
标题: issue43 快考试了,却越来越写不出了,好心人给指点一下啊! [打印本页]

作者: juliawalter    时间: 2007-1-24 14:55:47     标题: issue43 快考试了,却越来越写不出了,好心人给指点一下啊!

TOPIC: ISSUE43 - "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."
WORDS: 416          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-1-24

What can we expect from an effective leader? Integrity, honesty, good charisma and competency, but all these seem yet enough. He must set a good example for the ordinary people to conform to. Since people are always in need of a leader to direct them, the most important issue of a country is to select an effective leader that they can count on. But how to be an effective leader? Can one succeed only by maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards? I doubt this point of view.

To maintain a higher ethical and moral standards is the necessary request of being successful as a common human being. But to be a public official is demanding. He must better than the ordinary people. We don't want them to be just like us. He must have something distinctive that all of us can not achieve or overcome, just like Franklin Roosevelt overcame portfolio and Mao swam over Yantze River at the age of 72. They must set us a example and encourage and enlighten us all to fight with life and fate. That is one expect from a good leader.

Aside from all that above, an effective leader must be resolute and assiduous. An effective leader never looked depressed even the country are facing great disasters, he must always positive and brave and he must always finding out ways to pass through it. He would tell his people what is lying ahead of them and encourage them with their help they can overcome it. As Churchill did in the 1940s, who motivated the British people who have lost hope and faith in World War II and George Bush did in the Sep.11, 2001. They must lift up the spirit and stir people up to face up to the facts.

An effective leader must also a simplifier, especially in hard times. People want to listen the details, they don't understand it anyway.  They want to be encouraged, enlightened, lifted up-in another word, led. What really fears is fear itself and they can finally win the war. F.D.R told in Americans that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" in the Great Depression in 1930s. Lenin encouraged the Russians to fight by promising them peace, land and bread.

To be an effective leader is very demanding. And it would be very different from hard times and peace times. However, to maintain the highest ethical and moral standards is far away from enough whenever in hard or peaceful times.

[ 本帖最后由 juliawalter 于 2007-1-24 14:57 编辑 ]
作者: asong2004    时间: 2007-1-24 18:01:53

TOPIC: ISSUE43 - "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."
WORDS: 416          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-1-24

What can we expect from an effective leader? Integrity, honesty, good charisma and competency, but all these seem yet enough. He must set a good example for the ordinary people to conform to. Since people are always in need of a leader to direct them, the most important issue of a country is to select an effective leader that they can count on. But how to be an effective leader? Can one succeed only by maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards? I doubt this point of view.

To maintain a higher ethical and moral standards is the necessary request of being successful as a common human being. But to be a public official is demanding(对common people是必须的,对leader不用). He must better(哪个方面呢?包括下面的论述都没有明确说出来) than the ordinary people. We don't want them to be just like us. He must have something distinctive that all of us can not achieve or overcome, just like Franklin Roosevelt overcame portfolio and Mao swam over Yantze River at the age of 72. They must set us a example and encourage and enlighten us all to fight with life and fate. That is one expect from a good leader.(看到例子不禁邪恶的想,Franklin的rp应该不好~)
在这里想插一句,ethical and moral standards应该包括什么呢?明确这个后再说其他品质更重要好像更合适哈
Aside from all that above, an effective leader must be(个人感觉effective是客观评价吧,那么用have是不是比must好些) resolute and assiduous. An effective leader never looked depressed even the country are facing great disasters, he must always positive and brave and he must always finding out ways to pass through it. He would tell his people what is lying ahead of them and encourage them with their help they can overcome it. As Churchill did in the 1940s, who motivated the British people who have lost hope and faith in World War II and George Bush did in the Sep.11, 2001. They must lift up the spirit and stir people up to face up to the facts.

An effective leader must also a simplifier(这个simplifier,用金山没查到意思), especially in hard times. People want to listen the details, they don't understand it anyway.  They want to be encouraged, enlightened, lifted up-in another word, led. What really fears is fear itself and they can finally win the war. F.D.R told in Americans that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" in the Great Depression in 1930s. Lenin encouraged the Russians to fight by promising them peace, land and bread.(其实这段和上面的说得意思差不多了)

To be an effective leader is very demanding. And it would be very different from hard times and peace times(这个是咋样比出来的捏?). However, to maintain the highest ethical and moral standards is far away from enough whenever in hard or peaceful times.
作者: juliawalter    时间: 2007-1-24 22:43:34

谢谢asong2004 帮我改作业,我也觉得自己的文章思路不够清晰,几段之间基本上都是同样的观点和例子,我正在想办法改进呢,不过当时写的时候都是为了凑字数,翻来覆去的说。多多交流阿,有空发出你的大作,让我拜读 一下:) :handshake
作者: juliawalter    时间: 2007-1-24 22:48:58

那个simplifier 是simple 变过来的;d:

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