
标题: ★DIES IN FLAME★——bernina 对Economist的思考·Renewing America· [打印本页]

作者: bernina    时间: 2009-3-24 09:29:25     标题: ★DIES IN FLAME★——bernina 对Economist的思考·Renewing America·

本帖最后由 bernina 于 2009-3-24 09:58 编辑

我的想法是把它当做issue 来看(绿色的是总结,橙色的是好句,蓝色是文章结构


                               The 44th president

                            Renewing America

                                          Jan 15th 2009
                                               From The Economist print edition

George Bush has left a dismal legacy(留下了个烂摊子), but Barack Obama can do much to repair the damage(这就是题目啦,我们开始思考,要让你写你写什么)分析一下,Bush留下了个烂摊子,而Obama能修补它,所以文章要写,Bush留下了什么烂摊子,哪些方面的,有多烂,为什么会留下?而Obama怎么能够有能力修补他们,你怎么知道他有能力的?他采取什么措施了让你看出他有能力了?这些就我认为文章应该分析的,同时因为他提到了Bush,所以应以对比的方式行文


SHORTLY after midday on January 20th, Barack Obama will sit for the first time at the desk where the buck stops. The American presidency is always the world’s hardest and most consequential job, but it seems particularly so this month.这句不错,形容事态严峻,有个递进的感觉,比如说我们说A脾气不好,可这两天脾气更不好,就会引发读者思考,为什么呢?这就是所以为的引人入胜了 A global recession of a severity not seen for perhaps 80 years经济方面; a new war in the Middle East and old ones in Africa; missions very far from accomplished in Iraq and Afghanistan战争不断; a prickly Russia and a rising China别的国家的威胁,注意:作者举的两个例子都是社会主义国家. These international challenges must jostle for the president’s attention alongside noisy domestic concerns这句话起总结,过渡和递进的作用,国外事情都够烦的了,可是国内也不安宁,哎呀呀,这可太难办了 like rocketing unemployment经济, the desperate need for a better health-care system人民生活, exploding deficits and failing cities社会. The burdens, surely, are too many for one man to bear这句话太好了,surely是点睛之笔,同情感油然而生,觉得,哎是啊是啊,他真是压力太大了,去掉了再读就觉得干瘪很多.这段主要说了George Bush 留下了什么烂摊子以及obama的压力有多重

Yet neither America nor the world seems to see it that way. A crowd of 2m or more is making its way to Washington, DC, to witness the inauguration of Mr Obama. Billions more will watch it on television. All will do so in a spirit that has been missing for a while—one of optimism.写出了大家对Obama的很高的期望这里从小到大,一步步递进升华,我们可以学习这种表达,这让我想到了昨天讨论的I17 关于Video作用的题目~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

This is not just because a presidency knocked sideways by the events of September 11th 2001, is ending这里暗示,绝望已经ending. Next week’s inauguration also bears witness to America’s awesome power of self-renewal.这里一语双关用的太好了,self-renewal 也可以用在对9-11上,当然他还是主要用在这个Bush的“烂摊子”上,又点题了而且是太好的表达,学习啊 Because he is young, handsome and intelligent, and also because as the child of a Kansan and a Kenyan he reconciles in his own person one of the world’s most hateful divisions, Mr Obama carries with him the hopes of the planet他是两个分歧民族的结合,这本就是一种希望和奇迹. Too much so, for sure. But what might the world realistically hope for from Mr Obama’s presidency? Many would argue, after the disaster that surrounded George Bush’s Iraq adventure这里又说到了Bush的烂摊子,感觉~~, that to rebuild its foreign relationships America must become a more modest giant, more obviously constrained by international law and more committed to working even-handedly for peace in the Middle East and elsewhere这说了,因为Bush的冒险,国际形势很严峻,又点题了. In some ways, that is surely right. Less of Mr Bush’s Manichaean arrogance would be welcome-------这段写主要写在国际关系上Bush 创造了很多麻烦事,真的很让人绝望,但是由于Obama的出现,人们的绝望心里慢慢被希望所代替,就像Obama这个人本身就是两个仇恨民族间的希望一样,他也能美过重新被世界接受                                          


                                With us, not withdrawn

This does not mean that America should become more isolationist. Most of the world’s biggest problems still cry out for its leadership; and an America that withdraws to heal its domestic wounds will not serve the world well虽然形式严峻但美国任然在世界处于重要的领导地位,任务艰巨. No one seriously imagines that peace can come to the Middle East without America. Neither Russia, nor China回应上文,社会主义国家, nor the EU 资本主义国家has any appetite to lead efforts to confront nuclear proliferation by Iran or North Korea. Sometimes, as with Kosovo in the 1990s, America needs to act even when the UN hesitatesUN都用上了,厉害,又是递进,一步一步精彩的不行啊. Above all首先,看看,这个词也可以用来转折啊,而且可以表明作者的态度,精辟, America must lead efforts to grapple with the global recession, through its dominant position at the IMF, its vital role in resisting the siren call of protectionism and the stimulative effect of the vast government outlays Mr Obama is planning转到经济上了,这句话的表达让我想到了I范文的媒体作用那篇,作者为了表达还有别的原因用这样说的: there had to be another cause, and there was, the media.这儿就是说美国必须做,而实际上Obama确实已经开始计划美国刺激经济的费用了,这里还有表现Obama效率高的意味. Yet a president who understands, as Mr Bush did not对比又出现了,是不是吧Bush领出来说几句,逗得很呵呵, that America is not the uncontested hyperpower of the 1990s—one who values “soft power” more than the hard version—will be a change for the better. An America led by such a man will listen more carefully to and work more closely with allies and rivals(可用于合作重要不重要那道题), will strive harder to respect the laws it has signed up to and might enter into new commitments, for instance to tackle climate change. A renewal of America’s respect for constitution and law would be welcome at home as well as abroad. George the Second disdained the rules of governance established by his forefathers. He wiretapped citizens without authority, secretly permitted the use of torture and dismissed prosecutors on political grounds. Mr Obama seems determined not to follow his example. He has appointed a liberal outsider to run the CIA and a noted academic to head his office of legal counsel. America’s, said one of its founders, should be “a government of laws and not of men” founder 的话来肯定Obama,谁会说不是?强悍~~. Under Mr Bush and Dick Cheney, it often seemed the opposite这里又说了Bush为什么失败,因为他忘了本).这段为了表现Obama有能力让美国好起来,用他现在的行为和Bush原来的行为作对比,从而告诉大家,Obama是一个于他截然不同的总统,所以他能带领美国重新好起来。本段从上段的绝望说道因为世界需要美国所以美国不能退缩,从政治转到经济,再用一句Mr Obama is planning转到Obama又能里改变悲观局面因为他充分认识到现在的世界格局,之后又用Obama的具体行为支撑了论点,还觉得不够,还用了One of America's founders 的话来支撑Obama的行为,我想这就是所谓的convicing 了吧

But it is the domestic economy which will consume most of Mr Obama’s time. And here American renewal must take two opposite forms.用过渡句+递进词,从经济转到人民生活,两者都要发展,这是个尴尬的矛盾 In some ways, the times cry out(强调紧迫性) for more active government: for stronger regulation of banks and near-banks, for much more short-term government spending to counteract the contraction elsewhere in the economy, and for the establishment of a basic health-care system for everyone. 转折了But Mr Obama also needs a plan to shrink other aspects of government over the longer term长期和短期问题,可以用在以后需要论述长短期问题的文章里,cry out. Without reform of expensive entitlements, the federal government faces bankruptcy. Cutting entitlements at the same time as buying hundreds of billions of dollars-worth of bad loans from Wall Street is difficult politics(矛盾——做要花好多钱,但不做他们就会bankruptcy), to say the least. But at least Mr Obama has acknowledged that he will have to do it(虽然这么难,但Obama已经开始解决他了,凸显了Obama的决心和胆识和实干精神). A more equitable health system coupled with a path towards budget reform would, on their own, make Mr Obama’s presidency a remarkable one. And at least he has the votes in Congress to make it happen.又用Obama的实际行动来支撑论点)——这段主要说了现在国内的经济存在长短期都需发展的问题,这更增加了Obama的苦难。

Mr Bush (see article) had a simplistic凸显Bush的思维之简单,呵呵 tendency to see the world through ideological and partisan spectacles. He hung on to bad advisers for longer than he should have; he divided the world too often into good and evil; and he plotted to establish a Republican hegemony although显出他的虚伪 he had sold himself to the electorate as bipartisan. In economic matters, he was too prone to sacrifice the long-term good for short-term gain为了获得短期收益而牺牲长期利益,凸显他目光短浅,以后要说到这个长短期的话题 Bush就是个反面例子哈哈. He seemed curiously incurious about vital details, such as the conduct of the war in Iraq考虑问题不全面curiously incurious about…奇怪的对。。没有兴趣.

Mr Obama seems to be different前面扁了一通Bush,就为了这句铺垫了. By offering the most prized cabinet job to his rival, Hillary Clinton, and by keeping on Robert Gates, the defence secretary, who has done a good job, Mr Obama has shown a determination not to surround himself with cronies.用了自己的竞争对手,留任了上届国防部部长 He has put together a team which has impressed almost everyone with its calibre and its centrism.(这可真是个好例子,可用在:在和和自己不一样的人身上也能学到很多,选人应就其能力等) He has been tough already, dispatching blunderers and being prepared to admit to mistakes. He has repeatedly warned Americans that he will have to do unpleasant things.———这段主要说了Obama的态度,用Bush反衬他,凸显它的正直,开明,用选人的例子来支撑

The next four, or eight, years may be a disappointment, a triumphant renewal or something in between说明了未来的不知性. Mr Obama is inexperienced, and right now the world looks especially forbidding. But he is a respectful and thoughtful man, and tha is a good start.用来论证I那道关于经验的题目,未来是不可知的,而且Obama没有经验,但这都无所谓,因为他是一个令人尊敬的,深刻思想的人,而这,就是一个好的开始!)


作者: bernina    时间: 2009-3-24 09:59:25

哈哈 终于编辑好啦~~~~谢草木斑斑加分~~~:loveliness:

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