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1501 discourage v. 使气馁;阻碍 depress
1502 discouraging adj. 令人气馁的
1503 discourse n. 讲道,演讲 speech, lecture
1504 discrete adj. 独立的;不连续的,离散的 separate, individual
1505 discreet adj. 小心的,谨慎的
1506 disgust n. 厌恶,嫌恶 repulsion, loathing
1507 disgusted adj. 厌烦的;厌恶的 fed up, repulsed
1508 disillusion v. 使醒悟 disenchant, disenthrall
1509 disintegrate v. (使)瓦解,(使)碎裂 fall apart
1510 disinterested adj. 无个人利害关系的;无私的,公平的 not involved;impartial, unbiased
1511 dismal adj. 暗的,凄凉的;忧郁的,沮丧的 gloomy, somber, melancholy
1512 dismay vt. 使惊慌;使沮丧
1512 n. 沮丧,惊慌 consternation, fear
1513 dismember vt. 肢解,分割 dissect, split up, divide
1514 dismembered adj. 肢解的
1515 dismiss vt. 解散;摒除(思想、感情等) send away;eliminate
1516 disorganize vt. 扰乱,使混乱 disarrange, disorder
1517 dispatch vt. (紧急)派遣;分配 send off
1517 n. 派遣;急件,重要消息 expedition, sending off
1518 dispense vt. 分配,分发 distribute, give out
1519 dispense with 词组 免除,省却 omit, get rid of
1520 disperse vt. 分散,散开 scatter
1521 dispersal n. 疏散,散开
1522 displace vt. 移置,转移;取代,替代 move;replace, substitute
1523 displacement n. 移置,转移
1524 display vt. 陈列;显示 exhibit, present, show
1524 n. 陈列,展览;显示 demonstration
1525 disposal n. 垃圾倾倒;处置 getting rid of
1526 dispose of 词组 除去,扔掉;解决,处理 get rid of;deal with
1527 disposed adj. 有…倾向的 prone, inclined
1528 disposition n. 性情;倾向 temperament, nature;tendency
1529 disproportionate adj. 不成比例的 unequal, unbalanced
1530 dispute n. 争论,纠纷 disagreement, argument
1530 v. 争论,争执 argue, debate
1531 disregard n./v. 不理会;漠视 ignore, discount;take no notice of
1532 disrepute n. 坏名声,不光彩 discredit, dishonor
1533 disrupt vt. 使混乱,使中断 upset;interrupt
1534 disseminate vt. 传播,宣传 distribute, spread
1535 dissenter n. 不同意者,反对者 objector
1536 dissenting adj. 不同意的 opposite, contrary
1537 dissertation n. 论文 thesis, discourse
1538 dissimilar adj. 不同的, 相异的 different, unlike
1539 dissipate vi. 消失;消散 disappear;scatter, disperse
1540 dissipated adj. 沉迷于酒色的, 浪荡的
1541 dissolve vt. 使溶解 melt, liquefy
1542 distant adj. 远离的,遥远的 faraway, remote
1543 distance n. 距离;远处 length, space
1544 distend vt./vi. (使)扩大,(使)扩张
1545 distent adj. 膨胀的,扩张的
1546 distasteful adj. (令人)不愉快的,讨厌的 abhorrent, displeasing, disagreeable
1547 distill vt. 蒸馏,提取 extract
1548 distinction n. 差别,特性 difference, uniqueness, peculiarity
1548 n. 显赫,声望 luster, honor
1549 distinct adj. 明确的,确实的;不同的 definite, separate, different
1550 distinctly adv. 清楚地,显然
1551 distinctive adj. 有特色的,出众的 special, unique
1552 distinctively adv. 特殊地,区别地
1553 distinguish vt. 区别,辨认 characterize, differentiate, recognize
1554 distinguished adj. 卓著的 prominent, celebrated, eminent
1555 distort vt. 弄歪(形状等);歪曲 deform, twist
1556 undistorted adj. 未失真的
1557 distortion n. 扭曲;歪曲
1558 distract vt. 使…分心,分散注意力 disturb, divert
1559 distress n. 悲痛,不幸,穷困 discomfort, affliction
1560 distribute vt. 分配;分发,散布 hand out, disseminate, allocate
1561 distribution n. 分发,分配
1562 district n. 区域,地区 section, area, region
1563 disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱 upset, bother
1564 undisturbed adj. 没受干扰的,安静的
1565 disturbance n. 骚动,动乱 disorder, turmoil
1566 dive vi. 潜水;跳水 plunge, plummet
1567 diver n. 潜水者,跳水运动员
1568 divergent adj. 有分歧的,有差异的 different, conflicting
1569 divergence n. 分歧,岔开 difference, deviation, separation
1570 diverse adj. 不同的;变化多的 various, distinct
1571 diversity n. 差异,多样 variety, difference
1572 diversify vt. 使多样化
1573 diversified adj. 多样化的 varied
1574 diversification n. 多样化 variation, variety
1575 diversion n. 消遣,娱乐 recreation, entertainment
1575 n. 转移,转换 a turning aside
1576 divert vt. 转移,(使)转向 distract
1577 divide vt. 划分,分开;分裂 separate, part
1578 dividing line 词组 分界线 boundary
1579 divorce vt. 离婚
1579 vt. 使分离,使脱离 separate
1580 dizzy adj. 眩晕的 light-headed
1581 dizzying adj. 令人昏乱的;灿烂的
1582 dizziness n. 头昏眼花,眩晕 vertigo
1583 doctrine n. 教义,教旨 principle, dogma
1584 documentation n. 文件
1585 document vt. 证明;文件记录 record
1586 documentary adj. 文件的 n. 纪录片
1587 dogged adj. 顽强的,顽固的 determined, persevering
1588 dogma n. 教条,教义 belief, doctrine, creed
1589 doll n. 洋娃娃,玩偶
1590 dolphin n. 海豚
1591 domain n. 领域,范围 field
1592 domestic adj. 家里的;家养的 house-hold, tame
1592 adj. 本国的,国内的
1593 domesticate vt. 驯养,驯化 cultivate
1594 domesticated adj. 驯养的,家养的 tame
1595 dominant adj. 支配的,占优势的 major, important, outweighing
1596 predominantly adv. 占主导地位地
1597 dominate vt. 统治,支配,控制 prevail over,monopolize,command,rule
1597 vi. 盛行 prevail, be prevalent in
1598 predominate vi. 占主导地位,占优势
1599 donate vt. 捐赠 grant, contribute
1600 donation n. 捐赠,捐款 grant
1601 donor n. 捐助者 giver, contributor
1602 dormant adj. 静止的,休眠的 hibernated, lethargic
1603 dormitory n. 宿舍
1604 dorsal adj. 背部的,背脊的 back
1605 dot vt. 星罗棋布于 scatter across
1605 n. 点,圆点
1606 endotoxin n. 内毒素
1607 endotherm n. 温血动物,恒温动物
1608 doubt n./vt. 怀疑 skepticism, wonder, question
1609 doubtful adj. 可疑的;疑心的 distrustful, skeptical
1610 downtown adv./adj. 在市区(的),往市区(的)
1611 draft n. 草图,草稿 rough outline
1611 vt. 起草 draw up, sketch
1612 draft animal 词组 役用动物
1613 drag vt. 拖动 pull, move, haul
1614 dragonfly n. 蜻蜓
1615 drain v. (使)流走,(使)排光 draw out, flow out
1615 n. 排水;消耗 waste
1616 down the drain 词组 浪费;无结果 waste or having no result
1617 drainage n. 排水,排出物
1618 drama n. 戏剧 play
1619 dramatize vt. 改编成戏剧,编写剧本
1620 melodrama n. 情节剧
1621 dramatically adv. 戏剧性地;引人注目地
1622 dramatic adj. 戏剧性的;引人注目的 striking
1623 drastic adj. 猛烈的 radical, severe
1624 draw vt. 吸引 attract, entice
1625 drawing n. 图画,制图
1626 draw up 词组 起草 draft
1627 draw out 词组 拔出;引起 elicit
1628 draw from 词组 源于… take from, root from
1629 drawback n. 弊端,缺点 disadvantage, shortcoming
1630 drawer n. 抽屉
1631 dread n. 畏惧,恐怖 fear, terror, horror
1632 dreadful adj. 可怕的 dire
1633 dreadfully adv. 可怕地 terribly
1634 dreary adj. 沉闷的,阴郁的 gloomy, dismal
1635 drift vi. 漂流;漂泊 float, moving aimlessly, wander
1636 driftwood n. 浮木
1637 snowdrift n. 雪堆
1638 drill vt. 钻孔,打眼 bore, pierce
1638 n./vi. 训练,操练;反复练习 practice, train
1639 drop in 词组 顺便拜访
1640 drought n. 干旱 dry period, aridity
1641 drowsy adj. 昏昏欲睡的 sleepy, soporific
1642 drudgery n. 苦工,苦差事 tedium, toil, moil
1643 ductile adj. 易延展的;柔软的 flexible, pliant
1644 due adj. 预定的;到期的 payable
1645 due to 词组 因为,由于 owing to
1646 overdue adj. 迟到的,过期的
1647 dues n. 应付款
1648 subdue vt. 征服
1649 residue n. 残滓,剩余
1650 dull adj. 钝的;感觉或理解迟钝的 blunt, unsharpened;stupid, obtuse
1651 dumb adj. 哑的 mute
1652 dumbbell-like adj. 哑铃状的
1653 dump vt. 倾泻,倾倒
1654 duplicate vt. 复写,复制 reproduce, copy
1654 adj. 两重的,两倍的;完全相同的 double;identical
1655 durable adj. 持久的;耐用的 lasting, long-lasting, enduring
1656 duration n. 持续时间 length, period
1657 dwarf n. 侏儒
1657 vt. 把…显得矮小
1658 dwell vi. 居住,生活于 reside, inhabit
1659 dweller n. 居住者,居民
1660 dwelling n. 住处,寓所 residence, house
1661 dye n. 颜料,燃料 pigment
1661 vt. 染色 color, tint
1662 dynamic adj. 动力的;动态的 vigorous, animate
1663 dynamics n. 动力学
1664 aerodynamics n. 空气动力学
1665 thermodynamics n. 热力学
1666 eager adj. 渴望的;热心的 avid, enthusiastic
1667 earthquake n. 地震 quake, seism, temblor
1668 eccentric adj./n. 古怪的(人),异常的(人) strange, odd, erratic
1669 eccentricity n. 反常,怪癖 peculiarity
1670 eclecticism n. 折衷主义
1671 eclipse n. 日蚀,月蚀 solar eclipse 日蚀,lunar eclipse 月蚀
1671 vt. 盖过,使失色;遮蔽 outshine;overshadow
1672 ecological adj. 生态的;生态学的
1673 ecologist n. 生态学者
1674 economical adj. 经济的,节俭的 thrifty, saving
1675 economics n. 经济学
1676 economize vi. 节约,节省 save, cut back, be thrifty
1677 ecosystem n. 生态系统
1678 edge n. 边缘 brink, perimeter, margin
1679 edentate n. 贫齿类动物
1680 edible adj. 可食用的 eatable
1681 edifice n. 宏伟的建筑物 skyscraper
1682 educable adj. 可教育的,可培养的
1683 educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的 informed, learned
1684 education n. 教育,培养 upbringing, instruction
1685 effective adj. 有效的;生效的 efficient, productive
1686 effectiveness n. 效力 efficiency
1687 efficient adj. 生效的;能干的,有效率的 effective
1688 efficiency n. 效率,功效 effectiveness
1689 effluent n. 流出物 flowing out
1690 eject vt. 喷出,喷射 emit, discharge
1690 vt. 逐出,驱逐 expel
1691 elaborate adj. 精细的,精心的;详尽的 detailed, complicated
1691 vt. 详细阐述 detail, expound
1692 elaborately adv. 精细地,详尽地
1693 elasticity n. 弹力,弹性
1694 inelastic adj. 无弹性的
1695 election n. 选举;当选 voting, balloting
1696 selection n. 选择;精选品
1697 electron n. 电子
1698 elegant adj. 雅致的 refined, exquisite
1699 elegance n. 高雅, 典雅, 优雅, 雅致
1700 element n. 成分;要素 component
1701 elementary adj. 基本的,初级的 basic, fundamental
1702 elevate vt. 举起;抬高;使上升 raise, heave
1703 elevation n. 高度,海拔 altitude, height
1704 elevator n. 电梯,起重机;活动谷仓
1705 elicit vt. 得出;引出 provoke, draw out
1706 eligible adj. 合格的,有资格的 entitled, qualified, suitable
1707 eliminate vt. 排除,剔除 eradicate, abolish, rule out
1708 elimination n. 排除,除去
1709 elite n. 精英
1710 elixir n. 长生不老药,万能药 cure-all
1711 elliptical adj. 椭圆的 egg-shaped
1711 adj. 省略的
1712 elongate vt. 延长,伸长 lengthen, extend
1713 eloquent adj. 善于表达的,有口才的;雄辩的 expressive;persuasive
1714 elusive adj. 难懂的,难捉摸的 baffling
1715 emancipate vt. 解放,释放 liberate, free, release
1716 emancipation n. 释放,解放
1717 embarrass vt. 使尴尬,使困窘 humiliate, shame
1718 embed vt. 插入;镶嵌 bury, encase
1719 embellish vt. 装饰,修饰 adorn, beautify, ornament
1720 embellishment n. 装饰,修饰
1721 emblem n. 象征,标志;徽章 symbol, sign
1722 embody vt. 使具体化;包含,收录 express;include, incorporate
1723 emboss v. 加浮雕花纹于,使凸出
1724 embrace vt. 包含 include, take up
1724 vt. 拥抱;欣然接受 welcome
1725 embroider vt. 刺绣, 镶边;装饰 decorate, adorn, embellish
1726 embroidery n. 刺绣
1727 embryo n. 胚胎;事物的萌芽期 completely undeveloped form
1728 embryological adj. 胚胎学的
1729 embryonic adj. 胚胎的,萌芽期的 undeveloped, elementary
1730 emerge vi. 出现,浮现 come into prominence,spring up,appear
1731 emerging adj. 正在不断出现的
1732 emergence n. 出现,形成 appearance, rise
1733 emigrant n. 移民(出国)
1734 eminent adj. 著名的,显著的 distinguished, notable, prominent
1735 eminence n. 显赫的声望 fame
1736 preeminent adj. 卓越的
1737 emission n. 散发;发射 radiation, emanation, discharge
1738 emit vt. 发出,放射 give off, send out
1739 emotional adj. 情绪的,情感的 sentimental, passionate
1740 emotion n. 情绪,强烈的情感 feeling, mood
1741 emphasize vt. 强调, 着重 stress, underscore, highlight
1742 emphasis n. 强调, 重点
1743 employ vt. 用,使用 use, apply
1743 vt. 雇佣 hire
1744 employee n. 雇员 worker
1745 employer n. 雇主,老板
1746 empty adj. 空的;空洞的,空虚的 vacant
1746 vt. 使成为空,倒空 clean out
1747 enactment n. 设定,制定 passing, performance
1748 encase vt. 装入,包住,围 embed, enclose
1749 enclose vt. 装入,放入封套;围绕 include;surround
1750 enclosure n. 围绕;围墙
1751 encompass vt. 包括,包含 include, embrace
1751 vt. 环绕,围住 surround, circle
1752 encounter vt. 遭遇,遇到 face, confront, meet
1753 encourage vt. 鼓励,支持 activate, stimulate
1754 encroach vi. 侵占,蚕食 intrude, invade, infringe
1755 encyclopedia n. 百科全书
1756 endanger vt. 危及;危害 threaten, jeopardize
1757 endangered adj. 有灭绝危险的,将要绝种的
1758 endeavor vi. 尝试,努力 seek, try, attempt
1758 n. 努力,尽力 effort
1759 endless adj. 无止境的 everlasting, eternal
1760 endlessly adv. 不断地,无穷尽地 indefinitely, ceaselessly, incessantly
1761 endow vt. 捐赠 grant, award
1761 vt. 赋予
1762 endowment n. 禀赋;捐款 gift, donation
1763 endure vt. 承受,忍受 tolerate
1763 vt. 耐久 last
1764 enduring adj. 持久的,不朽的 abiding, lasting
1765 endurance n. 忍耐(力),持久(力) perseverance, stamina
1766 energetic adj. 精力充沛的;积极的 active, brisk, vigorous
1767 engaging adj. 动人的,迷人的 pleasing, attractive
1768 engage in 词组 从事于,参加 carry on
1769 engrave vt. 雕刻,铭刻 enchase, carve
1770 engraving n. 雕刻术, 雕版, 雕版图
1771 enhance vt. 提高,增加 improve, heighten, raise
1772 enlightenment n. 启迪,教化
1773 enormous adj. 极大的,庞大的 tremendous, huge, massive
1774 enrage vt. 激怒 infuriate, anger
1775 enrich vt. 加料于(食物);使富足,使肥沃 make rich, richen, improve
1776 ensemble n. 全体,整体 aggregate
1776 n. 合唱曲;剧团或文工团 troupe, choir
1777 entanglement n. 纠缠,缠绕物 snare
1777 n. 累赘;牵连 complication
1778 enterprise n. 事业,企业 company, firm, business
1779 enterprising adj. 有进取心的,有事业心的,有魄力的 venturesome, ambitious, industrious
1780 entertain vt. 娱乐;款待 amuse;host
1781 entertainment n. 娱乐;款待 amusement, fun
1782 entertainer n. 演艺人员 performer
1783 enthusiasm n. 热心,热情 intense interest, gusto
1784 enthusiastically adv. 热心地;满腔热情地 eagerly, wholeheartedly
1785 entitle v. 取名叫,叫做 name, designate
1785 v. 赋予权力 authorize, empower
1786 entitled adj. 有资格的 eligible, qualified
1787 entity n. 存在物,实体
1788 entrenched adj. 确立的,不容易改的(风俗习惯) established, rooted
1789 entrepreneur n. 企业家,创业人 businessperson
1790 entry n. 进口;入口 admission, entrance
1790 n. 条目 item
1791 envelop v. 把…包住,裹住 enclose, encase
1792 envision vt. 想象,预想 picture, visualize
1793 enzyme n. 酶
1794 ephemeral adj. 短暂的,转瞬即逝的 short-lived, transitory
1795 epic n. 史诗,叙事诗
1796 epidemic n. 传染病,流行病 plague
1797 epidermis n. 表皮
1798 episode n. 一段情节;(音乐)插曲
1799 epoch n. 新纪元,时代 period of time, era
1800 equal adj. 相等的,同样的 same, identical
1800 vt. 等于,比得上
1801 equality n. 同等,平等 parity
1802 equilibrium n. 平衡,均衡 balance
1803 equipment n. 设备 apparatus
1804 equitable adj. 公平的,公正的 just, fair
1805 equivalent n. 等同品
1805 adj. 相等的,等同的;等值的 interchangeable,comparable,tantamount
1806 eradicate vt. 根除,杜绝 completely destroy, eliminate, exterminate
1807 erect vt. 使树立;建立,创立 construct, stand, set up
1808 erode v. 腐蚀,侵蚀 wear away, corrode, wash away
1809 erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀 corrosion
1810 erratic adj. 古怪的,反复无常的 eccentric, unusual
1811 erratically adv. 不规则地 irregularly, off and on
1812 error vt. 做错,出差错 deviate
1813 eruption n. 爆发,喷发 outbreak
1814 erupt vi. 喷出,爆发 explode, burst out
1815 escalate vi. 逐步升高, 逐步增强 rise
1815 vt. 使逐步上升 increase
1816 escalator n. 电动扶梯
1817 escape v. 逃脱,逃走;避开,避免 flee, elude, avoid
1818 escapist adj./n. 逃避现实的(人)
1819 essential adj. 绝对必要的;本质的,根本的 necessary, critical, vital, indispensable, fundamental
1820 estate n. 财产;不动产 property
1821 real estate 词组 房地产
1822 estimate vt. 估计 assess, appraise
1823 underestimate vt. 低估,看轻
1824 overestimate vt. 评价过高
1825 eternal adj. 永恒的;永远的 forever, everlasting
1826 ethics n. 伦理学;道德规范 morals;principles
1827 ethically adv. 在伦理上,道德上
1828 ethnic adj. 种族的 racial
1829 etiquette n. 礼仪,礼节 manners, decorum
1830 evaluate vt. 评价,估价 judge, appraise
1831 evaporate v. (使)蒸发;消失 vaporize, disappear
1832 evaporation n. 蒸发;消失
1833 eventful adj. 多事的,充满大事的;意义重大的 busy, momentous
1834 eventual adj. 最终的 ultimate, final
1835 eventually adv. 终于 ultimately, finally
1836 evergreen adj. 常绿的
1836 n. 常绿树;常绿植物
1837 evidence n. 证据 proof, testimony
1837 vt. 证明;表明,显示 reveal, indicate
1838 evident adj. 明显的 obvious, apparent, clear
1839 eviscerate vt. 取出内脏;除去主要部分
1840 evoke vt. 引起,激起,唤起 bring out, arouse
1841 evolution n. 发展,演变 development, progression
1842 evolve v. 进化,发展 develop, grow
1843 evolutionary adj. 发展的,进化的
1844 exact adj. 精确的,准确地 precise
1845 exacting adj. 苛求的,要求严格的 trying, severe
1846 exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张 overstate, magnify
1847 exaggeration n. 夸张 overstatement
1848 exalted adj. 崇高的,高贵的 superior, noble, lofty
1849 excavate vt. 挖掘,挖出 unearth, dig out
1850 excavation n. 挖掘
1851 exceed vt. 超越,胜过
1852 excel vi. 胜过,杰出 be superior
1853 excellent adj. 优良的,杰出的 outstanding, splendid
1854 exception n. 例外
1855 exceptional adj. 异常的,杰出的 extraordinary, unusual
1856 exceptionally adv. 特殊地;异常地 extremely
1857 excess adj. 过度的,额外的 extra, superfluous
1857 n. 过量,超过
1858 excessive adj. 过度的,过分的,过多的 extreme, inordinate, too much
1859 exchange n./vt. 兑换,交换 substitute, trade in, change
1860 excitement n. 激动,兴奋;刺激
1861 excite vt. 刺激,使兴奋 arouse
1862 exciting adj. 令人兴奋的,刺激的 sensational
1863 exclaim vt. 呼喊;惊叫 call, shout
1864 exclude vt. 把…排除在外,排斥 leave out of, keep out of, reject
1865 exclusion n. 排除,逐出 omission, rejection
1866 exclusive adj. 单独的,唯一的;排外的 single, sole, only
1867 exclusively adv. 排外地, 专有地 only, purely, strictly
1868 excursion n. 远足,游览 trip, journey
1869 excuse vt. 原谅 forgive
1869 n. 藉口,理由 reason, pretext
1870 execute vt. 完成,实施,执行 carry on, administer
1871 execution n. 实施,执行;完成 accomplishment, putting into practice
1872 executive adj. 行政的 administrative
1872 n. 执行者,经理主管人员
1873 exemplary adj. 模范的,典范的,可仿效的 modeled, ideal, paradigmatic
1874 exemplify vt. 例证;作为…的例子 illustrate
1875 exempt vt. 使免除,豁免 be free from
1876 exemption n. 解除,免除
1877 exert vt. 运用,行使,施加 cause, apply, exercise
1878 exertion n. 尽力,努力 effort, struggle
1879 exhale vt. 呼出,呼气 breathe out
1880 exhaust n. 排气,排气装置
1880 vt. 用尽,耗尽,使筋疲力尽 use up
1881 exhausted adj. 精疲力尽的 depleted, tired
1882 exhausting adj. 使用尽的, 令人疲乏不堪的 grueling
1883 exhibit vt. 展现;展览 display, show
1884 exhibition n. 展览会;展览品 exposition, presentation, show
1885 exhilarating adj. 爽快的,使人愉快的
1886 exhilarate vt. 使人兴奋 stimulate
1887 exit n. 出口 outlet
1888 exorbitant adj. (价格、索价)过高的,过分的 expensive, excessive
1889 exotic adj. 异国的,外来的;奇异的 foreign, alien;unusual
1890 expand v. 扩大,膨胀;扩张 dilate, spread out
1891 expanding adj. 扩大的,增加的 increasing
1892 expansion n. 扩张,发展 growth
1893 expanse n. 广阔的区域 patch
1894 expedition n. 远征;探险队
1895 expel v. 驱逐,开除;排出 oust;discharge
1896 expenditure n. 支出, 花费
1897 expertise n. 专门技术,技能 skill
1898 expire vi. 期满,到期 end
1898 vi. 呼气 exhale
1899 explicit adj. 明确的,清楚的 clear, distinct, unequivocal
1900 implicit adj. 暗示的,含蓄的 implied, suggested
1901 explode vi. 爆炸;爆发 erupt, blow up
1902 exploit vt. 开拓;开采,开发 utilize
1903 exploitation n. 开发,开采
1904 explore vt. 探险,勘探 investigate
1904 vt. 仔细检查,探究 examine, search
1905 explorer n. 探险家,探测者
1906 exploration n. 勘察;探究
1907 explosive adj. 爆炸的;易爆发的
1907 n. 炸药
1908 exponential adj. 指数的,幂数的 rapid increase
1909 exposition n. 博览会,展览会 exhibition, fair
1910 exposure n. 暴露;曝光 disclosure
1911 express business 词组 特快专递业务
1912 express train 词组 特快列车
1913 expressive adj. 有表现力的,富有表情的,生动的 eloquent, demonstrative, indicative
1914 expressly adv. 特意地,专门 particularly, specifically
1915 extension n. 延长,扩充 supplement, expansion
1916 extend v. 延长;扩大 stretch, prolong, inrease
1917 extended adj. 延长的,扩大的
1918 extensive adj. 广的;多方面的,广泛的 widespread, far-reaching, wide
1919 exterior n. 外部,外表 outside, appearance
1920 exterminate vt. 根除,灭绝 eliminate, annihilate, eradicate
1921 external adj. 外部的;表面的 exterior, outer
1922 extinct adj. 灭绝的;不再活跃的,熄灭的 nonexistent, vanished, dead
1923 extinction n. 消失,灭绝
1924 extol vt. 赞美 praise, exalt, laud
1925 extract vt. 拔出;榨取 derive, remove, squeeze
1925 n. 精,汁;榨出物 essence, substance
1926 extraordinary adj. 特别的,非凡的 exceptional, remarkable, outstanding
1927 extremity n. 末端;极端,极度 end, utmost point;limit
1928 exuberant adj. 充满活力的 high-spirited, lively
1928 adj. (植物)繁茂的 abundant, luxurious
1929 eyewitness n. 目击者 witness
1930 fable n. 寓言,神话 tale, myth
1931 fabric n. 织物,布 cloth, stuff
1931 n. 结构,构造 structure, framework
1932 facade n. 正面;表面 face;appearance
1933 facet n. 面;(问题等的)方面 aspect, side
1934 multifaceted adj. 多层面的
1935 face vt. 面对 confront, encounter
1936 facilitate vt. 使容易;有助于,促进 promote, expedite
1937 facilitation n. 促进,帮助
1938 facility n. 设施,设备 equipment, device
1939 facsimile n. 复制品,传真 reproduction, duplicate
1940 faction n. 派别,宗派,小集团 group, sect
1941 petrifaction n. 石化, 化石
1942 satisfaction n. 满意,满足
1943 factor n. 因素;变量 consideration, element;variable
1944 factual adj. 事实的,实际的 real, actual
1945 faculty n. 教职工的总称 staff, teachers
1945 n. 才能,能力 ability, aptitude
1946 fade vi. 逐渐消失 disappear, die out
1946 vi. 褪色,枯萎 lose color
1947 faint adj. 微弱的;模糊的;无力的 dim;feeble, weak
1948 fairly adv. 公平地;相当地 impartially;relatively, rather
1949 faithful n. 信徒 believer, follower
1949 adj. 忠实的 loyal, devoted
1950 faithfulness n. 忠诚,诚实 fidelity, loyalty
1951 fake n. 赝品,假货 imitation, counterfeit
1951 adj. 假的,伪造的 FALSE
1952 falcon n. 猎鹰
1953 falconer n. 养猎鹰者,放鹰狩猎人
1954 famine n. 饥荒,饥饿 shortage of food, starvation
1955 fanatical adj. 狂热的;入迷的 crazy, frenetic
1956 fanatic adj. 狂热的;盲信的 excessively enthusiastic
1957 fanaticism n. 狂热,盲信 enthusiasm, zeal
1958 fancy adj. 新奇的,精美的 elegant
1959 fanciful adj. 爱空想的 imaginative
1960 infancy n. 幼年
1961 fantastic adj. (非正式)极…的;奇异的 excellent, extraordinary
1962 fantasy n. 幻想;白日梦 dream, daydream
1963 far-reaching adj. 影响深远的 extensive, significant
1964 farce n. 闹剧,滑稽剧
1965 fascinate vt. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒 intrigue, enthrall, captivate
1966 fascinating adj. 迷人的,醉人的 engrossing
1967 fascination n. 入迷,迷恋;魅力
1968 fashionable adj. 流行的,时髦的,上流社会的 stylish
1969 fashion n. 流行,风尚,流行式样 vogue, style
1969 vt. 塑造,造 create, make
1970 fasten vt. 使固定,系 attach, affix
1971 fatal adj. 致命的
1972 fateful adj. 重大的,决定性的 decisive, critical, crucial
1973 fatigue n. 疲乏,劳累 weariness, exhaustion
1974 faucet n. 水龙头
1975 fault n. (地质学)断层 crack
1975 n. 过错,缺点 defect, flaw
1976 fauna n. 动物群,动物区系
1977 flora n. 植物群
1978 floral adj. 花的,植物的 flowery
1979 favorable adj. 有利的;有助的;赢得赞扬的 propitious, beneficial, approving
1980 favored adj. 首选的;受到优待的;受优惠的 prefered, favorite
1981 unfavorable adj. 不宜的;相反的
1982 feasible adj. 切实可行的 practicable, viable
1983 feat n. 功绩,壮举 achievement, accomplishment
1984 feeble adj. 微弱的;衰弱的 weak, faint, frail
1985 feed v. 喂养,饲养;吃草,靠…为生 nourish;graze
1985 n. 饲养,饲料 forage, food
1986 feeder n. 进料器
1987 feed on 词组 吃,以…为食 eat
1988 feminism n. 女权运动
1989 feminist n. 女权主义者
1990 fencing n. 围墙,栅栏;击剑,剑术 fence
1991 fend for oneself 词组 自己谋生 provide for oneself, look after oneself
1992 fender n. 防卫物;挡泥板
1993 ferment vt. 使发酵
1993 n./vt. (使)激动,(使)动乱 agitate, excite
1994 fermentation n. 发酵
1995 ferry n. 渡口;渡船 shuttle, barge
1996 fertile adj. 肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的 rich, fruitful
1996 adj. 主意多的,有创造力的 inventive, creative
1997 infertile adj. 不肥沃的,贫瘠的,不结果实的
1998 fertilize vt. 施肥,使丰饶;使受精 enrich, make fertile
1999 fertilized egg 词组 受精卵
2000 fertilizer n. 肥料 |