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[i习作temp] issue144 求拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-3-27 13:10:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
字数:772          用时:00:01:10          日期:2011/3/26 14:48:00

The author assertion that the artist is the only one who gives society something of lasting value has overrated the artist. For most of us, our noticesof some great novels, films, music and paintings start from reading the comments or reconmendations and then go to the bookshops, theatres or art galleries to appreciate them. Every time, we all focus on and remember who is the writer, director, singer or painter without realizing that it is the critic, who write the comments, lead us to touch the art. However, the critic has also created the lasting value which is as the same important as the artist. Both two parties are needed.

Artists, who always be regarded as the mother of their pieces of art, has created value which long wondering in people’s minds. They use their unique perspectives and artistic methods to depict or create some objects which conveyed values passing on generations by generations. Luxun, the most famous writer in the contempary China, has sharpened his pen to create the image of Kongyiji, a pedantic schorlar who had reflected how feudalism decayed minds of the contemparies. The image has origins from the reality and also rooted in people’s minds, which aware Chinese not to be stricted by the feudalism thoughts. Shakespere, the most famous player, has used the stage to present Macbeth, a vivid character whose audacious ambitions and greedy had finally overthrowed himself. The character has revealed the darkside of the human nature, greedy and betrayal, and reminded people not to make the same mistakes. The time flies but these characters as well as the lessons they teach us never fly with the time and last in people’s minds generations after generatons. The lasting value was created in the artistic works. Without artists, no value was ever existed.

However, in the flourishing artistic world, artists create values in different ways and expressed in some artistic forms which appear to be strange to ordinary people. At this time, the critics, with wide and specific knowledge of arts, act as a bridge builder to connect the mass with the artists to transfer the meaning of the works. They appreciate each of those artistic works, discover their values and introduce them to the public. They make the mass understand what the author want to express through commenting on the works. In this way, some masterpieces are discovered and enjoy high popularity among the contemporaries. However, it is possible that sometimes some masterpiesces, such as Van Gogh’s painting ‘Sunflower’ have not been discovered by critics in their times, those who merely represent the common taste of the mass. And the artistic style of the works have transcended their abilities to understand. But the critics never stopped digging the value underneath those arts of work, no matter they are famous or not. The new generation of critics appreciated the same work from fresh perspectives differ from the formers, which bring vitality to the works and new masterpieces are discovered. This is why the only two paintings of Van Gogh had enjoyed such a tremendous price and high appreciation in today’s society. Appreciation is a dynamic process of continually digging out treasury in the huge pool of artistic works. The value of the masterpieces lasts for the appreciations never stop. The critics past the appreciation tasks generations by generations to bring us the continuously renewed value discovered from the works of art.

Despite discovering values, the critics’ comments also help the public selecting the artistic works and promote the further development of arts. Among the various works of arts, we can not deny that some of them are meanless or at least the value had not been discovered. When facing such hugh amount of works, the public may get lost. Just like you are wondering in the CD store or book store and hesitated about which to buy. But from the critics comments, we find the answers since the comments had already selected and summarized them in certain categories. If you are in favor of the detective story, you can search the one about Sherlock Holmes for it is well recognized by the critics. On the other side, the critics enable artists to gain approval from the public, which encourages them to create more works and in turn more masterpieces are discovered. This process circulates and pushes the arts development, the thing with lasting benefits to the human beings.

In sum, the artists create the lasting value through works of art while the critics continuously discover the value and promote the develoment of art. Both of them give the society something of lasting value directly and indirectly.

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