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[i习作temp] issue185 4月作文小组4月6日第十三次作业 by寂寞樱花 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-4-6 21:53:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."
WORDS: 485          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-4-6


Generally, I agree with the speaker that scandals are useful in some respects. However, scandals may also cause some problem in our society which be overlooked by the speaker, and from my view of point, scandals should be used to attract people's attention modestly, but not abusing.

To begin with, scandals can attract public attention on some problem which always be covered. And the stress of public attention could solute the problems more quickly and smoothly, while the public can understand the truth of problems. Scandals also are a mode of supervise, regardless in politics, academia or business. Take academia as an example, the professor in MIT who has been expelled from the college because of plagiarism indicate that plagiarism that be overt can lead to a great loss of the professor, which not only affect the reputation but also the job. And so is politics and business, Watergate Scandal that lead to a abdicate of the president and the scandal of Mitsubishi Motor which make the company lose its market both demonstrate that scandals can focus the public attention on some problem that may be covered and overlooked before.  

Moreover, scandals which uncover the problem is a kind of enhancing that to make it develop better. We all know that people who get ill must go to hospital to find out the reason of sick, so does our society, scandals is a way to find out the real reason that causing the problem without which our society may be disorder and the government may be overturned quickly.

However, scandals cannot be abused. Once a scandal be exposure, there are great expense on it. Many people may be involved in and it is very possible that the problem is meaningless to our society and public which distract our attention to other more important issue. For example, the overt of scandal of Clinton and Lewinsky is in the expense of a great much money and time but the problem is not as important as the one of the development of the society. In a word, abuse of scandals may lead to a waste of time and money but receive little effects.

Finally, the greatest use of scandals is to uncover some problem to public and to solve the problem with the stress of the public and to warn the offspring do not do the same thing. But we need to find a balance in the expense which will be cost in uncovering a scandal and the meaning that the scandal to our society and public. Meaningless scandals are only something to distract the public attention while waste much recourses of our society.

To sum up, surely, scandals is useful in some respects, but it does not mean that we can use it without limits. Scandals are two-blade, and we should recognize both the positive and negative of it and the emphasis should be using it properly.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-4-7 23:42:37 |只看该作者

Generally, I agree with the speaker that scandals are useful in some respects(aspects). However, scandals may also cause some problem in our society which be overlooked by the speaker, and from my view of point, scandals should be used to attract people's attention modestly, but not abusing(being abused).

To begin with, scandals can attract(draw?) public attention on some problem which (could have) always be covered. And the stress of public attention could solute(solve) the problems more quickly and smoothly, while the public can understand the truth of problems(这个搭配恐怕得好好考虑一下). Scandals also are a mode of supervise(supervising), regardless in politics, academia or business. Take academia as an example, the professor in MIT who has been expelled from the college because of plagiarism indicate that plagiarism that be(being)overt can lead to a(去掉) great loss of the professor(???在我看来那个教授应该是剽窃的受益者吧……不是太明白这里的意思), which not only(放在affect的后面比较好)affect the reputation but also the job. And so is politics and business, Watergate Scandal that lead to a abdicate of the president and the scandal of Mitsubishi Motor(也许展开一下比较好,老美不一定有概念) which make the company lose its market both demonstrate that scandals can focus the public attention on some problem that may be covered and overlooked before.

Moreover, scandals which uncover the(这里没有特指吧……) problem is a(some) kind of enhancing that to make it develop better. We all know that people who get ill must go to hospital to find out the reason of sick(sickness), so does our society, scandals is a way to find out the real reason that causing the problem(,) without which our society may be disorder(disordered) and the government may be overturned quickly. (这也有点过分了,其实用一个丑闻来颠覆政府才是最常见的状况,而真正因为社会矛盾累积起来的颠覆我想是不多见的)

However, scandals cannot be abused. Once a scandal be exposure(我一直都不确定Once后面究竟是应该用独立主格结构还是应该用从句), there are great expense(之前我只会用cost on it. Many people may be involved in(这个in似乎通常都是不要的) and it is very possible that the problem is(这里似乎应该用假设语气) meaningless to our society and public which(这里就最好不要用which了,直接用and会好些) distract our attention to other more important issue(issues). For example, the overt of scandal of Clinton and Lewinsky is(results) in the expense of a great much(我很确定没有这样用的) money and time but the problem is not as important as the one of the development of the society. In a word, abuse of scandals may lead to a waste of time and money but receive little effects.

Finally, the greatest use of scandals is to uncover some problem to public and to solve the problem with the stress of the public and to warn the offspring do not do(not to do) the same thing. But we need to find a balance in(between) the expense which will be cost in uncovering a scandal and the meaning that the scandal to our society and public. Meaningless scandals are only something(常见的情况是something后面加定语从句) to distract the public attention while waste(wasting) much recourses(resources) of our society.

To sum up, surely, scandals is(can be) useful in some respects, but it does not mean that we can use it without limits. Scandals are two-blade(two-edged,因为以前都没有想过要用这个词), and we should recognize both the positive and negative of it and the emphasis should be using it properly.(这句的语法结构值得考虑一下)

对于观点暂时没语言,因为我对于丑闻的看法是有一点点偏激的。不过单纯从文章上来看,结构的安排还是比较合理的。只是例子似乎缺乏了一些,道理论证似乎多了一些——当然只是个人认为这不大好而已,不过像我的那样只是做case study的也不见得会好到哪里去。

[ 本帖最后由 CLVolkov 于 2007-4-8 00:04 编辑 ]

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RE: issue185 4月作文小组4月6日第十三次作业 by寂寞樱花 [修改]
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issue185 4月作文小组4月6日第十三次作业 by寂寞樱花
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