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本帖最后由 charliecute6 于 2012-4-10 07:21 编辑
This Post is for Allof You—
Who are interested, passionate or simply curiousabout Public Relations as a profession
Who are biting your nails waiting for yourdecision letter in the mail box
Who are excited, frustrated and skeptical aboutyour career choice in Public Relations
Now, whyPublic Relations?
Everyone will likely to find his/her own answer to thisquestion. And, yes, you should seek your own answers to this one.
Public relations as a professional can be asmuch exciting as frustrating.
PersonallyI love the idea of self-education as a professional communicator. You kind ofhave to learn so many different things everyday to keep up what’s going on inthe world. Never has a day gone by as being boring – it’s always of full of newchallenges and excitement.
I often got questions like “am I good for PR?” or “is this agood choice for me?” I think the application process, similarly to dating, isactually also about understanding your personality and own needs. Don’t askwhether you can or how you can get admitted to School ABC; rather, ask yourselfwhy you want to do this. Graduate school is a big commitment -- time, money andlife experience. So you should have a very good reason to pursue this beforeyou actually send out these applications.
Jobs, Jobs,Jobs
It’s promising, and I am not talking about Steve Jobs.
It’s true that the U.S. economy is still recovering. But it’salso true that as a fairly new industry, the world of public relations is everexpanding, even in the U.S.
As Chinarises to become world’s second largest economy, bilingual professional communicatorswill definitely have a large stage. That being said, working in the UnitedSates after graduation can still be a big challenge because of visaregulations. The good news is public relations is recognized by U.S. governmentas a specialty occupation as required by H1B visa, but the bad news is not manyU.S. employers are willing to sponsor H1B visas these days, especially bigcompanies. This is the reality we have to check before pursuing a master’sdegree. Fully aware that it is very likely you will come back to China after graduationis a very important step to prepare for yourself for the future.
Make the most out of your study. Almost as soon as one startshis study in PR, s/he begins to worry about his career development. Where can Ifind internship? Is PR industry actually promising? Why not spend that energyon focusing on your study, your extracurricular activities and integrating withAmerican lifestyle? Also don’t forget to engage with your professors who aremost likely to get you an important internship or job.
Make the most out of OPT/CPT. Use these legal workauthorizations to gain as much experience as possible. Try differentindustries, practices, or even something not related to your study. A broadexperience will make you more marketable no matter where you are.
Be creative. Working for a PR agency is not the only choice foryou. As more and more people start their own businesses, working for start-uphas become another new trend.
Enjoy life. No matter where you end up, enjoy. Enjoy thewonderful journey you are about to take on. Embrace change as a constant stateof mind as suppose to obstacle.
Am I goodenough?
After reading all these information and your thorough deliberation,you still believe this is something you want to do, then I say give it a try.Don’t let GRE, TOEFL, GPA get in your way. Because those are the things thatonce you pass this door will become completely useless.
OK, let’smove on to the issues!
Choose A School
College of Communication,Department of Mass Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations
World Wide Web:http://www.bu.edu/com/grad
Peterson’s Link:
简单评价:号称美国最早的PRProgram, 师资力量比较雄厚,地理位置大城市,媒体产业较为发达。但是学费生活费较为昂贵,很少给钱。如果条件宽裕是个不错的选择。
2. New York University
School of Continuing andProfessional Studies
Master of Science in PublicRelations and Corporate Communications
World Wide Web:http://www.scps.nyu.edu/776
Peterson’s Link:
3. Michigan State University
The Graduate School
College of Communication Arts andSciences
Department of Advertising, PublicRelations and Retailing
Peterson’s Link:
4. Syracuse University
Graduate School
S. I. Newhouse School of PublicCommunications
Department of Public Relations
Program in Public Relations
Peterson’s Link:
简单评价:1996年USNews公共关系专业排名第三(仅次Maryland和UFL),纽豪斯传播学院拥有很高学术威望,尤其公共关系专业更是热门中的热门。该专业时间很紧凑,13个月结束。价格大约40万左右。但是Syracuse由于气候寒冷多雪常为人诟病。BTW,想读PR PhD的人一定不能放过雪城。
5. University of Florida
Graduate School
College of Journalism andCommunications
Department of Public Relations
Peterson’s Link:
6. University of SouthernCalifornia
Graduate School
Annenberg School forCommunication
School of Journalism
Program in Strategic PublicRelations
Peterson’s Link:
School of Communication
Master of Arts in CommunicationManagement
World Wide Web:http://admission.emerson.edu/admission/graduate
Peterson’s Link:
Prepare for Interview
万别等到接到电面通知才开始准备, 那样会非常的仓促和忙乱的.事先做一点充分的准备对于成功的面试而言是至关重要的. 提前准备的目的是为了能在面试的时候
摆脱答案的束缚,更教流畅的和面试官进行交流而不是应付.面试最可怕的一点就是气氛僵持. 尽可能让自己能够胸有成竹,对于自己的一些背景,优点,缺点了然
1. 最好能在电话面试前先自己罗列一些可能会被涉及的问题,一一梳理做到有备无患.比如: Personal Strength, Weakness, Career Goal or Academic approach(Specificas possible), Stories about overcome challenge, etc
2. 阅读一些专业的书籍了解基本专业的概念,注意强化自己的理解.对于PR专业来看有几个问题常常被问到 a) What is PR? / What is the role of PR inthe society in your view?
b) What specific area in PR are u mostly interested in?
c) What's the difference between PR and Advertising (PersonalOpinion)
d) What magazines, newspaper, websites do you usually read?
可能的话多看看近期的新闻,尤其是有PR Implication的新闻,比如美国大选啊,比如微软和yahoo合作与Google抗衡啊等等.
1. Never recite anything! But havingsome cue cards for reference could be helpful.
2. Tell the interviewer your thoughtinstead you guessing what he would probably expect to hear.
3. Don't touch any academic ground thatyou are not familiar at all.
4. Let it be a conversation instead ofa interrogation.(No one is trying to kill you in interview because otherwisethey won't bother to call you.)
5. Take the opportunity when given thechance to ask any questions. Be specific as possible. Better to send out themessage that 1)you are really interested in this program, and 2)you have donemuch research.
5. Ass-kissing is noxious unless it issupported by evidence. (Don't ever say I adore your achievement when youactually know nothing about his/her professional background)
6. Have some sense of humor.
7. And you will rock!!!
I have a lot of offers, how should Ichoose?
虽然很辛苦,很累,但是我还是觉得很喜欢。所以大家还是要坚持自己的兴趣, 成功的路都是自己走出来的,不是只有Harvard、Yale才出人才。
是一件很难的事情。 |
总评分: 寄托币 + 8
声望 + 7