,并作出能够推动他们学习,生活乃至社会进步的贡献。
3.        让步,无条件或者不理性的怀疑不仅浪费人们的精力和时间,还会剥夺他们获得真知的机会。

When I was three, I used to ask my parents where I came from and received the answer that I was sent to them by migratory birds. Though relatively luckier than the kids who were told by their parents that they were picked up in the woods, this "fact" remained opressive in my mind until I found out the truth myself more than ten years later. With respect to the fact that educational systems of different countries in different times even provided more ridiculous(这是个贬义词 我觉得你的意思是奇怪吧 用 odd strange都可以)  answers for a variety of different topics, my naive(天真的??) experience may illustrate profound ideas: students' effort of questioning whatever they study will not only benefit their learning process and their lives but also promote the development of society in a larger sense.

First, strictly speaking, all that students may learn are opinions, not facts. (我觉得用名词性从句好what the students learn is opinions,not facts)All the people, whether they are great scientists, scholars, politicians, or artists, live lives in times and they are inevitably influenced by their own knowledge, habits, experiences, beliefs, and characters even when they are pursuing the careers that emphasize most on logics and facts.(even their careers focus on logic and facts 这样简单 你那样别扭)  (从TS到第二句话跳跃性太强了 把你第二句话和第三句整合一下 Those printed on the textbook are the personal opinions of the great scients,.....that is called knowledge or authority taught to the studnts in the educational system, however, all those people are inevitably influence by their own knowledge,.....) And it is personal opinions of all these people that compose what we call knowledge or authority that is taught to the students by the educational system. In addition, no educational system can be free of the influences of ideas and creeds of its own countries. A society always tries to convey its dominating ideas and creeds to its own people through education. For example, both the textbooks of the U.S and North Korea are advocating that their own social systems are the most perfect in the world and trying their best to condemn each other.(我觉得这个问题比较敏感 到底哪个社会制度好呢 谁也不知道阿)  When it happens like this, the context of the textbooks is rather propagandizing tools than means to imparting information, and it would rely on the students' ability of questioning to get closer to the truth.(觉得你应该把重点放在 question the authority 上 所以ts加上 后半句which call for the students themselve to be critial of what is learnt and search for the truth)
Second, through questioning what they are taught, students can hone(hone好词) their ability of critical thinking and may make discoveries that contribute to their learning process, future life or even to the progress of the society. By questioning the conclusions and ideas from the professors and textbooks, students may have to carry out experiments or enrich their pool of evidence to check the reliability of the cited evidence and examine carefully the logical connections between the cited evidence and the conclusions. In this process, students’ comprehension about the conclusions is deepened and their ability of critical thinking is strengthened. And if the conclusions do not accord with each other, they may try to explain them in their own way, which possibly leads to a certain extent of innovation. This trend is especially obvious in studying of science: a lot of students promoted its progresses by questioning authorities. For instance, without the habit of independent thinking and doubt against the dominating theories of Aristotle, it was hardly possible for Galileo to make his unique contribution for classic mechanics while he was still a student. Again, without the questions about the applicability of classic mechanics in microscopic scopes, it is equally impossible for Albert Einstein to give birth to principle of relativity. Simply put, without questioning what they are taught, learning is hardly any better than a process of rote for the students.(赞一个 这段写的好)

Admittedly, unconditional or irrational skepticism may lead to a sacrifice of students' time and energy as well as their chances to get closer to the truth. Confucius ever said: thinking without learning causes only tiredness. So does skepticism. When people lack the spirit of open mind, certain abilities of critical thinking or necessary evidence or knowledge, suspicion for skepticism’s sake is rarely more than irrational harbor suspicion or bombastic bigotry based on ignorance. One case in point is that even if many people saw with their eyes that the two steels balls fell on the ground at the moment, they still angrily declared it was due to Galileo’s sorcery that produced the scene. The example may well illustrate that skepticism cannot exert its positive power of skepticism without conditions such as an open mind or certain levels of critical thinking.(对于这段 你的TS写的不错 但是你后面的内容不能仅仅的扣住 没有提到sacrifice of students'time and energy 只是去说block their chances to get closer to the truth 不过你后面的分析比较好啊)

In conclusion, I would like to point out that since there is absolute or perfect knowledge or ideas, it is necessary for students to maintain a certain extent of skepticism towards whatever they are taught. And I would like to add premises such as a spirit of open mind to make the argument sounder.

我很少从语言上过多的去修改你的文章 更看重的是你的内在的逻辑
也许修改的不像别人那样看上去红红绿绿的 但是我觉得逻辑是首位:)

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