runawaycow 发表于 2010-12-16 19:16:04

哎。。真好 我也想休学实习!!!
一木菩提 发表于 2010-12-16 14:23

休吧~其实很容易的。。主要是我们的PORGRAM令人发指的死长死长。真的读到倦怠期了= =

AimeeWang 发表于 2010-12-17 16:05:37

跑跑姐~~ 认真读完了这么长的回复...

我是想申请哥大的MARCH I 啊,看了这篇文章怎么有点怯怯的...
关于作品集的问题 我现在在韩国交换,找到个哥大毕业的教授。他让我去找找可以启发你关于艺术灵感的course,就想说HKU有没有相关的可以去免费听课的。我知道关于Hong Kong Design Institution貌似是这个名字,有offer 1 year 类似high D的。不知道值不值得去。或者有没有5万HKD左右的US SUMMER COURSE?

小弟来自polyU surveying ~

runawaycow 发表于 2010-12-18 01:17:40

跑跑姐~~ 认真读完了这么长的回复...

我是想申请哥大的MARCH I 啊,看了这篇文章怎么有点怯怯的...
关于作品集的问题 我现在在韩国交换,找到个哥大毕业的教授。他让我去找找可以启发你关于艺术灵感的course,就 ...
AimeeWang 发表于 2010-12-17 16:05
columbia has a 1 month summer school in NYC every summer.
a cheaper one is the AA Summer School in Shanghai and Beijing every winter and summer.

I suggest you go to the AA one first, to get a sense of things.

if money is not a problem, there is a NYC-Paris program for columbia, a year long master---i'm not sure what degree do they offer, but a lot of transfer student in my class went through this program. half year in NYC, half year in Paris

ufo32579 发表于 2010-12-19 00:02:40

哥大  的mup 咋样 啊?   斑竹 认识 在哥大学规划的 人么?   我想了解一下

拼死考上 发表于 2010-12-21 00:16:30

单位来了一个 本科哥伦比亚大学 硕士麻省理工学院的 图纸都不会画 全靠嘴 牛哇

robertjiay 发表于 2010-12-21 00:20:31

50# 拼死考上

这也行? 我擦,,

mixiumixiu 发表于 2010-12-22 09:33:48


len1983 发表于 2010-12-24 02:23:05

Quite agree with the author's notion, you'd better have a very clear thought of what you want to get from those US schools before really getting here, otherwise , you will be very easy to get lose and dont know what you have learned after finshing the study there.

So far as I know, Columbia is the school that give most ADs to Chinese student. Some of my friends from THU will judge the school by the number of ADs or offer the school give to Chinese. but I think is this notion is a little bit impartial.  Similar to Upenn, every year has over a dozen of Chinese go to there. What I want to say is if you r very interested in those digital fields. Dont hesitate to choose them. Especially columbia, the location is important.  But these two school are very easy to get lose and then graduate.

also Sci-arc is the same, it's very easy to get in. very very easy. but if you are a good material for digital stuff, it could lead you to another level .  the fact for these digital schools(include AA, Pratt) is that they are getting easy to get in,but each year there are a few of very outstanding students that could still push the school foward (I mean the student's works). But also a large portion of graduates there are not so good as people thought. So if you thought you could become the top of those people, don't hesitate to choose those school. They have good teachers and facilities.

fearmonger 发表于 2010-12-25 07:20:50


runawaycow 发表于 2010-12-29 14:14:40

本帖最后由 runawaycow 于 2010-12-31 04:40 编辑

Quite agree with the author's notion, you'd better have a very clear thought of what you want to get from those US schools before really getting here, otherwise , you will be very easy to get lose and ...
len1983 发表于 2010-12-24 02:23


alvin20031010 发表于 2010-12-30 17:09:37

我想知哥大March I 對GRE要求?
我本科是在美國普通州立大學讀, GPA 3.1, 有工作經驗.
所以GRE 要什麼程度才比較好?

runawaycow 发表于 2010-12-31 04:36:25

我想知哥大March I 對GRE要求?
我本科是在美國普通州立大學讀, GPA 3.1, 有工作經驗.
所以GRE 要什麼程度才比較好?
alvin20031010 发表于 2010-12-30 17:09


alvin20031010 发表于 2010-12-31 09:34:28

謝謝解答, 我還有一個問題.
像UCLA, Berkeley, 他們都是要求last two years 的GPA.
我想問Columbia 是不是也一樣?,
因為我大一,二時都在混. 所以last two years 的GPA 好一點點.

runawaycow 发表于 2010-12-31 16:15:02

謝謝解答, 我還有一個問題.
像UCLA, Berkeley, 他們都是要求last two years 的GPA.
我想問Columbia 是不是也一樣?,
因為我大一,二時都在混. 所以last two years 的GPA 好一點點.
alvin20031010 发表于 2010-12-31 09:34


runawaycow 发表于 2011-1-9 18:23:33

单位来了一个 本科哥伦比亚大学 硕士麻省理工学院的 图纸都不会画 全靠嘴 牛哇
拼死考上 发表于 2010-12-21 00:16

老实说,这样的学生美国很多,就是GET LOST的结果,学校不会强制抓制图,顶多DIAGRAM,吹水倒很不错,各种锻炼。
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