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[美国&加拿大] zz 中国LLM留学生transfer JD的申请信 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-5 23:10:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Daqin Zhang, LL.M., J. Reuben Clark Law School, BYU

LL.M.: My Bread and Butter v. J.D.: the Icing on the Cake法律留学网-中国第一法律留学社区门户www.todolaw.com 法律留学网 6WKF-E9y"u.O%@ \
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Currently I am an LL.M. student in Brigham Young University. I wish to transfer to the J.D. program. The following statement explains why I made this decision.todolaw.comwww.todolaw.com 法律留学网 V_1e:R
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During the past semester, I have studied very hard. Resultantly, I have been endowed an abundant harvest, both academically and spiritually.
Fpe*wnBn,QV.Ttodolaw.comAs you may know, I already have a law degree from China, and after this semester will have a Master’s degree. Due to having practiced law in Hong Kong and China for several years, and the fact that China is currently calling more lawyers from abroad into its legal market as a new WTO member, people around me all suggest that my top priority is to seize the opportunity to advance my career, not to obtain any further degree. I appreciate their concern but perceive my career pathway in another angle. I now realize that a J.D. is a must for me to guarantee sustainable development.
YeJ4H.`gaR5{In my personal statement applying for an LL.M. degree, I demonstrated my ambition to be a judicial reformer. As I observe, to be a reformer, what I should possess is not only ambition, but also a reservoir of adequate knowledge to initiate a reform and maintain it on the right track. This demands that I have a deeper understanding of other advanced legal systems. The American legal system is the most complicated and so far the most effective system in the world. I therefore feel an urgent need spend more time studying it.
8[q%d'~ p5yYtodolaw.comAfter one semester’s general study of the American legal system, I have a preliminary understanding of the American legal framework, its overall construction, its fundamental principles, and its operational mechanisms. I believe what I have learned in the nutritious American meadow will help me develop my career in a fast-emerging Chinese legal market. If being a lawyer and immediately raising the standard of living is my only ambition, an LL.M. degree may be enough for me. But my mission is more than that, so the buck should not stop there.
R.~zYtodolaw.comIn early December, an editor of the Liahona Magazine interviewed me and consulted with me about the legal development in China. In the interview, the editor informed me that a team of 50 Chinese judges would accept a one-year intensive legal training in America. BYU is in charge of the English testing and Temple University is in charge of the legal training. She said that many judges already have J.S.D. degrees in China, but they still applied for the program. This news conveyed rich messages: first, China is experiencing a period with great historical --- a transformation from a tradition of the "rule of men" to the "rule of law." This change, first embodied in the legal system, is bound to bring about changes in the way of life and way of thinking of the whole Chinese society. As the first step of the reform, introducing and implanting a new legal system is inevitable. Second, legal reform in China is an unprecedented cause, it contains challenges and risks, and it needs the endeavor and creativity of many generations from many fields, especially from those professionals with deep insight, broad knowledge, innovative thinking and far-reaching vision. Third, more and more professionals have realized the challenge and its toughness, and they are preparing for their roles in this historic effort. Fourth, my position in this unprecedented cause will be promising but also harshly competitive.
The LL.M. program has helped me open a hallway to the American legal palace. I have observed some colorful dimensions of the kaleidoscope, but so far I haven’t felt the spirit of law and haven’t fully explored the depths of its intrinsic beauty. Just like a curious boy, I have reached the seashore, but have yet to surf the waves.法律留学网-中国第一法律留学社区门户www.todolaw.com 法律留学网 $p2X,FkG2w&j uk
I know before I play in the water, I have to learn to swim first. The more skills I possess, the more likely that I will effectively ride the waves. To do so will require much of me: a sea of knowledge, a level of comfort in new waters, and stamina to transition in times of storm. I therefore petition: would you please grant me this privilege of continued learning?
{.@3qpUtE'}todolaw.comI am confident that with continued study and deeper learning, I will serve well the part to which I am called.法律 美国留学 英国留学 法国留学 德国留学 留学 LSAT 英语 法律英语 TOEFL 留学博客 个人空间www.todolaw.com 法律留学网
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Sincerely, todolaw.comwww.todolaw.com 法律留学网 t&p.N_,\!D(J

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Daqin Zhang


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发表于 2007-8-9 08:55:25 |只看该作者

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