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[i习作temp] Issue218 快要考了互拍哦^-^ [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-5 14:21:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue218  In order for any work of art-whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song-to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.
1.        艺术品的价值更多的是一件很主观的事情,基本上没有任何一个人与其他人的想法完全相同。一件艺术品在一个人眼里可能是价值连城,而在另一些人眼里可能根本不是艺术品。因此,一件艺术品很多时候是没有办法让大多数人理解的。As Shakespeare once said, " If there are a hundred audiences, then there will be a hundred Hamlet".
2.        而且,一件艺术品,如果可刻意的区追求迎合大多数人的口味,迎合社会。反而会破坏了自身的艺术价值。比如那些庸俗的电影虽然受欢迎,但却丝毫没有艺术价值,时间将他们慢慢遗忘。
3.        实际上,艺术作品其真正的价值在于反映画家自身的独特视角和表现画家自身的情感。这与外界的评价是无关的。即使大多数人不懂,也不能抹煞他们作为一种思想和创造的载体的艺术价值。比如,Picasso
Is it true that any work of art, only when understandable to the public, can have its merit? The speaker claims so. However, this view, in my eyes, is fundamentally irrational in ignoring the most important function of the work of art in expressing the artists' inner world. To better shore up my viewpoint, I would present the analysis in details as below.

To begin with, whether the work of art has merit or not is more of a subjective issue that varies according to personal interest, social class or even one's personal value system. Correspondingly, it is natural that the merit of a piece of work may be considered priceless in one's eye while junky according to the others. As Shakespeare had put it (and I paraphrase), if there are a hundred audiences, then there will be a hundred Hamlets. True, according to my own experience, once we discuss about the characteristic of Hamlet in the university, some say that the question of to be or not to be disturb everyone in the modern world and thus the work is valuable since its concern about this torture in our daily life; however, some would argue that the plot of this drama is so boring that they would not put up with it at all. Hence, from this we can see that due to different background, interests of people, it is impossible to judge the merit of artwork merely from the opinion and understanding of people.

In addition, the work of art, as soon as deliberately caters to most people, would in turn be gradually forgot by the public and then lose its merit with the time passing by. To be clarify, consider some movies in the modern world, which were made for the purpose of catering to the public’s pursuit of materials and interests, surely earn quantities of audiences and also dollars. Nevertheless, in the long run, they are all erased without exception in the history of human. In order to understand this point, one merely needs to think about the movies that once gave us a vivid expression or moved us till now, say, Schindler’s List, which is irrelevant to reputation, power or dollars but fraught with humanity. From this we can see that the works of art, once unduly relying on meeting the needs of the general public, would soon lose their audience. Paradoxically, the works that intensely concentrate on the inner value of themselves tend to have more inerasable effects and merits.

Actually,the work of art, as a medium and carrier for the inspiration and the feeling of the artist, is inherently relevant to the inner world rather than the outside world. In other words, the artists use the arts to express their deepest private feeling, their unique vision of the universe or even the dissatisfaction against the society. In this sense, it is natural that people cannot understand or accept some works of art, after all, they can not know exactly what the artists think about or even feel more difficult to accept the ideas that are against the ones they hold as the truth. The painting of Picasso, for instance, though seems to be abstruse for the public, nevertheless take the lead in the Cubistic art. Hence, the merit of artwork, first and foremost, derives from the self-expression of its creator.

To sum up, from the discussion above, we can confidently draw a conclusion that the merit of the work of art, since cannot evaluated indiscriminatingly by most people, should realize its value and merit as a mirror for expressing unique feeling and vision of the artist rather than attempting to pander to all the people, which would in turn destroy the merit of the work of art.
Forge ahead, never retreat!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2006-2-6 00:53:35 |只看该作者
Issue218 快要考了互拍哦^-^

Issue218  In order for any work of art-whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song-to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.
1.        艺术品的价值更多的是一件很主观的事情,基本上没有任何一个人与其他人的想法完全相同。一件艺术品在一个人眼里可能是价值连城,而在另一些人眼里可能根本不是艺术品。因此,一件艺术品很多时候是没有办法让大多数人理解的。As Shakespeare once said, " If there are a hundred audiences, then there will be a hundred Hamlet".
2.        而且,一件艺术品,如果可刻意的区追求迎合大多数人的口味,迎合社会。反而会破坏了自身的艺术价值。比如那些庸俗的电影虽然受欢迎,但却丝毫没有艺术价值,时间将他们慢慢遗忘。
3.        实际上,艺术作品其真正的价值在于反映画家自身的独特视角和表现画家自身的情感。这与外界的评价是无关的。即使大多数人不懂,也不能抹煞他们作为一种思想和创造的载体的艺术价值。比如,Picasso
Is it true that any work of art, only when understandable to the public, can have its merit? The speaker claims so. However, this view, in my eyes, is fundamentally irrational in ignoring the most important function of the work of art in expressing the artists' inner world.(这句话暗示了下文要论述的论点,简洁明了!) To better shore up my viewpoint, I would present the analysis in details as below.(开头还好!)

To begin with, whether the work of art has merit or not is more of a subjective issue that varies according to personal interest, social class or EVEN (你觉得这里用even好吗?想表达递进的意思吗?)one's personal value system. Correspondingly, it is natural that the merit of a piece of work may be considered priceless in one's eye while junky according to the others. As Shakespeare had put it (and I paraphrase), if there are a hundred audiences, then there will be a hundred Hamlets. True, according to my own experience, once we discuss about the characteristic of Hamlet in the university, some say that the question of to be or not to be disturb everyone in the modern world and thus the work is valuable since its concern about this torture in our daily life; however, some would argue that the plot of this drama is so boring that they would not put up with it at all. Hence, from this we can see that due to different background, interests of people, it is impossible to judge the merit of artwork merely from the opinion and understanding of people.(段落结构明了,逻辑严密,总体上感觉不错。用词造句也很到位。)

In addition, the work of art, as soon as deliberately caters to most people, would in turn be gradually forgot by the public and then lose its merit with the time passing by. To be clarify(be删去), consider some movies in the modern world, which were made for the purpose of catering to the public’s pursuit of materials and interests, surely earn quantities of audiences and also dollars Nevertheless, in the long run, they are all erased without exception in the history of human. In order to understand this point, one merely needs to think about the movies that once gave us a vivid expression or moved us till now, say, Schindler’s List, which is irrelevant to reputation, power or dollars but fraught with humanity.(举了个正面的例子,再举个反面的是不是更好呢?) From this we can see that the works of art, once unduly relying on meeting the needs of the general public, would soon lose their audience. Paradoxically, the works that intensely concentrate on the inner value of themselves tend to have more inerasable effects and merits.(这段的论述总体上还好,但是不充分,对于电影这种艺术形式的价值没能通过对比很好的反映,再者,只是论述电影就将结论提升至艺术我认为还逻辑上需要补充。你考虑考虑,批判吸收)

Actually,the work of art, as a medium and carrier for the inspiration and the feeling of the artist, is inherently relevant to the inner world rather than the outside world. In other words, the artists use the arts to express their deepest private feeling, their unique vision of the universe or even the dissatisfaction against the society. In this sense, it is natural that people cannot understand or accept some works of art, after all, they can not know exactly what the artists think about or even feel more difficult to accept the ideas that are against the ones they hold as the truth. The painting of Picasso, for instance, though seems to be abstruse for the public, nevertheless take the lead in the Cubistic art. Hence, the merit of artwork, first and foremost, derives from the self-expression of its creator.(艺术固然是艺术家的价值观和想法或者感受的体现,但是艺术同样也是反映社会生活的形式,这段的论述是全面的,但是在例子上可以在充实充实。)

To sum up, from the discussion above, we can confidently draw a conclusion that the merit of the work of art, since cannot evaluated indiscriminatingly by most people, should realize its value and merit as a mirror for expressing unique feeling and vision of the artist rather than attempting to pander to all the people, which would in turn destroy the merit of the work of art.
文章结构清晰,论述合理,只有些小问题,个别需要再充实! Fighting!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2006-2-6 01:27:37 |只看该作者

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Issue218 快要考了互拍哦^-^
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