6.18北京1000 MSFinance黑妹妹 被拒
请大家帮我看看什么地方说错了呀, 真是太郁闷了,碰上了黑妹妹,别的VO已经过了三队了,我们队才轮到我第三个。
Vo: So you are going to U of Denver? Why do you choose Denver rather than other U? (看了另外大学的录取信)
Me: Because its curriculum design suits my career goal, blabla (被打断)
Vo: what’s your career goal?
Me: I will come back to China to become a financial analyst in financial companies such as investment banking or consulting group.
Vo: which field of finance will you specialize in?
Me: I want to focus on investment and portfolio management.
Vo: why?
Me: because I think this industry has great prospects in China, I can find a suitable position and earn a good salary.
Vo: So could you tell me more specificly your plan after graduation?
Me: 我又重复了一遍。I will come back to China to become a financial analyst in financial companies such as investment banking or consulting group.
然后她问:Which company? (她这样问我觉得很晕,我又没找工作,哪里知道是什么公司呀。)
我就说: such as the China branch of a foreign investment banking. (是不是这个地方说的不对呢?毕竟大的国际性投资银行是很难进的,她可能觉得我不够资格?)
然后她没说话,打了半天电脑,最后说 sorry, I can’t give you the visa.