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[i习作temp] issue83 jingjingtous(kito) [复制链接]

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Taurus金牛座 荣誉版主

发表于 2006-1-28 14:51:29 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC:ISSUE 83 - "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."

1 政府有责任有权力去保护那些wilderness areas的自然资源。一方面,可能这些地区有许多珍惜的濒临灭绝的动植物需要政府的保护
2 另一方面,这些地区可能有相当丰富的矿产资源对国家的经济工业发展起重要作用,只有政府制定相关的规定来管理才能使资源得到合理利用
3 政府作为人民和国家的代表应该服务于人民和国家,给人民创造一个良好的生活环境,可能荒凉地区的气候水土的好坏直接影响其它经济发达地区的气候及人们的生活,所以政府要保护。
4 政府有充足的资金,人力,物力来鼓励和开发荒凉地区的旅游,如建立国家公园,一环保旅游的方式来保护该地区的生态。

Should government preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas are extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people? There are diversified voices on this controversial issue. Taking into account of a myriad of dimensions, I strongly agree with the speaker that government should not only implement some relevant policies to protect the limited but valuable resources in these areas but also encourage the ecotourism in these wilderness areas.

To begin with, government has the authority and responsibility to protect the precious resources in the remote areas which are an undivided part of a country's terrorism. For one thing, perhaps there are numerous and diverse species of precious animals or plants living in these nearly inaccessible terrorism. Perhaps some of them are so rare and ever on the edge of extinction that government should implement some effective measures or legitimate relevant laws to protect them. Consider the African elephants in Kenya, thousands of them are killed each year by the cruel hunters due to the valuable ivories. Without the necessary protection of the local government, the species would be extinct in two decades and also the native ecology will be plunged into an imbalance in consideration of the lack of one species in the ecosystem. In that case, Kenyan government established the Kenyan Natural Park in these areas in order to preserve endangered animals, as a consequence, we can see this precious and interesting animal on TV or by tourism and more important, the local environment was significantly ameliorated since then.

For another thing, government should designate some regulations or emphasize the relative laws in restraining the undue exploration of the natural resources which are very important for the country's economy and industry. It is highly possible that there are plenty of coal, oil and minerals in these wilderness areas and it is the government not other organizations that are capable of preserving them and make a better use of them. Consider the situation of the natural resources in China, understandably, the Chinese government carried out various policies to prevent the undue exploration of the limited resources, but it has not effectively and efficiently been achieved. Compared to the America, not only it has the extremely strict regulations of protecting the natural resources but also some laws to prevent the illegal explorations. Thus, it is not surprised that America's industries such as the manufacture industry and automobile industry are superior to that in China.

Moreover, government is the delegation of all the citizens and the whole country; it must be responsible for every resident's living conditions. Though the wilderness areas are unavailable to most of people, they do have an essential influence on the life of residents in other developed regions. The ecosystem of them may determine whether people living in other areas live comfortably or not. There are plenty of these examples in the modern era, the pollution and deforestation of Amazon river field is one example. As we known, the area of the famous Amazon forest is increasingly decreasing to a small one and due to the pollution of the river, the ecosystem was damaged seriously. As a result, people in Brazil or Peru cannot live a comfortable life Moreover, the climate in the neighboring areas become terrible sometimes due to the destruction of Amazon forests.

In addition, government has sufficient money, labors and various measures to preserve these wilderness areas. It can employ ecology experts to investigate the environment of these areas and  encourage private enterprise to explore these unknown areas and develop the ecotourism. For that matter, it can also establish the natural parks on these regions to protect the wild and precious animals and plants by regulating a series of relevant laws for prohibiting the illegal hunting or deforesting.

In conclusion, as discussed above, I concede the speaker's suggestion without reservation. A strengthen government has authority and responsibility to protect its natural resources in the wilderness areas regardless of how these regions are remote or unavailable for humans, and furthermore, a government could encourage individuals or enterprises to develop the ecotourism in order to preserve these areas.

How to Eat Fried Worms?

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2006-1-29 03:09:50 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2006-1-30 02:11:54 |只看该作者
1 政府有责任有权力去保护那些wilderness areas的自然资源。一方面,可能这些地区有许多珍惜的濒临灭绝的动植物需要政府的保护
2 另一方面,这些地区可能有相当丰富的矿产资源对国家的经济工业发展起重要作用,只有政府制定相关的规定来管理才能使资源得到合理利用
3 政府作为人民和国家的代表应该服务于人民和国家,给人民创造一个良好的生活环境,可能荒凉地区的气候水土的好坏直接影响其它经济发达地区的气候及人们的生活,所以政府要保护。
4 政府有充足的资金,人力,物力来鼓励和开发荒凉地区的旅游,如建立国家公园,一环保旅游的方式来保护该地区的生态。

Should government preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas are extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people? 【这句开头和我的一摸一样】There are diversified voices on this controversial issue. Taking into account of a myriad of dimensions, I strongly agree with the speaker that government should not only implement some relevant policies to protect the limited but valuable resources in these areas but also encourage the ecotourism in these wilderness areas.【开头很好】

To begin with, government has the authority and responsibility to protect the precious resources in the remote areas which are an undivided part of a country's terrorism.【jingjing你千万不要没检查就交卷了,你把territory写成了恐怖主义,如果老美看到估计是不知如何是好】 For one thing, perhaps there are numerous and diverse species of precious animals or plants living in these nearly inaccessible terrorism【territory】. Perhaps some of them are so rare and ever on the edge of extinction that government should implement some effective measures or legitimate relevant laws to protect them. Consider the African elephants in Kenya, thousands of them are killed each year by the cruel hunters due to the valuable ivories. Without the necessary protection of the local government, the species would be extinct in two decades and also the native ecology will be plunged into an imbalance in consideration of the lack of one species in the ecosystem. In that case, Kenyan government established the Kenyan Natural Park in these areas in order to preserve endangered animals, as a consequence, we can see this precious and interesting animal on TV or by tourism and more important, the local environment was significantly ameliorated since then. 【我其实也想过用大象这个例子;但是我想问个弱智点的问题,就是大象生活的地方算不算remote areas,如果算这个例子很好,如果不是那种remote,人很少能接近的地方,那这个例子可能不是非常贴切,用还是可以的,想一下,大象好像是生活在丛林里的,那那种地方可能是比较remote的,对的,你是对的】[句式和词汇都很棒没啥可改的,我还学了个precious]

For another thing, government should designate some regulations or emphasize the relative laws in restraining the undue exploration of the natural resources which are very important for the country's economy and industry. 【这句TS,总的来说显得有点偏离中心,其实你的意思我还是懂的,但是我认为你应该先说这些地方可能会有minerals,所以需要take politics to reasonable exploitation】It is highly possible that there are plenty of coal, oil and minerals in these wilderness areas and it is the government not other organizations that are capable of preserving them and make a better use of them. Consider the situation of the natural resources in China, understandably, the Chinese government carried out various policies to prevent the undue exploration of the limited resources, but it has not effectively and efficiently been achieved. Compared to the America, not only it has the extremely strict regulations of protecting the natural resources but also some laws to prevent the illegal explorations. Thus, it is not surprised that America's industries such as the manufacture industry and automobile industry are superior to that in China. 【因为中国没有合理开采资源,所以中国的工业比美国差,这二者之间的因果关系可能需要更进一步说,否则的话,不是很容易想明白为啥有这层因果】

Moreover, government is the delegation of all the citizens and the whole country; it must be responsible for every resident's living conditions. Though the wilderness areas are unavailable to most of 【似乎该去掉of】people, they do have an essential influence on the life of residents in other developed regions. The ecosystem of them may determine whether people living in other areas【可以说成 people of other areas】 live comfortably or not. There are plenty of these examples in the modern era, the pollution and deforestation of Amazon river field is one example. As we known, the area of the famous Amazon forest is increasingly decreasing to a small one and due to the pollution of the river, 【不是很具体,为什么Amazon Forest 减小了,会使生态失衡,最好说一两句,我觉得】the ecosystem was damaged seriously. As a result, people in Brazil or Peru cannot live a comfortable life Moreover, the climate in the neighboring areas become【becomes】 terrible sometimes due to the destruction of Amazon forests.

In addition, government has sufficient money, labors and various measures to preserve these wilderness areas【认为government有充足的钱,人力,物力来保护这些地方,有点主观;我是这样想得,你可以说with some financial investment, government could develop natual parks, which can both protect wildlife and attract tourists.Thus the financial investment could be taken back and make profits due to the natural park. 我差不多就是这样表达的,你的观点很多和我一样,只是我没你想得多】 It can employ ecology experts to investigate the environment of these areas and  encourage private enterprise to explore these unknown areas and develop the ecotourism【这个想得很好】. For that matter, it can also establish the natural parks on these regions to protect the wild and precious animals and plants by regulating a series of relevant laws for prohibiting the illegal hunting or deforesting.

In conclusion, as discussed above, I concede the speaker's suggestion without reservation. A strengthen【这是动词哦】 government has authority and responsibility to protect its natural resources in the wilderness areas regardless of how these regions are remote or unavailable for humans, and furthermore, a government could encourage individuals or enterprises to develop the ecotourism in order to preserve these areas.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2006-1-30 16:25:35 |只看该作者


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