tesolchina 发表于 2015-4-14 23:33:07


本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-10-1 22:00 编辑




如何做到认真审题?首先要避免误读。今天才看到一篇习作,写的是issue 58
Issue 58 Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school or college alone.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


In my opinion, whether or not students should be motivated by educational institution as learning is a matter of personal discipline is mainly depended on what kind of those educational institution they attend. For students learning in vocational school, it is unnecessary for school to do anything for encouraging students in learning, as the students have already known their professional orientation before enrollment.

一看开头我就断定这篇文章废掉了。因为作者将cannot误读为should not 而紧接着的unnecessary也是顺着这个思路去写的,这就是对题目的大大的误解。因为should是一个价值判断的问题,应该与否关乎我们的三观,是一个所谓的normative satement,而能不能做某件事则是一个客观的positive (testable) statement。学过经济学的同学都会明白这两者之间的区别。这道题分明是在讨论学校能否激励学生,而前面说学习是关乎自律的事情是后一句的某种依据和前提,因此这里的关键是学校是否有机会、有资源去激励学生,而不是应不应该的问题。


在不误读的基础上,还要学会抓住题干中的关键词,所谓抓住不仅仅是认识到这是关键词,而是要在整篇文章里反复去回应这个关键词。这里以issue 1为例。

As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

这道科技类的题目相对是比较好写的,但是部分同学在写的时候没能紧扣题干里的关键词。这道题的关键在于abitlity to think for themselves。而事实上think这个概念是很难写的,我们都知道think是什么意思,但是要说清楚think是怎么一回事却很难,因为这是个相对抽象的概念。比如某同学写的中间段

In research field, thinking is the key of achievement, and actually the existence of many kinds of physical axioms and outstanding speculation have already prove that. The path of thinking out is not smooth, but more thorny. In the process, massive expected and unexpected problems keep testing thinkers’ ability, as well as their patience. By that time, it is better to rely on production of technology release the pressure outside, leading no harm to ability, but assistance to process of thinking. According to that, the ability of thinking scientist possess can be utilized maximized, bringing to scientist the outstanding discovery that they expected, or are even surprised with.

整段其实也多次提到了thinking 但是读完之后还是不知道在说啥 一方面是表达的问题,更重要的是对于thinking这个概念没有具体讨论



Consider the scientists and engineers who are responsible for developing the theoretical and practical aspects of the new technologies. It is true that they also rely on technologies to solve their problems in research and product developements. But they also rely on their own thinking abilities to solve problems in their works. 这两句作为本段的开头分别回应了题干中的rely more and more on technology to solve problems以及 the ability of humans to think for themselves

For example, software engineers of mobile apps rely on the mobile programming platforms to develop the apps as the platform can help the engineers to visualize the user interface of the apps.  The computers they use can also collect and analyze the user data for the software engineers to better understand how the users behave in response to different app design decisions.
接下来这部分重点解释It is true that they also rely on technologies to solve their problems in research and product developements.

But ultimately, no computer softwares can replace the engineers in solving the key problems such as how to attract more users and how to improve the quality of user experiences. If the engineers are to improve the mobile apps, they still have to think by themselves to decide how to improve the design by taking into account the data provided by different tools.
而接下来这部分则是回应But they also rely on their own thinking abilities to solve problems in their works.
注意我这里讲think for themselves放到一个很具体额度语境中去演绎

Likewise, the computer scientists are challenged to optimize the algorithms used in different programs to reduce the time required to run the programs. Sophisticated computer programs such as Matlab can help the scientists to simulate different algorithms and get data on their computational performance. But the computer scientists have to think by themselves to tweet the mathetical models and develop more efficient algorithms.  

最后这部分新加了一个相关的例子  同意很具体的进行讨论。


关于题目的要求或者写作指引也是新G和老G很不同的一点。issue的6种指引,我在博客55楼已经分类讨论,这里不赘述- https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1777232&page=4#pid1778934728  


- issue入门系列之二:1+3模型构建复杂而整合的思路 (25、54楼)
- issue入门系列之三:分情况讨论-issue立论必杀技   (51楼)
- issue入门系列之四:中间段的提出例子和解释例子  (27、82楼)

w562956526 发表于 2015-4-20 21:14:29


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drdrderek 发表于 2015-4-21 12:50:21


yadewayidimi 发表于 2015-4-21 22:09:18


far2go 发表于 2015-4-22 12:04:49

RileyJohn 发表于 2015-4-22 23:31:24


zb1992 发表于 2015-4-23 09:51:47

thx a lot

cchen2014 发表于 2015-4-23 18:38:16


fishgo 发表于 2015-4-24 17:13:04


ciapig 发表于 2015-4-24 21:01:07


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lqksdsg 发表于 2015-4-26 17:20:48


asl510 发表于 2015-4-27 04:23:01


serene120 发表于 2015-4-27 08:24:27

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