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[i习作temp] issue177 辛苦大家了!! [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-12-19 22:34:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:The study of a academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.

提纲:同意。1 学习了专业学科以后,我们可以运用学科知识来看问题。(例子,clone 从心理学角度还有其他角度谈对它的看法。)
2 而且在学习的过程中我们学到了critical thinking,而不只是完全相信书本,而是有自己看问题的方法。

I strongly agree with the author that through the study of any academic discipline we could alter our way of perceiving the world. On the one hand, after studying some disciplines we could apply academic knowledge to perceive some problems. On the other hand, in the procedure of studying academic disciplines we could learn our own way of critical thinking not only following authorities. In sum, we can gain the capability to perceive a broader spectrum of opinion and perspective and get a way of thinking after studying the discipline.

In the first place, through the study of any academic discipline, we tend to interpret problems deeply and in a broader spectrum. Before mastering some disciplines, we usually perceive a problem superficially. Yet after obtaining some academic knowledge, we see the world in different eyes. Take a heated issue, clone, for example. Without obtaining any academic disciplines, we only know that clone is a fact that scientists can create a new individual genetically identical to an existing person or a previous existing person. As a matter of fact there is no compelling evidence to guarantee the safety of attempting to use this technique in human being in physical harm respect. In addition to physical harm, from psychological respect, it is highly possible to lose a sense of uniqueness. Moreover from social aspect there may be potential harms to social values. Through education, we could interpret clone problem from different aspects. Also we no longer tend to polarize clone issue as either right or wrong. In fact in most circumstances we can hardly divide issues into only two aspects. Academic disciplines study provides us with a more objective way to interpret the world.

In the second place, another benefit of education is to obtain a way of critical thinking during this procedure. As we know, critical thinking means correct thinking in a pursuit of relevant and reliable knowledge about the world. Moreover critical thinking is an active process instead of a passive way of getting knowledge. In this thinking process people must use analysis, synthesis and reflection. In our study of academic disciplines process, we must use critical thinking to obtain knowledge. In some situations we need to investigate problems, ask questions and find new information which challenges the status quo and even question authorities and accepted traditions in order to master the truth of academic disciplines. For instance, critical thinking does not acquire people to know to stop for red light. What critical thinking requires is to analyze such as an analysis of the effect of global warming. As a matter of fact, only through critical thinking, we can get and master knowledge. So study of academic disciplines provides us critical thinking. Moreover the essence of critical thinking is to perceive the world in different eyes.

To sum up, through the study of academic disciplines we tend to interpret the world in a wider range and deeply. We no longer tend to divide issues into only two aspects as either right or wrong, or as good or bad. What is more, the way of critical thinking also makes people see the world in different respectives.

[ Last edited by 智恩 on 2005-12-20 at 01:45 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-20 09:09:11 |只看该作者
I strongly agree with the author that through the study of any academic discipline we could alter our way of perceiving the world. On the one hand, after studying some disciplines we could apply academic knowledge to perceive some problems. On the other hand, in the procedure of studying academic disciplines we could learn our own way of critical thinking not only following authorities. In sum, we can gain the capability to perceive a broader spectrum of opinion and perspective and get a way of thinking after studying the discipline.记得有个说法是第一段最好不要把你的理由都详细写上去,我觉得这一段可以再简练一些说
In the first place, through the study of any academic discipline, we tend to interpret problems deeply and in a broader spectrum. Before mastering some disciplines, we usually perceive a problem superficially. Yet after obtaining some academic knowledge, we see the world in different eyes. Take a heated issue, clone, for example. Without obtaining any academic disciplines, we only know that clone is a fact that scientists can create a new individual genetically identical to an existing person or a previous existing person. As a matter of fact there is no compelling evidence to guarantee the safety of attempting to use this technique in human being in physical harm respect. In addition to physical harm, from psychological respect, it is highly possible to lose a sense of uniqueness. Moreover from social aspect there may be potential harms to social values. Through education, we could interpret clone problem from different aspects. Also we no longer tend to polarize clone issue as either right or wrong. In fact in most circumstances we can hardly divide issues into only two aspects. Academic disciplines study provides us with a more objective way to interpret the world. 很好的角度,学习让我们客观看问题,学习学习
In the second place, another benefit of education is to obtain a way of critical thinking during this procedure. As we know, critical thinking means correct thinking in a(a去掉好了) pursuit of relevant and reliable knowledge about the world. Moreover critical thinking is an active process instead of a passive way of getting knowledge. In this thinking process people must use analysis, synthesis and reflection. In our study of academic disciplines process, we must use critical thinking to obtain knowledge. In some situations we need to investigate problems, ask questions and find new information which challenges the status quo and even question authorities and accepted traditions in order to master the truth of academic disciplines. For instance, critical thinking does not acquire people to know to stop for red light. What critical thinking requires is to analyze such as an analysis of the effect of global warming. As a matter of fact, only through critical thinking, we can get and master knowledge. So study of academic disciplines provides us critical thinking. Moreover the essence of critical thinking is to perceive the world in different eyes.不错,我怎么没有想这么深呢

To sum up, through the study of academic disciplines we tend to interpret the world in a wider range and deeply. We no longer tend to divide issues into only two aspects as either right or wrong, or as good or bad. What is more, the way of critical thinking also makes people see the world in different respectives.(respects)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-12-20 14:01:39 |只看该作者


I strongly agree with the author that through the study of any academic discipline we could alter our way of perceiving the world. On the one hand, after studying some disciplines we could apply academic knowledge to perceive some problems. On the other hand, in the procedure of studying academic disciplines we could learn our own way of critical thinking not only following authorities. (rather than simply follow authorities) In sum, we can gain the capability to perceive a broader spectrum of opinion and perspective and get a way of thinking after studying the discipline. (这句话放在这里好像不太合适,另外,perceive opinions and perspectives 我查了一下,没有发现这种用法,perceive 我查的是意识到,注意到,观察到,我不太理解这个地方)
In the first place, through the study of any academic discipline, we tend to interpret problems deeply and in a broader spectrum. Before mastering some disciplines, we usually perceive a problem superficially. Yet after obtaining some academic knowledge, we see the world in different eyes. Take a heated issue, clone, for example. Without obtaining any academic disciplines, we only know that clone is a fact that scientists can create a new individual genetically identical to an existing person or a previous existing person. As a matter of fact there is no compelling evidence to guarantee the safety of attempting to use this technique in human being(human beings) in physical harm respect. In addition to physical harm, from psychological respect, it is highly possible to lose a sense of uniqueness. Moreover from social aspect there may be potential harms to social values. Through education, we could interpret clone problem from different aspects. Also we no longer tend to polarize clone issue as either right or wrong(polarize 这个词想得特别好, 应该把as改成into) . In fact in most circumstances we can hardly divide issues into only two aspects. Academic disciplines study provides us with a more objective way to interpret the world. (使用了clone的例子,运用得很巧妙,很值得学习)
In the second place, another benefit of education is to obtain a way of critical thinking during this procedure. As we know, critical thinking means correct thinking in a pursuit of relevant and reliable knowledge about the world. Moreover critical thinking is an active process instead of a passive way of getting knowledge. In this thinking process people must use analysis, synthesis and reflection. In our study of academic disciplines process, we must use critical thinking to obtain knowledge. In some situations we need to investigate problems, ask questions and find new information which challenges the status quo(第一次见这个词,受益匪浅) and even question authorities and accepted traditions in order to master the truth of academic disciplines. For instance, critical thinking does not acquire people to know to stop for red light. What critical thinking requires is to analyze such as an analysis of the effect of global warming. As a matter of fact, only(敏感词尽量不要用吧,你可以把这句话写成“实际上,通过批判性思维,我们可以更好的学习和掌握知识”) through critical thinking, we can get and master knowledge. So study of academic disciplines provides us critical thinking. Moreover the essence of critical thinking is to perceive the world in different eyes.(这句话有点别扭,是不是可以这样改一下”Simply put, study of academic disciplines provides us with the ability of critical thinking by which we can perceive the world in different eyes.”)

To sum up, through the study of academic disciplines we tend to interpret the world in a wider range and deeply. We no longer tend to divide issues into only two aspects as either right or wrong, or as good or bad. What is more, the way of critical thinking also makes people see the world in different respectives(perspectives)


使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-25 01:17:56 |只看该作者
题目:The study of a academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.

提纲:同意。1 学习了专业学科以后,我们可以运用学科知识来看问题。(例子,clone 从心理学角度还有其他角度谈对它的看法。)
2 而且在学习的过程中我们学到了critical thinking,而不只是完全相信书本,而是有自己看问题的方法。

I strongly agree with the author that through the study of any academic discipline we could alter our way of perceiving the world. On the one hand, after studying some disciplines we could apply academic knowledge to perceive some problems. apply..to这里的to是介词,注意了,后面不能跟动词的On the other hand, in the procedure of studying academic disciplines we could learn cultivate our own way of critical thinking not only by following authorities. In sum, we can gain the capability ability,capability of doing sth, ability to do sth.这是比较地道的用法,当然,你的说法在语法上是没有错误的.to perceive a broader spectrum of opinion and perspective and get这种口语化的词尽量少用。 a way of thinking after studying the discipline.

In the first place, through the study of any academic discipline, we tend to interpret problems deeply and in a broader spectrum. Before mastering some disciplines, we usually perceive a problem superficially. Yet after obtaining some academic knowledge, we see the world in different eyes. Take a heated issue, clone, for example. Without obtaining any academic disciplines, we only know that clone is a fact that scientists can create a new individual genetically identical to an existing person or a previous existing extant person. 这句和上句联系不太紧密.As a matter of fact there is no compelling evidence to guarantee the safety of attempting to use this technique in human being in physical harm respect. In addition to physical harm, from psychological respect, it is highly这个词不太好,换个吧 possible to lose a sense of uniqueness. Moreover from social aspect there may be potential harms to social values. Through education, we could interpret clone problem from different aspects. Also we no longer tend to polarize好词!! clone issue as either right or wrong. In fact in most circumstances we can hardly divide issues into only two aspects. In this sense 加个这个短语加强句子之间的流畅性Academic disciplines study provides us with a more objective way to interpret the world.

In the second place, another benefit of education is to obtain a way of critical thinking during this procedure. As we know, critical thinking means correct objective好点吧thinking in a pursuit of relevant and reliable knowledge about the world. Moreover critical thinking is an active process instead of a passive way of getting knowledge. In this thinking process people must use analysis, synthesis and reflection. In our study of academic disciplines process, we must use critical thinking to obtain knowledge. In some situations we need to investigate problems, ask questions and find new information which challenges the status quo and even question authorities and accepted traditions in order to master the truth of academic disciplines. For instance, critical thinking does not acquire people to know to stop for red light. What critical thinking requires is to analyze such as an analysis of the effect of global warming. As a matter of fact, only 太绝对了through critical thinking, we can get and master knowledge. So study of academic disciplines provides us critical thinking. Moreover the essence of critical thinking is to perceive the world in different eyes.

To sum up, through the study of academic disciplines we tend are more likelyto interpret the world in a wider range and deeply. We no longer tend to divide issues into only two aspects as either right or wrong, or as good or bad. What is more, the way of critical thinking also makes people see the world in different respectives.



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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Gemini双子座 荣誉版主 QQ联合登录

发表于 2005-12-25 01:34:59 |只看该作者




连梦想洒一地再任人踩 依然笑得爽快


使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-12-25 16:32:48 |只看该作者
题目:The study of a academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.

提纲:同意。1 学习了专业学科以后,我们可以运用学科知识来看问题。(例子,clone 从心理学角度还有其他角度谈对它的看法。)
2 而且在学习的过程中我们学到了critical thinking,而不只是完全相信书本,而是有自己看问题的方法。

I strongly agree with the author that through the study of any academic discipline we could alter our way of perceiving the world. On the one hand, after studying some disciplines we could apply academic knowledge to perceive some problems. On the other hand, in the procedure of studying academic disciplines we could learn our own way of critical thinking not only following authorities. In sum, we can gain the capability to perceive a broader spectrum of opinion and perspective and get a way of thinking after studying the discipline.

In the first place, through the study of any academic discipline, we tend to interpret problems deeply and in a broader spectrum. Before mastering some disciplines, we usually perceive a problem superficially[哈哈,跟俺有关系]. Yet after obtaining some academic knowledge, we see the world in different eyes. Take a heated issue, clone, for example. Without obtaining any academic disciplines, we only know that clone is a fact that scientists can create a new individual genetically identical to an existing person or a previous existing person. As a matter of fact there is no compelling evidence to guarantee the safety of attempting to use this technique in human being in physical harm respect. In addition to physical harm, from psychological respect, it is highly possible to lose a sense of uniqueness. Moreover from social aspect there may be potential harms to social values. Through education, we could interpret clone problem from different aspects. Also we no longer tend to polarize clone issue as either right or wrong. In fact in most circumstances we can hardly divide issues into only two aspects. Academic disciplines study provides us with a more objective way to interpret the world.

In the second place, another benefit of education is to obtain a way of critical thinking during this procedure. As we know, critical thinking means correct thinking in a pursuit of relevant and reliable knowledge about the world. Moreover critical thinking is an active process instead of a passive way of getting knowledge. In this thinking process people must use analysis, synthesis and reflection. In our study of academic disciplines process, we must use critical thinking to obtain knowledge. In some situations we need to investigate problems, ask questions and find new information which challenges the status quo[这个词很不常见啊,不过挺不错的] and even question authorities and accepted traditions in order to master the truth of academic disciplines. For instance, critical thinking does not acquire people to know to stop for red light. What critical thinking requires is to analyze such as an analysis[这个词是不是和前面的有点重复] of the effect of global warming. As a matter of fact, only[这个词太绝对了,后面的句子可以加些修饰词,比如more efficiently] through critical thinking, we can get and master knowledge. So study of academic disciplines provides us critical thinking. Moreover the essence of critical thinking is to perceive the world in different eyes.

To sum up, through the study of academic disciplines we tend to interpret the world in a wider range and deeply. We no longer tend to divide issues into only two aspects as either right or wrong, or as good or bad. What is more, the way of critical thinking also makes people see the world in different respectives.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-12-25 16:35:42 |只看该作者
哈哈,改完了看了看sally的意见,居然也有相同的看法啊~ 呵呵~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-25 20:05:39 |只看该作者
题目:The study of a academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.

提纲:同意。1 学习了专业学科以后,我们可以运用学科知识来看问题。(例子,clone 从心理学角度还有其他角度谈对它的看法。)
2 而且在学习的过程中我们学到了critical thinking,而不只是完全相信书本,而是有自己看问题的方法。

I strongly agree with the author that through the study of any academic discipline we could alter our way of perceiving the world. On the one hand, after studying some disciplines we could apply academic knowledge to perceive some problems. On the other hand, in the procedure of studying academic disciplines we could learn our own way of critical thinking not only following authorities. In sum, we can gain the capability to perceive a broader spectrum of opinion and perspective and get a way of thinking after studying the discipline.[觉得开头表明立场就可以了。主题句+分论点+总结,似乎开头开的太饱满了。]

In the first place, through the study of any academic discipline, we tend to interpret problems deeply and in a broader spectrum. Before mastering some disciplines, we usually perceive a problem superficially. Yet after obtaining some academic knowledge, we see the world in different eyes. Take a heated issue, clone, for example.[这句话有没有太口语化?] Without obtaining any academic disciplines, we only know that clone is a fact that scientists can create a new individual genetically identical to an existing person or a previous existing person. As a matter of fact there is no compelling evidence to guarantee the safety of attempting to use this technique in human being in physical harm respect. In addition to physical harm, from psychological respect, it is highly possible to lose a sense of uniqueness. Moreover from social aspect there may be potential harms to social values. Through education, we could interpret clone problem from different aspects. Also we no longer tend to polarize clone issue as either right or wrong. In fact in most circumstances we can hardly divide issues into only two aspects. Academic disciplines study provides us with a more objective way to interpret the world.[关于克隆:医学角度,单一的器官克隆可以是避免移植的免疫反映;伦理学角度,个体的克隆导致人群伦理关系混乱;社会学角度,克隆技术的滥用将导致社会的动荡。觉得你的角度很好,但是举的例子却不是很典型,我大概写了几个关于克隆的角度,供你参考。其实,我也只知道这几个角度了。嘻嘻。]

In the second place, another benefit of education is to obtain a way of critical thinking during this procedure. As we know, critical thinking means correct thinking in a pursuit of relevant and reliable knowledge about the world. Moreover critical thinking is an active process instead of a passive way of getting knowledge. In this thinking process people must use analysis, synthesis and reflection. In our study of academic disciplines process, we must use critical thinking to obtain knowledge. In some situations we need to investigate problems, ask questions and find new information which challenges the status quo and even question authorities and accepted traditions in order to master the truth of academic disciplines. For instance, critical thinking does not acquire people to know to stop for red light. What critical thinking requires is to analyze such as an analysis of the effect of global warming. As a matter of fact, only[不好不好,犯了大忌讳了。] through critical thinking, we can get and master knowledge. So study of academic disciplines provides us critical thinking. Moreover the essence of critical thinking is to perceive the world in different eyes.[怎么说呢,看了这段并没用什么很强烈的感觉。分论点很好,但看了论证之后却没有想拍案的感觉,有点不温不火的。]

To sum up, through the study of academic disciplines we tend to interpret the world in a wider range and deeply. We no longer tend to divide issues into only two aspects as either right or wrong, or as good or bad. What is more, the way of critical thinking also makes people see the world in different respectives.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-25 20:17:57 |只看该作者

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