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[i习作temp] 新手上路——第一篇121,请各位帮忙拍一下  关闭 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-2-7 13:51:58 |显示全部楼层
TOPIC: ISSUE121 - "At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species."
WORDS: 465   TIME: 00:45:00   DATE: 2009-2-7 10:33:29
The issue about wether should we protect the species endangered regardless of the extraordinary cost and the opportunities for job has play as a sphinx riddle nowadays.The speaker hold the averse opinion,whereas,in my view,no matter what consideration we could take we should protect those endangered species reasonably.
Admittly,some one would argue that the extinct of some animals is an inevitable result of the so-called"natural selection",in which the specises who suit the envoronment could survive,while others would be eliminated.It is all by the nature. We,humans like many other species, to satisfy our need for survival,we have no choice but to render some species endangered.What we do just the animals must do.
Is that real?I partly agree with the assertion above, In order to support our survive,bring some harm to other specices is reasonable and inevitable,however,it should not be the excellent excuse for the slaughter of animals.Killed some probitable animals to satisty our greedy mind,or for the purpose of more timber,clear-cutting of forests, which lots of animals depend on.What we do nowadays is far more the reasonable dimesion.As we are the man,after all,which are differ from other animals,we had ethic and moral to restrain our behavior.On this lever, we should respond to what we were done.
Further more, the protect of animals ,in fact, is the protect of ourselves.on the one hand, It is well-kown that the animals kingdom ,which possess intract relationships.Each species ' survival is depend on other species.For instance, the relationship between predator and its' prey is inter-depend.similarly,if the preys of our humans all die out, the destiny for us is extinct too.
On the other hand, lots of species exist before our humans.By closer study thier genes we can understand the process of evolution more throughtly.What's more ,their special genes can benifit our lifes a lot. So whatever purpose we may have, we all should protect those endangered species.It is a worthy job not only for those species,but also ourselves.
At the meantime, we should kown that protect animals not means that we should protect them unconditionally.No matter what circumstance we were under,the primary concern should be the man.When our county and society has the ability to protect them, we should try our best to help them. On the other hand, when we can not afford the extaordinary investment,we need to reduce the extend of aegis.Or we can make those species create money and job opportunities by them own.We can construct a few natural preservation zone,by those means,to stimulate our tourism and bring us money and job opportunitis.
In sum,no one doubt that it is humans activities,which speed those species die away.So it is our duty to protect the endangered species moderately, rather than ignore them,or do presevation regardless of the cost.Only by the projection above can the depelopment of our humans sustainably.

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