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[i习作temp] issue48 kito组 很拍啊!只写了439字!汗! [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2006-1-17 17:17:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
048. “The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made

possibly not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.”
1 从科学史上的成就看,进步的确是the famous few创造的(例子,心理学上精神分析是由Freud发明的;clone技术也

2 从社会进步发展来看,the famous few也是推动的主力,人民群众的却也起到一定作用,但是the famous few起到的

是领导的作用(例子,Abraham Lincoln)
The speaker claims that the study of history plays excessive emphasis on individuals and the most important events and trends in history were made by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten. Admittedly, I concede the function of groups of people in history. However without the famous few who act as leader in the significant events or trends the development of society is hardly achieve.

On the one hand, in the history of science progress is created by the famous few and therefore it is indispensable to pay attention to them. According to psychology, it is easy to mention the Austrian originator Sigmud Freud, who is famous for his techniques of psycho-analysis for the treatment of psychological and emotional disorders. The creation of such method to help people resolve their anxiety, stress and so forth had made great progress in clinical psychology. Thus Freud's role in psychological history can not be substituted by any persons. Moreover referring to natural science, the few scientists contribute to the advancement of techniques. For instance, the clone technique has produced through the research of some scientists, not by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten. Although such technique has caused people to be aware of the potential to undermine social values, it is undoubtedly that the creation of such technique is the result of scientists' endeavor.

On the other hand, in terms of the development of society, admittedly we could not neglect the role of the masses, but the famous few are the impelling force in the historical events and trends. A well-known example is the Civil War, one of the most nation's greatest crisis in the US. The temporal president, Abraham Lincoln, united people to win the war and are credited with saving the Union from disintegration and emancipating the slavery in America. From my point of view, the relationship between the famous few and the masses is like the architects and the builders. The famous few represent the role as a father, the one who has the right to decide everything related to the community. Thus if absent of the famous few, the masses even if desire to strive for success, scarce of leadership is hardly to accomplish the goal. Certainly the emphasis on the famous few in the research of history is necessary and vital.

To sum up, due to the essence of the famous few, which play an impetus role in the advancement of the human society, it is indispensable for people to study the historical figures. However emphasizing the significance of famous persons is not the indication of ignoring the role of the masses.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-1-17 22:40:17 |只看该作者


The speaker claims that the study of history plays excessive emphasis on individuals and the most important events and trends in history were made by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten. Admittedly,(这里admittedly 和 concede是重复的,考虑换掉一个) I concede the function of groups of people in history. However without the famous few who act as leader in the significant events or trends the development of society is hardly achieve.

On the one hand, in the history of science progress is created by the famous few and therefore it is indispensable to pay attention to them.(这句话有点不顺,你所表达出的意思是科学进步是由个人创造的因此应该重点研究这些个人,这样好像有点偏,听起来好像只有科学史是这样,我觉得应该说历史上的许多进步都是由有名的个人所主导的。下面可以举例说尤其是在科学方面……) According to psychology, it is easy to mention the Austrian originator Sigmud Freud, who is famous for his techniques of psycho-analysis for the treatment of psychological and emotional disorders. The creation of such method to help people resolve their anxiety, stress and so forth had made great progress in clinical psychology. Thus Freud's role in psychological history can not be substituted by any persons. Moreover referring to natural science, the few scientists contribute to the advancement of techniques. For instance, the clone technique has produced through the research of some scientists, not by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten. Although such technique has caused people to be aware of the potential to undermine social values, it is undoubtedly that the creation of such technique is the result of scientists' endeavor.(最后这句话,我觉得不好,因为这段你是想说个人在历史上的重要作用,尤其是在科学进步方面,而这句话你指出尽管这项技术也带来了一些社会价值观的危机,这个意思与你要表达的意思不相关,就算你在让步以示你思维的全面性, 那后半句就显得不通顺了。翻译一下就听出来有问题了:尽管这个技术使人们感到了潜在的对于社会价值观的威胁,但是它是科学家努力的结果这一点是无疑的。本来就是无疑的啊,跟前半句威胁价值观与否显然无关。所以建议改写或干脆删掉)
On the other hand, in terms of the development of society, admittedly we could not neglect the role of the masses, but the famous few are the impelling force in the historical events and trends. A well-known example is the Civil War, one of the most nation's greatest crisis in the US. The temporal president, Abraham Lincoln, united people to win the war and are credited with saving the Union from disintegration and emancipating the slavery in America. From my point of view, the relationship between the famous few and the masses is like the architects and the builders(这里想到这个比喻非常形象,再展开一两句是不是更好呢?描述一下建筑师和建筑工人之间的关系. 我觉得利用这个展开比你后边的这句 the role as a father好,后边的这句话很突兀,不知道从哪里冒出来的。)The famous few represent the role as a father, the one who has the right to decide everything related to the community. Thus if absent of the famous few, the masses even if desire to strive for success, scarce of leadership is hardly to accomplish the goal. (这里需要一个transition来过度一下)Certainly the emphasis on the famous few in the research of history is necessary and vital.

To sum up, due to the essence of the famous few, which play(plays) an impetus role in the advancement of the human society, it is indispensable for people to study the historical figures. However emphasizing the significance of famous persons is not the indication of ignoring the role of the masses.(这个转折出现在这里很别扭,我觉得应该删掉,结论就应该干净利落)

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