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[i习作temp] Issue51 kito小组leedgen,自己又改了一遍,帮看看吧 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-1-24 19:23:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
51. "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."

1. 学生的各种兴趣是他们学习的动力, 因此有针对性的教育肯定是非常有效的方法,中国有个成语是“因材施教”。
2. General Education可以很有效, 比如生动的教学方式,丰富的课外题材等等都能激发学生学习的兴趣。
3. 并且,现在的社会需要的是通才,over-specified education只会限制学生的视角和发展,不利于他们将来的择业和生活。
4. 此外,教育资源是有限的,不可能满足每个人的需要。为了满足学生兴趣的发展,学校势必要提供很多programs。

I could hardly agree with the author that education will be very effective only when it is individually configured to cater to the needs and interests of each student. To my mind, general education can be truly effective as long as there are excellent teachers with enlightening teaching techniques and plenty of resources.

Confessedly interests are the right impetus to study. With the particular needs and interests of study, students are more eager to learn new knowledge in those areas. Therefore, when education is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests, it will be very effective in a sense. According to my own experience, interests make people engage more energy into the study, and learn much more than in other fields. Taking Confucius for example, thousands of years ago this Chinese philosopher had pay much attention to the importance of individually configured education, and he once said, “every student has their own interest and special talent, so that education should be designed for this specialty”. Although it was applied in ancient time, individually configured education still makes some sense in these days.

However, it is rash to draw the conclusion that education will not truly effective if it has not been designed to carter individual’s needs and interests. From my point of view, general education can be also successful when vivid teaching methods are applied and abundant resources are involved. The key to an effective education is to present students a wide scope of knowledge and inspire students with interests to learn. With the guidance of the teachers, students can find the right way to learn what they are interested in by themselves. Thus, education can be effective and it need not be specifically designed to meet the individual’s needs and interests.

On the one hand, generalists are appreciated in current society. An over-specified education does nothing good to the development in students’ careers and lives later. If education is particularly designed for the needs and interests of each students, one thing is sure that they will develop fast and well in their interested fields, nonetheless, they might grow into specialists knowing nothing outside of their favored areas. As we all know, all things on the earth are interwoven in a harmonious way so that an narrow view on their interested fields will not help the advancement of the fields and will even impede the development of the fields.

On the other hand, the individually configured educations need more faculties and more teaching resources, which could not be met with nowadays. With the increasing number of students, schools have to put more grants and need more tutors in various programs to cater to individuals’ particular needs and interests. This difficulty is not easy to be solved in nowaday resource-deficient society right now. So from my point of view, to make education specifically designed for each student is not practical.

In the final analysis, education can be truly effective no matter whether it is individually configured or not. Under proper direction and guide from teachers, students can dig deep into their interested fields and make great achievements, which is certainly an outcoming of an effective education.

[ 本帖最后由 leedgen 于 2006-1-25 16:18 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-1-24 20:45:30 |只看该作者
1. 学生的各种兴趣是他们学习的动力, 因此有针对性的教育肯定是非常有效的方法,中国有个成语是“因材施教”。(“因材施教“指针对学生本身素质与条件施教,非这里的兴趣吧)
2. General Education可以很有效, 比如生动的教学方式,丰富的课外题材等等都能激发学生学习的兴趣[color=Beige]。(这一段放这儿不是很恰当)[/color]
3. 并且,现在的社会需要的是通才,over-specified education只会限制学生的视角和发展,不利于他们将来的择业和生活。
4. 此外,教育资源是有限的,不可能满足每个人的需要。为了满足学生兴趣的发展,学校势必要提供很多programs。

I could hardly agree with the author that education will be very effective only when it is individually configured to cater to the needs and interests of each student. To my mind, general education can be truly effective as long as there are excellent teachers with enlightening teaching techniques and plenty of resources.(只要有优秀的教师和充足的资源就搞定,嗯,看看后面再说)

Confessedly interests are the right impetus to study. With the particular needs and interests of study, students are more eager to learn new knowledge in those areas. Therefore, when education is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests, it will be very effective in a sense. According to my own experience, interests make people engage more energy into the study, and learn much more than in other fields. Taking Confucius for example, thousands of years ago this Chinese philosopher had pay much attention to the importance of individually configured education, and he once said, “every student has their own interest and special talent, so that education should be designed for this specialty”. Although it was applied in ancient time, individually configured education still makes some sense in these days.
However, it is rash to draw the conclusion that education will not truly effective if it has not been designed to carter individual’s needs and interests.(反推到极致,好方法!) From my point of view, general education can be also successful when vivid teaching methods are applied and abundant resources are involved. The key to an effective education is to present students a wide scope of knowledge and inspire students with interests to learn. With the guidance of the teachers, students can find the right way to learn what they are interested in by themselves. Thus, education can be effective and it need not be specifically designed to meet the individual’s needs and interests (加一个completely).
On the one hand, generalists are appreciated in current society. An over-specified education does nothing good to the development in(of) students’ careers and lives later. If education is particularly designed for the needs and interests of each students, one thing is sure that they will develop fast and well in their interested fields, nonetheless, they might grow into specialists knowing nothing outside of their favored areas. As we all know, all things on the earth are interwoven in a harmonious way so that an narrow view on(which only concern on) their interested fields will not help the advancement of the fields and will even impede the development of the fields.

On the other hand, the individually configured educations need more faculties and more teaching resources, which could not be met with nowadays. With the increasing number of students, schools have to put more grants and need more tutors in various programs to cater to individuals’ particular needs and interests. This difficulty is not easy to be solved in nowadays resource-deficient society right now. So from my point of view, to make education specifically designed for each student is not practical.(这一点8错!)

In the final analysis, education can be truly effective no matter whether it is individually configured or not. Under proper direction and guide from teachers, students can dig deep into their interested fields and make great achievements, which is certainly an outcome of an effective education.
CONCERN题中提到ONLY 通过。。。才使教育有效

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-1-24 23:02:20 |只看该作者


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Gemini双子座 荣誉版主 QQ联合登录

发表于 2006-1-25 00:47:00 |只看该作者
Issue51 kito小组leedgen,定回拍

51. "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."

1. 学生的各种兴趣是他们学习的动力, 因此有针对性的教育肯定是非常有效的方法,中国有个成语是 “因材施教”。因材施教不等同于根据兴趣施教
2. General Education可以很有效, 比如生动的教学方式,丰富的课外题材等等都能激发学生学习的兴趣。
3. 并且,现在的社会需要的是通才,over-specified education只会限制学生的视角和发展,不利于他们将来的择业和生活。over-specified education是否等同于根据兴趣教学?
4. 此外,教育资源是有限的,不可能满足每个人的需要。为了满足学生兴趣的发展,学校势必要提供很多programs。
4、此外,General Education也是可以有效的

I could hardly agree with the author that education will be very effective only when it is individually configured to cater to the needs and interests of each student. To my mind搭配对么?, general education can be truly effective as long as there are excellent teachers with enlightening teaching techniques and plenty of resources.开头只提到了上述你的提纲的第2点,若能将四个分论点都暗示一下就更好了

Confessedly学习, interests are the right impetus to study. With the particular needs and interests of study, students are more eager to learn new knowledge in those areas. Therefore, when education is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests, it will be very effective in a sense. According to my own experience, interests make people engage more energy into the study, and learn much more than in other fields. Taking Confucius for example, thousands of years ago this Chinese philosopher had pay much attention to the importance of individually configured education, and he once said不是原话的话最好加上(and I paraphrased), “every student has their own interest and special talent, so that education should be designed for this specialty”. Although it was applied in ancient time, individually configured这是固定说法么? education still makes some sense in these days.

However, it is rash to draw the conclusion that education will not truly effective if it has not been designed to carter individual’s needs and interests. 首句写得像argument,issue的段首句一般为主旨句,应当表明本段的主旨大意,在这段应该就是你的第二句了From my point of view, general education can be also successful when vivid teaching methods are applied and abundant resources are involved. The key to an effective education is to present students a wide scope of knowledge and inspire students with interests to learn. With the guidance of the teachers, students can find the right way to learn what they are interested in by themselves. Thus, education can be effective and it need not tobe specifically designed to meet the individual’s needs and interests.

On the one hand, generalists are appreciated in current society. An over-specified education does nothing good to the development in students’ careers and lives later. 同前面,注意over-specifiedIf education is particularly designed for the needs and interests of each students, one thing is sure好像很中文的说法噢 that they will develop fast and well in their interested fields, nonetheless, they might grow into specialists knowing nothing outside of their favored areas. As we all know, all things on the earth are interwoven in a harmonious way so that an narrow view on their interested fields will not help withthe advancement of the fields and will even impede the development of the fields.缺少例子,似乎都在论述

On the other hand, the individually configured educations need more faculties and more teaching resources, which could not be met with nowadays. With the increasing number of students, schools have to put more grants? and need more tutors in various programs to cater to individuals’ particular needs and interests. This difficulty is not easy to be solved in nowaday resource-deficient society right now. So from my point of view, to make education specifically designed for each student is not practical.

In the final analysis, education can be truly effective no matter whether it is individually configured or not. Under proper direction and guide from teachers, students can dig deep into their interested fields and make great achievements, which is certainly an outcoming of an effective education. 结尾不错,但是Under proper direction and guide from teachers好像还是赞同了针对兴趣的教育阿,似乎与主旨不符噢





连梦想洒一地再任人踩 依然笑得爽快


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-1-25 08:34:42 |只看该作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-1-25 10:20:06 |只看该作者

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D1

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-1-25 16:17:15 |只看该作者

观点:兴趣教学只是在某种程度上的effective education,不能满足个人和社会的需求,因此不能带来真正的effective education.

1. 承认each student的needs and interests是学习的重要动力,有针对性地教育在某种程度上肯定可以是effective education
2.然而,尽管兴趣教学对个人有它的优点,它是不是能带来truly effective education呢?那什么是effective education呢?分析Education的作用和目的。但是兴趣教学在一定程度上会限制学生的思维和发展,这个不利于个人将来的择业和生活,也不利于社会的和谐发展,因此它不是广泛意义上的effective education的途径。
3. 从社会的需求来考虑,effective education也不应该是兴趣教学
4. Furthermore, 教育资源的有限也使得兴趣教学变得不太实际,为了满足学生个体不同的爱好,学校需要投入更多的人力物力。

Basically I could hardly agree with the author that education will be very effective only when it is individually configured to cater to the needs and interests of each student. To my mind, education specifically designed can be effective to some degree but from a wider view of effective education, it is not the right means and also not the sole way to achieve the effective education.

Confessedly interests are the right impetus to study. With the particular needs and interests of study, students are more eager to learn new knowledge in those areas. Therefore, when education is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests, it will be very effective in a sense. According to my own experience, interests make people engage more energy into the study, and learn much more than in other fields. Taking Confucius for example, thousands of years ago this Chinese philosopher had pay much attention to the importance of individually configured education, and he once said and I paraphrased, “every student has their own interest and special talent, so that education should be designed for this specialty”. Although it was applied in ancient time, individually configured education still makes some sense in these days.

However, although education specifically designed is effective for individuals in a sense, as for the whole society, this kind of education turns out not truly successful. What is the role of education? Education is to enlighten people to continually learn themselves, and it is not only about how to “learn to know, learn to do”, but also concerning how to “learn to get together, learn to be” as is written in one United Nation file with regard to education. Individually configured education can only do the former part of an effective education and so far it can lead to a wholly effective education. The key to an effective education is to present students a wide scope of knowledge and inspire students with interests to learn. Thus, education need not and should not be specifically designed to meet the individual’s needs and interests.

On the one hand, a specifically designed education does nothing good to the development of students’ careers and lives later, and may hamper the harmony of the society as well. As we mentioned above, an effective education involves more than how to do, and also include teaching people how to be in the society. That is to say, education should prepare well-rounded, educated persons. If it is particularly designed for the needs and interests of each student, it is likely that they make great achievements in their interested fields; nonetheless, they might grow into specialists who know nothing outside of their favored areas and do not know how to coexist with others in the society. As we all know, all things on the earth are interwoven in a harmonious way so that a narrow view on their interested fields will not help the advancement of the fields and will even impede the development of the fields.

On the other hand, the individually configured educations need more faculties and more teaching resources, which could not be met with nowadays especially in the developing countries. With the increasing number of students, schools require more grants and more tutors in various programs to cater to individuals’ particular needs and interests. This difficulty is not easy to be solved in the resource-deficient society right now. So from my point of view, to make education specifically designed for each student is not practical.

In the final analysis, the specifically designed education might make people excellent in particular fields but can not make well-rounded people for the society. The truly effective education should prepare people not only the technical knowledge but also the ability to distinguish what is good or not, which is crucial for the development of a harmonious society.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-1-25 21:55:12 |只看该作者
Basically I could hardly agree with the author that education will be very effective only when it is individually configured to cater to the needs and interests of each student. To my mind, education specifically designed can be effective to some degree but from a wider view of effective education, it is not the right means and also not the sole way to achieve the effective education.

Confessedly interests are the right 改成strong是不是更好一些呢 impetus to study. With the particular needs and interests of study, students are more eager to learn new knowledge in those areas. Therefore, when education is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests, it will be very effective in a sense. According to my own experience, interests make people engage用pour好一些吧 more energy into the study, and learn much more than in other fields. Taking Confucius for example, thousands of years ago this Chinese philosopher had pay paid much attention to the importance of individually configured education, and he once said and I paraphrased, “every student has their own interest and special talent, so that education should be designed for this specialty”. Although it was applied in ancient time, individually configured education still makes some sense in these days.感觉有歧义
However, although education specifically designed is effective for individuals in a sense, as for 个人觉得用when it comes to好那么一点点the whole society, this kind of education turns out not truly successful. What is the role of education? Education is to enlighten people to continually learn themselves, and it is not only about how to “learn to know, learn to do”, but also concerning how to “learn to get together, learn to be” as is written in one United Nation file with regard to education. Individually configured education can only do the former part of an effective education and so far it can lead to a wholly effective education. The key to an effective education is to present students a wide scope of knowledge and inspire students with interests to learn. Thus, education need not and should not be specifically designed to meet the individual’s needs and interests.

On the one hand, a specifically designed education does nothing good to the development of students’ careers and lives later, and may hamper the harmony of the society as well. As we mentioned above, an effective education involves more than how to do, and also include teaching people how what to be in the society. That is to say, education should prepare well-rounded, educated persons. If it is particularly designed for the needs and interests of each student, it is likely that they make great achievements in their interested fields; nonetheless, they might grow into specialists who know nothing outside of their favored areas and do not know how to coexist with others in the society. As we all know, all things on the earth are interwoven in a harmonious way so that a narrow view on their interested fields will not help the advancement of the fields and will even impede the development of the fields.

On the other hand, the individually configured educations need more faculties and more teaching resources, which could not be met with nowadays especially in the developing countries. With the increasing number of students, schools require more grants and more tutors in various programs to cater to individuals’ particular needs and interests. This difficulty is not easy to be solved in the resource-deficient society right now. So from my point of view, to make education specifically designed for each student is not practical.

In the final analysis, the specifically designed education might make people excellent in particular fields but can not make well-rounded people for the society. The truly effective education should prepare people not only the technical knowledge but also the ability to distinguish what is good or not, which is crucial for the development of a harmonious society.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-1-25 21:57:33 |只看该作者
Basically I could hardly agree with the author that education will be very effective only when it is individually configured to cater to the needs and interests of each student. To my mind, education specifically designed can be effective to some degree but from a wider view of effective education, it is not the right means and also not the sole way to achieve the effective education.

Confessedly interests are the right 改成strong是不是更好一些呢 impetus to study. With the particular needs and interests of study, students are more eager to learn new knowledge in those areas. Therefore, when education is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests, it will be very effective in a sense. According to my own experience, interests make people engage用pour好一些吧 more energy into the study, and learn much more than in other fields. Taking Confucius for example, thousands of years ago this Chinese philosopher had pay paid much attention to the importance of individually configured education, and he once said and I paraphrased, “every student has their own interest and special talent, so that education should be designed for this specialty”. Although it was applied in ancient time, individually configured education still makes some sense in these days.感觉有歧义
However, although education specifically designed is effective for individuals in a sense, as for 个人觉得用when it comes to好那么一点点the whole society, this kind of education turns out not truly successful. What is the role of education? Education is to enlighten people to continually learn themselves, and it is not only about how to “learn to know, learn to do”, but also concerning how to “learn to get together, learn to be” as is written in one United Nation file with regard to education. Individually configured education can only do the former part of an effective education and so far it can lead to a wholly effective education. The key to an effective education is to present students a wide scope of knowledge and inspire students with interests to learn. Thus, education need not and should not be specifically designed to meet the individual’s needs and interests.

On the one hand, a specifically designed education does nothing good to the development of students’ careers and lives later, and may hamper the harmony of the society as well. As we mentioned above, an effective education involves more than how to do, and also include teaching people how what to be in the society. That is to say, education should prepare well-rounded, educated persons. If it is particularly designed for the needs and interests of each student, it is likely that they make great achievements in their interested fields; nonetheless, they might grow into specialists who know nothing outside of their favored areas and do not know how to coexist with others in the society. As we all know, all things on the earth are interwoven in a harmonious way so that a narrow view on their interested fields will not help the advancement of the fields and will even impede the development of the fields.

On the other hand, the individually configured educations need more faculties and more teaching resources, which could not be met with nowadays especially in the developing countries. With the increasing number of students, schools require more grants and more tutors in various programs to cater to individuals’ particular needs and interests. This difficulty is not easy to be solved in the resource-deficient society right now. So from my point of view, to make education specifically designed for each student is not practical.

In the final analysis, the specifically designed education might make people excellent in particular fields but can not make well-rounded people for the society. The truly effective education should prepare people not only the technical knowledge but also the ability to distinguish what is good or not, which is crucial for the development of a harmonious society.


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RE: Issue51 kito小组leedgen,自己又改了一遍,帮看看吧 [修改]
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Issue51 kito小组leedgen,自己又改了一遍,帮看看吧
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