shinian1987 发表于 2011-6-3 20:29:43

新G Argument 难题汇总(持续更新)

本帖最后由 shinian1987 于 2011-12-7 19:38 编辑





instruction:Write a response in which you discuss oneor more alternative explanations that could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presentedin the argument。
作者观点(相当于proposed explanation):the effects of birth order on an individual's levels of stimulation。
作者想说明 individual’s levels of stimulation. 这里的个体指的是所有的生物个体?还是指哺乳动物?还是指灵长类动物?所以作者的样本选择是有问题的,而且样本数量也很少。
facts: in stimulating situations (such as an encounter with an unfamiliar monkey), firstborn infant monkeys produce up to twice as much of the hormone cortisol, which primes the body for increased activity levels, as do their younger siblings.
其他解释:没有说明样本如何选择,是随机选的,还是在某一族群中挑出来的。可能这18只恒河猴是特例,或者这种猴子本身就是特例。另外就是individual's levels of stimulation可能是由其它的醇类造成的。
facts: Firstborn humans also produce relatively high levels of cortisol in stimulating situations (such as the return of a parent after an absence).
其它解释:作者用了一个 such as, 很有可能是 only. 也就是说其它的刺激情况下该事实可能就不成立。
facts:The study also found that during pregnancy, first-time mother monkeys had higher levels of cortisol than did those who had had several offspring."
其它解释:我一直觉得这个事实和作者想要说明的观点没有什么联系。首先first-time mother monkeys 不一定是first order。其次first-time mother monkeys had higher levels of cortisol than did those who had had several offspring."这个有很多解释啊,比如说第一次怀孕比较紧张,比如说该研究过程中,某些研究手段让first-time mother monkeys 很紧张。(这个有待讨论)

instruction:Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
ARG 11
Instruction:Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the prediction and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the prediction.
材料的结论:will result in a significant increase in housing prices in Maple County.

ARG 14(118)

ARG 14
instruction:Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
提纲:1 作者认为调查研究是可信的,并且认为被调查人提纲的信息是真实的。这可以通过列举其他可能进行反驳:比如调查可能只是统计了一周的数据,或者被调查者为了显示自己的能力,故意少说了自己的睡眠时间。
2: 作者认为睡眠少于6 hours 的人更容易取得成功。
3: 作者认为企业的成功与否与员工的睡眠是否小于6 hours 有很大关系。

1. only about 2 percent of customers have complained, indicating that an average of 98 people out of 100 are happy with the change.
no complaint 不代表 happy。很多人可能用其他形式表达自己的不满,比如说不再光顾这家店了,数据中并没有指出顾客的成分,如果只是偶尔光顾的新顾客,他们可能也没有机会再去表达自己的抱怨。文中也没有指出这个替换持续了多长的时间,如果只是刚开始,可能一些老顾客以为只是临时性的替换,所以不以为然。最终这种替换的效果需要一定的时间来检验。
2. many servers have reported that a number of customers who ask for butter do not complain when they are given margarine instead.

ARG 30
instruction:Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
提纲:1 需要证据证明去年的数据不是特例,反应了人口增长的一般趋势,并且要证明入学率会下降,因为外来人口的加入,会造成即使出生率下降,入学率不降反增。
2 需要证据证明,教育的投入确实会减少,因为即使入学人数减少,但是教育投入也有可能会增加。因为可能会增加一些新的教育设施,比如说以前可能只有图书馆和田径场。现在要有游泳馆,羽毛球场,网球场等等。

instruction:Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
1. 作者比较了今天和20年前的情况,但是没有说明两次的标准是否一样。很有可能以前的健康标准和现在有很多不同。作者没有说明这一点。
2. 作者认为使用电脑和fitness之间没有太多关系。首先拥有电脑的人不一定电脑的使用就频繁;其次,有可能该社区的人比较富有而且比较注意保养,可能在与健康有关的消费上很多,从而使得该社区的人fitness levels are highest 。作者举的例子不足以说明自己的观点。
3. 作者认为经济的不景气导致了与健康有关的消费的下降,并且认为经济复苏后 fitness levels will improve. 可以给出其他的解释进行反驳。比如说由于大家的锻炼方式有了很大变化,以前户外运动,现在可能选择室内运动,以前的运动种类比较单一,现在的运动方式比较丰富多样。而相应的设施却没有增加导致很多人得不到锻炼等等。

ARG 54


ARG 83(84)
facts: 文中的事实就是amphibian的种类和数量都减少。

ARG 91

ARG 97
ARG 157(158)


shinian1987 发表于 2011-6-3 20:29:53


holmes1 发表于 2011-6-5 04:04:06

Argument 11,
The council of Maple County, concerned about the county's becoming overdeveloped, is debating a proposed measure that would prevent the development of existing farmland in the county. But the council is also concerned that such a restriction, by limiting the supply of new housing, could lead to significant increases in the price of housing in the county. Proponents of the measure note that Chestnut County established a similar measure ten years ago, and its housing prices have increased only modestly since. However, opponents of the measure note that Pine County adopted restrictions on the development of new residential housing fifteen years ago, and its housing prices have since more than doubled. the council currently predicts that the proposed measure, if passed, will result in a significant increase in housing prices in Maple County.

shinian1987 发表于 2011-6-7 22:18:56

ARG 14
instruction:Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
提纲:1 作者认为调查研究是可信的,并且认为被调查人提纲的信息是真实的。这可以通过列举其他可能进行反驳:比如调查可能只是统计了一周的数据,或者被调查者为了显示自己的能力,故意少说了自己的睡眠时间。
2: 作者认为睡眠少于6 hours 的人更容易取得成功。
3: 作者认为企业的成功与否与员工的睡眠是否小于6 hours 有很大关系。

shinian1987 发表于 2011-6-8 22:22:25

instruction:Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
2: 需要证据证明冰融化是由全球变暖造成的,而不是什么其他的原因。比如说可能海底有火山爆发,导致该区域的海水温度上升。

shinian1987 发表于 2011-6-9 22:25:20

ARG 30
instruction:Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
提纲:1 需要证据证明去年的数据不是特例,反应了人口增长的一般趋势,并且要证明入学率会下降,因为外来人口的加入,会造成即使出生率下降,入学率不降反增。
2 需要证据证明,教育的投入确实会减少,因为即使入学人数减少,但是教育投入也有可能会增加。因为可能会增加一些新的教育设施,比如说以前可能只有图书馆和田径场。现在要有游泳馆,羽毛球场,网球场等等。

holmes1 发表于 2011-6-24 00:29:17

Argument 44
Instruction: The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a journal on environmental issues.

"Over the past year, the Crust Copper Company  (CCC) has purchased over 10000 square miles of land in the tropical nation of West Fredonia. Mining copper on this land will inevitably result in pollution and , since West Fredonia is the home of several endangered animal species, in environmental disaster. But such disasters can be prevented if consumers simply refuse to purchase products that are made with CCC's copper unless the company abandons its mining plans.


shinian1987 发表于 2011-6-24 19:36:00

instruction:Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

holmes1 发表于 2011-6-29 23:24:42

本帖最后由 shinian1987 于 2011-6-30 18:53 编辑

Argument 74

Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.

The president of Grove College has recommended that the college abandon its century-old tradition of all-female education and begin admitting men. Pointing to other all-female colleges that experienced an increase in applications after adopting coeducation, the president argues that coeducation would lead to a significant increase in applications and enrollment. However, the director of the alumnae association opposes the plan. Arguing that all-female education is essential to the very identity of the college, the director cites annual surveys of incoming students in which these students say that the school's all-female status was the primary reason they selected Grove.  The director also points to a survery of Grove alumnae in which a majority of respondents strongly favored keeping the college all female.

多谢楼主,还有一个问题,这种题型到底应该反驳哪个人?是president还是director? 或者都反驳?

shinian1987 发表于 2011-6-30 18:53:03

9# holmes1

2:the director of the alumnae association 举出了两点反对的理由,
     首先,the director并没有说明选择这个primary reason的学生占被调查学生的多少?可能只是很少一部分。其次,primary reason并非就是only reason。也就是说这些学生并不可能就一定排斥coeducation
     至于针对alumnae的调查,a majorty of 也不能说明到底占总调查人数的多少。而且strongly favored 并不意味着strongly opposite the coeducation。可能调查的时候,问题设置导致了这一结论。比如说,调查的时候只问是否赞成all female education并没有问是否赞成coeducation。

lindaltt 发表于 2011-7-3 15:42:15

13 In an attempt to improve highway safety, Prunty County last year lowered its speed limit from 55 to 45 miles per hour on all county highways. But this effort has failed: the number of accidents has not decreased, and, based on reports by the highway patrol, many drivers are exceeding the speed limit. Prunty County should instead undertake the same kind of road improvement project that Butler County completed five years ago: increasing lane widths, resurfacing rough highways, and improving visibility at dangerous intersections. Today, major Butler County roads still have a 55 mph speed limit, yet there were 25 percent fewer reported accidents in Butler County this past year than there were five years ago.Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.1 事故的原因是不是由于超速造成的2 两地的情况不一样,P的情况跟B的情况不一样,B有效不一定P也有效

lindaltt 发表于 2011-7-4 15:35:40

156. The following recommendation was made by the president and administrative staff of Grove College, a private institution, to the college's governing committee.

"Recently, there have been discussions about ending Grove College's century-old tradition of all-female education by admitting male students into our programs. At a recent faculty meeting, a majority of faculty members voted in favor of coeducation, arguing that it would encourage more students to apply to Grove. However, Grove students, both past and present, are against the idea of coeducation. Eighty percent of the students responding to a survey conducted by the student government wanted the school to remain all female, and over half of the alumnae who answered a separate survey also opposed coeducation. Therefore, we recommend maintaining Grove College's tradition of all-female education. We predict that keeping the college all-female will improve morale among students and convince alumnae to keep supporting the college financially."

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.

shinian1987 发表于 2011-7-6 13:13:35

12# lindaltt


ylq19900123 发表于 2011-7-7 21:32:51


ford-3 发表于 2011-7-12 13:31:28

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