1)金融市场的结构和效率(Market Structure and Efficiency)
2)公司金融(Corporate Finance)(注这里的公司金融不是公司财务,不是做做账算几个简单的比率、回收率、算算EBIT就可以的,那是搞会计的活。。。公司金融的研究方向是金融学最广也最实际的一块)
3)投资组合(Portfolio Investment)
4)资产定价(Asset Pricing)
5)金融衍生(Financial Derivatives)
5)风险投资和管理(Venture Investment and Management)
在申请过程中我发现英国的金融课程设置和美国大不一样,美国的金融如MS in Finance或Ph.D. in Finance是直接放在商学院下边的,而且课程设置完全是属于正统的金融学内容,如金融市场、公司金融、衍生工具的定价和应用等等。。。可是英国呢,我发现设置的确实很乱。。。
很多专业都带个Finance的字眼,我们知道Finance有三个意思,财务、金融、财政,可是我们怎么区分它到底是不是金融学呢?其实很简单,我们看看它们的课程设置就知道了,一般英国大学带Finance字眼的最最普遍的是Finance and Accouting和Finance and Economics,下边简称F&A和F&E。很明显,F&A是财务与会计,是基于会计类的,其学习的内容就是金融机构里对资金运营的管理,因此这里的Finance不是金融而是财务(数学计量的要求应该远不及金融)那F&E呢?
Microeconomic Theory
Macroeconomic Theory
Introduction to Econometrics
Advanced Econometric Theory
Time Series Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis
International Investment Banking
Finance Theory
Further Econometrics
Topics in Advanced Econometrics
One approved Economics course option
Corporate Finance
International Finance
One approved Accounting and Finance course option
曼大的F&E个人感觉是金融与经济学的交叉,从课程设置上看除去宏、微观和计量这三门基础的课程外,属金融范畴的课程只有Financial Statement Analysis,International Investment Banking,Finance Theory,和Corporate Finance,International Finance其余经济学的课程是为金融应用而服务的,如Time Series Analysis(金融、经济学中常用到的多期统计方法),Advanced Econometric Theory,Topics in Advanced Econometrics等,可见这个F&E的Program叫做Financial Economics更为贴切。。。
Microeconomics I (Students with strong backgrounds in microeconomic theory will be allowed to take Macroeconomics I instead of Microeconomics I)
Financial Economics
Financial Econometrics
Corporate Finance Theory
Empirical Asset Pricing and Market Microstructure
Valuation and Security Analysis
Portfolio Management
Market Microstructure Theory
Global Financial System
Financial Intermediaries
Applied Corporate Finance
Financial Risk Analysis
从金融学的领域来讲,LSE的课程设置要比曼大更为贴切一些,无论从金融的宏观层面还是微观层面都涉及到了。。。如宏观的Financial Intermediaries,Global Financial System,微观的Applied Corporate Finance,Financial Risk Analysis,Portfolio Management,Valuation and Security Analysis,Empirical Asset Pricing and Market Microstructure以及技术上的工具Financial Econometrics因此LSE的F&E算的上是十分接近美国的正统金融学
Theory of Finance I
Theory of Finance II
Advanced Corporate Finance
First half of the course: Statistics & Financial Econometrics (SAFE)
Second half of the course: Statistics & Financial Econometrics (SAFE)
Portfolio Management and Financial Analysis
Corporate Finance
International Finance
Advanced Options Theory
Mathematical Techniques in Finance
Risk Management
Fixed-Income Securities
Computing for Optimal Decision Making
The MSc Finance is an intensive one-year course designed to bring participants to the cutting edge of practical issues, in all the key areas of expertise in markets and corporate finance. The course is more quantitatively based than many other finance courses and is similar to those at the top European and US schools.
The five compulsory core modules cover the techniques and ideas used in asset pricing and corporate finance. These include an analysis of cash markets (e.g. equity, bonds and foreign exchange) derivatives markets such as futures, options and swaps and corporate finance (e.g. the valuation of companies, real options, mergers and acquisitions). The mathematics of stochastic processes and the relevant statistical techniques are also covered and integrated within the finance content. Our aim is not just to 'kick start' an individual's career in finance but, also to enable them to acquire valuable skills which can be utilised as they rise through the corporate hierarchy.
In the three elective courses, participants can either gain a deeper knowledge of derivatives and their use in risk management, or extend their knowledge of issues in corporate finance or increase their expertise in portfolio management.
最后不得不值的一提的就是偶非常欣赏南安的F&E Program:
Corporate Finance 1**
Economic Analysis*
Preliminary course in mathematics and statistics*
Quantitative Methods in Finance*
Stock Markets and Equity Derivatives 1**
Stock Markets and Equity Derivatives 2**
One of
Corporate Finance 2*
Financial Risk Management**
One of
Derivatives Securities Analysis**
Mathematical Models of Finance*
* These units are taught by the Department of Economics.
** These units are taught by the School of Management.
南安的F&E是由该校的经济学院和管理学院联办的,根据2002年Times的排名,南安在Economics上是和LSE并列第6的,可见南安的经济学实力非同小可。。。。而该F&E Program也确实是不错,金融方向上的课程都很实在(注间是实在,就是非常的practical)如Corporate Finance,Stock Markets and Equity Derivatives,Financial Risk Management,Derivatives Securities Analysis,Finance等外,还有工具学科:Preliminary course in mathematics and statistics,Mathematical Models of Finance,Quantitative Methods in Finance后两门基本是金融工程方向上的,本人对南安的F&E program的评分仅次于帝国而高于LSE和曼大。。。