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[活动] 12月4日 03的独立作文 国内旅游还是国外旅游 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 寄托与我 IBT Zeal Sagittarius射手座

发表于 2009-12-4 22:13:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
It should be obvious that people tend to travel around when they are on vocations than before. Some people opt to travel in their own country. While, others like travelling abroad. When I face the option I will undoubtedly choose to have a trip at home.

First of all, there may be language or culture barrier to communicate with foreigners when we travel abroad. Needless to say, if you want to travel abroad you had better know the language there. Of course you can take a translator with you. But it is indeed unconvinient if there is always a person following you wherever you go. In addition, you may have some culture conflicts with the native there since you are just a tourist. For example, if you are used to using folks to take dishes, you maybe uncomfortable to see Indian eating food by hands. And you probably have a bad appetite during the whole trip in India.

Second, since you are a foreigner you can not fully understand what you have seen when you travel abroad. Take my friend Lily as an example. She travelled to England last month. Arriving London, she was tottally disappointed. What she had seen were the old theatres and museums and he did not like them at all because she had no idea about the history and culture there. What a pity! It is a waste of both time and money. But it would not happen when you travel in your own country.

Finally, travelling at home can make us have a strong sense of pride. When we travel in our own countey we may be addicted to the natural spectacle, surprised by the diverse customs and impressed by the history of our country.When we are back, we would be more willing to work hard to contribute to our country.

In sum, we safely draw the conclusion that people benefit more from travelling in their own country than travellig in a foreign country. We all know that we can not deeply understand what we have seen in a foreign country as tourists, coupled with the language or culture barrier. So I will not hesitant to choose to travel at home.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-4 23:09:56 |只看该作者
It should be obvious that people tend to travel around when they are on vocations than before.[没发现这里存在比较,我想应该加一个more frequently之类的好些吧] Some people opt to travel in their own country. While, others like travelling abroad. When I face the option, I will undoubtedly choose to have a trip at home.

First of all, there may be [a] language or culture barrier to communicate with foreigners when we travel abroad. Needless to say, if you want to travel abroad, you had better know the language there. Of course you can take a translator with you. But it is indeed inconvenient if there is always a person following you wherever you go. In addition, you may have some culture conflicts with the native there since you are just a tourist.[个人觉得since后面的理由不称之为理由,我想可以在后面加上诸如:我只是游客,适应/生活的环境是与之完全不同的] For example, if you are used to using folks[这里是什么意思?拼写有误吧,我猜] to take dishes, you may be uncomfortable to see Indian eating food by hands. And you probably have a bad appetite during the whole trip in India.

Second, since you are a foreigner you cannot fully understand what you have seen when you travel abroad. Take my friend Lily as an example. She travelled to England last month. [When]Arriving London, she was totally disappointed. What she had seen were the old theatres and museums and he[she] did not like them at all because she had no idea about the history and culture there. What a pity! It is a waste of both time and money. But it would not happen when you travel in your own country.[我觉得这里有些绝对了,would改成might好些~]
Finally, travelling at home can make us have a strong sense of pride. When we travel in our own country, we may be addicted to the natural spectacle, surprised by the diverse customs and impressed by the history of our country. When we are back[我们就在我们自己的国家,我觉得应该加上to home/hometown], we would be more willing to work hard to contribute to our country.

In sum, we safely draw the conclusion that people benefit more from travelling in their own country than travelling in a foreign country. We all know that we cannot deeply understand what we have seen in a foreign country as tourists, coupled with the language or culture barrier. So I will not hesitant to choose to travel at home.

已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
happyfaith2008 + 1 多谢多谢!

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-5 11:52:32 |只看该作者
12月4日 03的独立作文 国内旅游还是国外旅游
Itshould be obvious that people tend to travel around when they are onvocations than before. Some people opt to travel in their own country.While, others like travelling abroad. When I face the option I willundoubtedly choose to have a trip at home. 观点很明确~

Firstof all, there may be language or culture barrier to communicate withforeigners when we travel abroad. Needless to say, if you want totravel abroad you had better know the language there. Of course you cantake a translator with you. But it is indeed unconvinient if there isalways a person following you wherever you go. In addition, you mayhave some culture conflicts with the native there since you are just atourist. For example, if you are used to using folks【是forks吧】 to take dishes,you maybe uncomfortable to see Indian eating food by hands. And youprobably have a bad appetite during the whole trip in India. 【TS切题,而且development也很详实,有论述有例子。】

Second,since you are a foreigner you can not fully understand what you haveseen when you travel abroad. Take my friend Lily as an example. Shetravelled to England last month. Arriving London, she was tottallytotallydisappointed. What she had seen were the old theatres and museums andhe did not like them at all because she had no idea about the historyand culture there. What a pity! It is a waste of both time and money.But it would not happen when you travel in your own country.【感觉本段的development还不是很让人信服,可以再展开做一些论述。】

Finally, travelling at home can make us have astrong sense of pride. When we travel in our own countey we may beaddicted to the natural spectacle, surprised by the diverse customs andimpressed by the history of our country.When we are back, we would bemore willing to work hard to contribute to our country.

In sum, we safely draw the conclusion that people benefit more fromtravelling in their own country than travellig in a foreign country.【如果这句话能改写一下会更好】 Weall know that we can not deeply understand what we have seen in aforeign country as tourists, coupled with the language or culturebarrier. So I will not hesitant to choose to travel at home.

已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
happyfaith2008 + 1 谢谢!

总评分: 声望 + 1   查看全部投币


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 寄托与我 Sagittarius射手座 Golden Apple

发表于 2009-12-5 17:11:29 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-5 18:58:21 |只看该作者
It should be obvious that people tend to travel around when they are on vocations than before. Some people opt to travel in their own country. While, others like travelling abroad. When I face the option I will undoubtedly choose to have a trip at home.

First of all, there may be language or culture barrier to communicate with foreigners when we travel abroad. Needless to say, if you want to travel abroad you had better know the language there. Of course you can take a translator with you. But it is indeed unconvinientconvenient if there is always a person following you wherever you go. In addition, you may have some culture conflicts with the native there since you are just a tourist. For example, if you are used to using folks to take dishes, you maybe uncomfortable to see Indian eating food by hands. And you probably have a bad appetite during the whole trip in India.

Second, since you are a foreigner you can not fully understand what you have seen when you travel abroad. Take my friend Lily as an example. She travelled to England last month. Arriving London, she was tottally disappointed. What she had seen were the old theatres and museums and he did not like them at all because she had no idea about the history and culture there. What a pity! It is a waste of both time and money. But it would not happen when you travel in your own country., f% q4 v7 n6 ]
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Finally, travelling at home can make us have a strong sense of pride. When we travel in our own countey we may be addicted to the natural spectacle, surprised by the diverse customs and impressed by the history of our country.When we are back, we would be more willing to work hard to contribute to our country.

In sum, we safely draw the conclusion that people benefit more from travelling in their own country than travellig in a foreign country. We all know that we can not deeply understand what we have seen in a foreign country as tourists, coupled with the language or culture barrier. So I will not hesitant to choose to travel at home.
I forsee the dark ahead if i stay

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