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[i习作temp] issue51 超高频 谢谢拍砖! 【kito组】 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2006-1-21 14:50:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
51. "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student." 【总频率90】教育只有被专门设计来满足每一个学生个人需求和兴趣的时候才是真正有效率的。少数和多数
1 教育的目的是什么?我认为是培养学生的IQ&EQ,使他们成为对社会有用的人如果教育只是设计出满足学生需求和兴趣的科目是无法达到社会对人的要求的;例子,因为学习一些科目(数学)对一些学生来说的确很枯燥乏味,但它是人生存所必备的知识【比如可以培养逻辑推理能力形成严密的思维】,不可能因为没有兴趣而不学;
2 每个学生的需要和兴趣是不同的,要满足每个学生的需求和兴趣是不现实的;其实在一定程度上,大学的不同专业设置和研究生一个专业不同方向的设置,已经体现了满足学生的兴趣need
3 不可否认,教育在教学过程中可以利用学生的兴趣和需求来激发学生的学习积极性;【例子,在心里健康课上,要告诉学生生活是需要一直努力下去的,一生都在不断的努力着,这是老师可以给学生放《Forrest Gum》,看电影学生比较容易有兴趣,比起老师空说有用多了】
4 作者的观点用在physical handicapped or intelligent handicapped【包括reading disability,communicating disability,behavior difficulty】这样的学生身上对于他们的学习会很有效【包括分析他们的心理特征,从他们感兴趣的话题入手,找到适合他们的方法,鼓励他们发扬优点】
What is truly effective education? Asserting that education will be effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each other, I do not totally agree with the speaker in most educations situations. However with respect to the special children, it is necessary to design special courses to stimulate their learning motives.

On the one hand, we should be aware of the goal of education, from my point of view,which is to cultivate the intelligent capability and healthy mentality. As far as I am concerned, such education could make people become useful for the society. If education is just designed to meet the individual needs and hobbies, it is difficult for people to achieve the purpose of education. For instance, some subjects may be tedious for some students, but they are significant knowledge for people to subsistence. As I know, mathematics is one of the boring subjects for many students and it could improve students’ logic and inference ability in order to form rigorous thinking. If mathematics is not obligatory for students, obviously many students might give up learning it. Therefore interests are not the determinant for learning mathematics due to the importance of mathematics in people’s life. Thus education could not only meet students’ interests and individual needs in such circumstance.

In addition, the work of satisfying all individual needs and interests is impractical. As it is known to all that the education finance is limited, it is impossible for government and schools to pay a large amount of money on meeting individual needs. Otherwise, in my point of view, students have rights to select different majors in the universities, which to some extent, has already considered and satisfied students’ diverse hobbies and individual needs. Also graduate students could choose different directions which they like. Both of the facts illustrate that education has taken account of students' diverse interests and personal needs to some extent.

On the other hand, undoubtedly, educators could utilize students' interests and personal needs to stimulate learning enthusiasm in order to facilitate study and make study more efficient. There is a persuasive example to substantiate this point. In the mental health classes, teacher's purpose of the course is to tell students the importance of persistence and learning in all life in order to accommodate the situation of the society. If the teacher only uses general principles to clarify the significance of that point, students may lack interests to enjoy the class. But if teacher broadcasts a film that embodies the spirit of persistence to students, such as Forrest Gum, it is easier to make them participate and interact with teacher in the class. Moreover the figure of Forrest Gum could give them deep impression and the education goal has also accomplished. Later, when students feel that their owned accomplishments are enough for their life, the spirit of "run ceaselessly in life" may be as an impetus for them to strive endlessly. In this circumstance, the utilization of interests of students is an effective way of education.

Otherwise, the way of education which the speaker claims can be advantageous in some special children who are physical handicapped or intelligent handicapped, including reading disability, communicating disability,behavior difficulties and so forth. Since the unique characteristics of such children, the uniform education approach might be ineffective on them. Thus it is necessary and indispensable for educators to analyze the psychological characteristics of them, find out their interested topics and adopt appropriate methods to teach them in order to get effective education.

To sum up, the speaker's view of education could be effective in some special situations, such as the education of special children. However in most circumstances, it is not sufficient enough to just meet students' needs and personal interests in order to acquire effective education.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-1-21 15:39:44 |只看该作者
What is truly effective education? Asserting that education will be effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each other, I do not totally agree with the speaker in most educations situations. However with respect to the special children, it is necessary to design special courses to stimulate their learning motives.

On the one hand, we should be aware of the goal of education, from my point of view, which is to cultivate the intelligent capability and healthy mentality.(下定义,不错!) As far as I am concerned, such education could make people become useful for the society. If education is just designed to meet the individual needs and hobbies, it is difficult for people to achieve the purpose of education. For instance, some subjects may be tedious for some students, but they are significant knowledge for people to subsistence(subsist). As I know, mathematics is one of the boring subjects for many students and(however) it could improve students’ logic and inference ability in order to form rigorous thinking. If mathematics is not obligatory for students, obviously many students might give up learning it. Therefore interests are not the determinant for learning mathematics due to the importance of mathematics in people’s life(这句话句意不通,due to 不是because of 的意思么?鉴于数学在人们生活中的重要性,兴趣并不是学习数学的决定因素。什么意思?我觉得表达成 虽然一些学科有时很boring,但是我们必须学习它们而不能由兴趣主导,因为它们在生活中太重要了 你看这样是不是能顺一些). Thus education could not only meet students’ interests and individual needs in such circumstance.

In addition, the work of satisfying all individual needs and interests is impractical. As it is known to all that the education finance is limited, it is impossible for government and schools to pay a large amount of money on meeting individual needs. (这里你可以加一句社会上还有很多其他问题亟待解决,如贫困问题,恐怖主义,污染问题等等) Otherwise(否则的意思吧,放在这里意思似乎不当), in my point of view, students have rights to select different majors in the universities, which to some extent, has already considered and satisfied students’ diverse hobbies and individual needs. Also graduate students could choose different directions which they like. Both of the facts illustrate that education has taken account of students' diverse interests and personal needs to some extent.

On the other hand, undoubtedly, educators could utilize students' interests and personal needs to stimulate learning enthusiasm in order to facilitate study and make study more efficient. There is a persuasive example to substantiate this point. In the mental health classes, teacher's purpose of the course is to tell students the importance of persistence and learning in all life in order to accommodate the situation of the society. If the teacher only uses general principles to clarify the significance of that point, students may lack interests to enjoy the class. But if teacher broadcasts a film that embodies the spirit of persistence to students, such as Forrest Gum, it is easier to make them participate and interact with teacher in the class. Moreover the figure of Forrest Gum(Forrest Gump) could give them deep impression and the education goal has also accomplished. Later, when students feel that their owned accomplishments are enough for their life, the spirit of "run ceaselessly in life" may be as an impetus for them to strive endlessly. In this circumstance, the utilization of interests of students is an effective way of education.

Otherwise, the way of education which the speaker claims can be advantageous in some special children who are physical handicapped or intelligent handicapped, including reading disability, communicating disability,behavior difficulties and so forth. Since the unique characteristics of such children, the uniform education approach might be ineffective on them. Thus it is necessary and indispensable for educators to analyze the psychological characteristics of them, find out their interested topics and adopt appropriate methods to teach them in order to get effective education.(这个问题想得很好,回应了needs这一点,赞!)

To sum up, the speaker's view of education could be effective in some special situations, such as the education of special children. However in most circumstances, it is not sufficient enough to just meet students' needs and personal interests in order to acquire effective education.

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