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[a习作temp] argument167 0710G同主题写作 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 23:34:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

TOPIC: ARGUMENT167 - A folk remedy* for insomnia, the scent in lavender flowers, has now been proved effective. In a recent study, 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia slept each night for three weeks on lavender-scented pillows in a controlled room where their sleep was monitored. During the first week, volunteers continued to take their usual sleeping medication. They slept soundly but wakened feeling tired. During the second week, the volunteers discontinued their medication. As a result, they slept less soundly than the previous week and felt even more tired. During the third week, the volunteers slept longer and more soundly than in the previous two weeks. This shows that over a short period of time lavender cures insomnia.

*A folk remedy is usually a plant-based form of treatment common to traditional forms of medicine, ones that developed before the advent of modern medical services and technology.
WORDS: 512          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2007-8-3 下午 10:23:39

The arguer concluded that the scent in lavender flowers can cure insomnia on the base of no legitimate experiment.

First, the experiment didn't record and compare the status of the volunteers in a scientific way. There are also many other factors which contribute to insomnia, like the state of mind and the sleeping environment, but the researchers failed to consider these. In the first week, may be the volunteers slept soundly only because they've taken their usual sleeping medication. And the unfamiliar and uncomfortable sleeping environment made them waken feeling tired. For example, the bed is not as comfortable as those at home, or the air in the room is stuffy. So the scent of lavender has nothing to do with either the sound sleep or the tired feeling when they woke up. In the second week, the fact that the volunteers slept less soundly may due to the sudden discontinue of the medication that they are accustomed to or even addicted to. Or this may just be an psychology tension when suddenly get rid of one’s personal habits. And the reason for them to feel tired may still be that they are unused to the new environment. Still, these have nothing to do with the lavender. In the third week, the volunteers slept soundly. But it may just because that they are too tired, for they had been unable to sleep well for two weeks. Or it may be that they have become used to sleeping with out eating sleeping medication. Still, there is nothing to prove that their sleep has anything to do with lavender. After the above analyzing, we start to doubt how on earth the researchers concluded the effectiveness of lavender.

Even if the scent in lavender flowers does have some effect on the volunteers in the experiment, it’s too rashly to conclude that it will be effective for the general population. The number of people evolved in the experiment is too few. Also, we should know more about the volunteers, such as their ages, psychology status, general health and gender. Perhaps the 30 volunteers are all women who are very fond of flowers, so the scent of flowers helps them to feel calm and happy. Maybe it will not have the same effect on people who do not like the scent of lavender flower. Furthermore, there's someone who are allergic to pollens. The contact of pollen will cause them to be ill. If they smell the scent of flowers, they will only become so nervous and that they can't fall asleep. Also, if people are not feeling well or are having some disease, and their insomnia is caused by the unease caused by the disease, then the scent of lavender would not be effective at all. So we should do more experiments to examine for what kind of insomnia and in which age groups would the scent of lavender be effective.

In conclusion, any legitimate experiment must be strictly controlled and include a broad cross-section of the population. The study in the argument fails to do that.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-4 00:25:43 |只看该作者

回复 #1 banyanweng 的帖子

The arguer concluded that the scent in lavender flowers can cure insomnia on the base of no legitimate experiment.

First, the experiment didn't record and compare the status of the volunteers in a scientific way. There are also many other factors which contribute to insomnia, like the state of mind and the sleeping environment, but the researchers failed to consider these. In the first week, may be maybe the volunteers slept soundly only because they've taken their usual sleeping medication. And the unfamiliar and uncomfortable sleeping environment made them waken feeling tired. For example, the bed is not as comfortable as those at home, or the air in the room is stuffy. So the scent of lavender has nothing to do with either the sound sleep or the tired feeling when they woke up. 你只是质疑了第一个星期的效果,而作者的结论是针对三个星期的结果,这里应该不要这么快给出So……,或者说The ……may have nothing…… In the second week, the fact that the volunteers slept less soundly may due to the sudden discontinue of the medication that they are accustomed to or even addicted to. Or this may just be an a psychology tension when suddenly get rid of one’s personal habits. And the reason for them to feel tired may still be that they are unused to the new environment. Still, these have nothing to do with the lavender. In the third week, the volunteers slept soundly. But it may just because that they are too tired, for they had been unable to sleep well for two weeks. Or it may be that they have become used to sleeping with out eating sleeping medication. Still, there is nothing to prove that their sleep has anything to do with lavender. After the above analyzing, we start to doubt how on earth the researchers concluded the effectiveness of lavender.

Even if the scent in lavender flowers does have some effect on the volunteers in the experiment, it’s too rashly to conclude that it will be effective for the general population. The number of people evolved in the experiment is too few. Also, we should know more about the volunteers, such as their ages, psychology status, general health and gender. Perhaps the 30 volunteers are all women who are very fond of flowers, so the scent of flowers helps them to feel calm and happy. Maybe it will not have the same effect on people who do not like the scent of lavender flower. 这里应该详细点说对试验结果的影响 Furthermore, there's someone who are allergic to pollens. The contact of pollen will cause them to be ill. If they smell the scent of flowers, they will only become so nervous and that they can't fall asleep. Also, if people are not feeling well or are having some disease, and their insomnia is caused by the unease caused by the disease, then the scent of lavender would not be effective at all. So we should do more experiments to examine for what kind of insomnia and in which age groups would the scent of lavender be effective.

In conclusion, any legitimate experiment must be strictly controlled and include a broad cross-section of the population. The study in the argument fails to do that.

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