TOPIC: ISSUE221 - "The chief benefitof the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one periodof time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time inhistory."
WORDS: 529
TIME: 00:40:03
DATE: 2009-8-6上午 11:59:55
The myriadirrelevant data is to mathematicians what the massive difference from people indifferent times is to the study of history. That is to say the major job ofmathematician is to find the relation and set up equations among these data.Similarly, the study of history is to find the essential things which are thesame between people in one period and another. In fact this process breaks downthe ostensible illusion that people are really different in different periods.
Of course, many opponentsargue that people living in present are different, compared with what ourancestors did as before. Indeed, the live style has a significant change fromthe past. In 18th century, people might go to work or travel by feet or byhorses. A long journey, such as from Paris to London, would take theirseveral months and that was a challenge for these people who had to travel faraway. Then the situation became a conspicuous change because of the inventionof machine. Feet and horses were replaced by the car, even the speed of car waslower than horses but it increased rapidly. Now, it is entirely different. Ourcar can run 200kmper hour. Besides, if the journey is long, we can travel by trains or byplanes. The journey is as long as the distance from Beijingto Washington D.C.,nearly half perimeter of the earth, the flight will only take your 12hours orless, even the journey from Paris and London. Therefore, theyconfidently say that difference between people in different periods cannot beneglected. The study of history strengthen the difference instead weaken.
Without anydisputes, these differences indeed exist in our daily life. Notwithstanding,the principle behind the apparent differences is the same essence which is thecentral concept of the study of history. Any study is to find the essence ofthe things through their various differences phenomenon. The same to the studyof history, it aims to blow the fog. Even though the style of live has changedramatically, the essence of our live remains, which is to enjoy our familylife and pursue the happiness and superiority. That is why the traditional festivalis unchanging from the past to the present, and surely it will be consistent inthe further. When we celebrate the traditional festival, such as SpringFestival in China, our family members, no matter where they live, far or near,buy or not, usually come together to have a big dinner, like the Christmas inmost western countries. Meanwhile the pursuit of happiness and superiorityspurs us to work hard in our field. This is the essential power which pulls thesociety and the wheel of development of technology and science. As thesedevelopments in very fields, our life gets better. But the essence is the same.
Actually, thechief benefit of the study of history is to help us realize the eternal essencebehind the different phenomenon. The study of history not only blow away thefog on the various events in history, but gives us a deeply sight for thehistory, and help us open a windows of further.作者: wisle 时间: 2009-8-6 15:40:11
TOPIC: ISSUE136 - "The absence ofchoice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."
WORDS: 537
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2009-8-6下午 03:24:09
The stars, giftsof God, in the sky are to human what the choices are to human. When we go to work,we choose a suitable bus. When we go to further study, we choose to apply adream school. It seems that we usually have myriad choices. Factually, theabsence of choice is everywhere in our life.
However, choicesare filled of our life, and the number of the alternatives of choice isincreasing as the development of our society. But, sometimes, the absence ofchoice indeed appears. For a poor man, who has not eaten the whole day, thereis no choice for him. What could he do? Does he still wait here for a kind manwho can give him a hand? No, maybe it means to wait the death for him. He hasto steal for survive even though he knows it is illegal. What could he choice,live or death? It is reasonable to choice the former. But finally, he is putinto prison. In fact the choice is limited by the laws, which are the rules ofthe society. Confront the laws, our choices are limited, even there are left nochoice.
Moreover, thetechnology is also the obstacle of choices. If we want to travel to United States from China, we can choice the flightwithout any limits. However, if in 18th century, what should our ancestorschoice to travel to America.Conspicuously, our ancestors had to choice to go there by ship with severalmonths, with the risk of tempest on sea. Even though, at present, ourtechnology still remains to leave us no choice. For example, if you want totravel to Mars, what can you do? Of course, you can apply to USNA with anunbelievable expense. But, as the level of technology, USNA will tell you to continueto sleep, so that perhaps you can arrive Mars in you dream. That is joke. Infact many absence of choice is caused by the technology.
Albeit there aremany absence of choice caused by the laws, technology, the central concept ofchoice depends on your heart. Nelson Mandela, the first elected president in South Africathrough the democratic election, chose to fight for the civil rights, as anantiapartheid activist. Therefore, he was put into prison when he was young.Martin Luther King, who is referenced as a human right icon now, was the leaderof the African-American civil right moment, but unfortunately died for hisglorious career at last. Susan Anthony, the prominent leader of feministmovement in United States,calling for the suffrage of women, gave 75 to 100 speeches per year during the45-year conflict for women's right. All of these people fought for theirpeople. Why did they not choose to live peacefully and enjoy their privatelife? The answer is in their hearts. It is the responsibility in their heartsthat made the absence of choice for them. They could not help to improve thechaos world.
It is what in thestill flow of the life stream we trace that is dearer than all the other. Theabsence of choice, not rare, but appears always, since we travel with ourhearts.作者: yangguang_86 时间: 2009-8-6 20:43:20