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[i习作temp] Issue51 教育满足个人需求和兴趣【求拍,有拍必回】 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-3-10 22:32:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue51: 589 words
45 minutes

Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.

When education satisfies one's needs and interests, it is more likely that the individual would turn out to be a specialist in his area, or at least be successful to some extent. However, this case can not be applied to every single student, for the reason that it is the society's needs eventually decide who will attain success, and that the resource needed to satisfy each one's interest would be too much to afford.

Many successful individuals' experience reveal they secret of being successful is that their individual needs and interests are met. The story of Mozart, one of the greatest musicians in the world, comes into mind immediately. Mozart was born in a family of music, which made him in love with music in an early age. Having discovered his great talent in music, his family provided him with excellent education on music. Instead of treating playing piano as a heavy burden, Mozart found a new splendid world in music. Thus, with highly intensive love to music and his needs to hover in the musical world, the education on music set him out on the way to success. Satisfying individual needs and interests, none of which is indispensible on the way to achievements, should be emphasized in the aim of effective education.

Despite the benefits from meeting one's own needs and interests, there are certain limits that make it impossible to satisfy each student. On one hand, rather than saying it is the individual's needs be met, it is the society's needs that eventually create successful individuals. In different developing stages of a society, it calls for various kinds of specialists, from art to science, from agriculture to business, and so on. Only when individual needs are identical to that of the whole society's, one is more likely to achieve success. Therefore, the education will not focus on every individual needs. Instead, more attention would be focused on satisfying the society's needs as a whole. And students whose individual needs happen to be correspondent with the society's needs tend to realize him own dreams in the process of advancing the whole society.

On the other hand, it seems that our current resources, no matter the tangible funds for education or the intangible capital on teachers, are far from enough to meet each student's needs and interests. To satisfy everyone's needs and interests, each student should be assigned at least one qualified tutor to understand his needs and to realize his interests first, then to devote full-hearted to satisfy the students. In short, this kind of education is based on a one-to-one education form, which is almost impossible to be carried out in any countries of the world. Even if there is enough quantity of qualified teachers, poor students may still be unable to afford the tuition fees, which must be more expensive than the current education system. As a result, the idea that education should meet each student's needs and interests may be potentially effective, the limitation in our current society make it impossible to be worked out.

In sum, satisfying individual needs and interests will improve the effectiveness of education on each single student. But this plan must face a variety of difficulties and limitations in our contemporary world, such as the shortage of education funds and qualified teachers, when it is to be applied to every student.
Such plan is better to be used in special cases, such as arts and science, especially when the students can afford the cost of such plan.
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Rank: 1

发表于 2010-3-11 09:16:13 |只看该作者

Issue51: 589 words
45 minutes

Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.

When education satisfies one's needs and interests, it is more likely that the individual would turn out to be a specialist in his area, or at least be successful to some extent. However, this case can not be applied to every single student, for the reason that it is the society's needs eventually decide who will attain success, and that the resource needed to satisfy each one's interest would be too much to afford.(没有抓住effective这个词。我明白作者认为个人的成功就是教育有效略,但是应该做一个两者之间的连接,以突出两者间的等价关系)

Many successful individuals' experience reveal they secret of being successful is that their individual needs and interests are met. The story of Mozart, one of the greatest musicians in the world, comes into mind immediately. Mozart was born in a family of music是不是应该是musician, which made him (fall) in love with music in an early age. Having discovered his great talent in music, his family provided him with excellent education on music. Instead of treating playing piano as a heavy burden, Mozart found a new splendid world in music. Thus, with highly intensive love to music and his needs to hover in the musical world, the education on music set him out on the way to success. Satisfying individual needs and interests, none of which is indispensible on the way to achievements, should be emphasized in the aim of effective education.

Despite the benefits from meeting one's own needs and interests, there are certain limits that make it impossible to satisfy each student. On one hand, rather than saying it is the individual's needs be met, it is the society's needs that eventually create successful individuals. In different developing stages of a society, it calls for various kinds of specialists, from art to science, from agriculture to business, and so on. Only when individual needs are identical to that of the whole society's, one is more likely to achieve success. Therefore, the education will not focus on every individual needs. Instead, more attention would be focused on satisfying the society's needs as a whole. And students whose individual needs happen to be correspondent with the society's needs tend to realize him own dreams in the process of advancing the whole society.

On the other hand, it seems that our current resources, no matter the tangible funds for education or the intangible capital on teachers, are far from enough to meet each student's needs and interests. To satisfy everyone's needs and interests, each student should be assigned at least one qualified tutor to understand his needs and to realize his interests first, then to devote full-hearted to satisfy the students. In short, this kind of education is based on a one-to-one education form, which is almost impossible to be carried out in any countries of the world. Even if there is enough quantity of qualified teachers, poor students may still be unable to afford the tuition fees, which must be more expensive than the current education system. As a result, the idea that education should meet each student's needs and interests may be potentially effective, but the limitation in our current society make it impossible to be worked out.(这两句话间没有连词呀)

In sum, satisfying individual needs and interests will improve the effectiveness of education on each single student. But this plan must face a variety of difficulties and limitations in our contemporary world, such as the shortage of education funds and qualified teachers, when it is to be applied to every student.
Such plan is better to be used in special cases, such as arts and science, especially when the students can afford the cost of such plan.

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2# donkeywto

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RE: Issue51 教育满足个人需求和兴趣【求拍,有拍必回】 [修改]
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Issue51 教育满足个人需求和兴趣【求拍,有拍必回】


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