popol1991 发表于 2012-5-7 20:56:42

30# 狐狸大叔

The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition.

in contrast to原来是对比的意思……这里改成contradict就比较合适了吧?


狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-7 21:51:54


很多人觉得写的长分数高所以使劲啰嗦多写几个词,这个理解是不对的。如果你的观点多,分析多而深入,还有几个恰当的例子,那必然写得比较长(即使你尽量以最简洁的语言写). 没有好的观点和分析只有说车轱辘话还不如不写那么长。

popol1991 发表于 2012-5-7 22:58:37

32# 狐狸大叔

sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-7 23:51:06

33# popol1991

popol1991 发表于 2012-5-8 00:01:51

34# sitting-dog 嘻,ets对issue的要求本来就是自由观点的,主要考察的是论述自己观点的能力。单纯的想拿高分的话,两者都重要。但是文笔地道是一个熟练问题,逻辑就是一个能力问题了。

okqishi 发表于 2012-5-8 00:03:58



mxmx224 发表于 2012-5-8 12:32:47


狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-8 20:11:02


sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-8 20:15:59

38# 狐狸大叔

popol1991 发表于 2012-5-8 22:18:32

38# 狐狸大叔

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-5-8 22:43:42

10# 狐狸大叔

大叔~~~! 5.27 的GRE才开始写作文 帮我看看吧,实在是着急了,随便看看都行 好不好

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-5-8 22:57:03

我贴上来了 斑竹帮我看看吧~~~觉得 语言 语法 逻辑都有问题,大家帮我看看吧 5.27就要考了:funk:
Issue 59  Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the largest number of people.

I agree that research should be aimed at making contributions to our society; however, it doesn’t mean that scientists or researchers should be required only to focus on the researches which are likely to benefit the most people. In my view, scientists should be free to choose their research approach, as long as their researches start on the positive point.

Admittedly, the value of science research is always judged by its practicability and the contribution to our society. As Watt invented the steam engine, Edison invented the light bulb, Galileo proposed the heliocentric, all these are described as the significant discoveries for their incompatible contribution. However, there are also many researches which may seem useless or provide no value to the society at the first glance but showed vital value behind those significant achievements. Theoretical mathematics is the best example. As for many recondite math formulas or profound calculate methods, we may have no idea whether these math researches are worth to do when it start, even mathematicians cannot tell the intrinsic value. However, these math formulas contribute a lot to various fields (such as physics, engineering, mechanics, computer programming and so on.) as a theoretical foundation. Meanwhile, many calculate methods showed their value in solving math problems among different fields even if they seem useless at start.

Besides, as for many basic, purely ideological subjects, such as philosophy, they have no practical value to society at all, but for the necessary of human ideology, they need to exit and be profound explored. Therefore, it’s unreasonable and impracticable for us to determine whether a research is likely to benefit the society.

Furthermore, if we adopt the recommendation in the topic, putting the benefits to the greatest number of people as essential criteria for researches, may contribute a lot of problems. First, the extent of human explores the inside and outside world will surely be narrowed. Scientist are pursuing to explore the unknown frontiers of the world, even scientists themselves cannot tell how big achievement will be brought by their research, not to mention eliminating the worth of the research. Actually many notable discoveries were born by accidents, or were the byproducts in other researches. By this reason, it’s entirely possible that by following the recommendation in the topic many valuable researches will be strangled in the cradle. Second, many scientists can be forced to give up their original researches and turn to those ostensibly beneficial research. Therefore, the substance of exploration will be covered by interests and a great number of subjects will gradually disappear for “lacking of use”. Finally, our recognition of the world will become narrower and narrower. It’s entirely foreseeable that human civilization will surely deteriorate.

To sum up, if their intrinsic are good and do not harmful for our world, government should encourage all the kinds of researches without counting their value. Meanwhile, when scientists are pursuing their interested explores they should take the value, moral and ethic into concerned and spare no effort to push our society moving forward.

萝卜须根多 发表于 2012-5-8 23:00:28


草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-5-8 23:26:43

43# 萝卜须根多
不是啦 我校园网有点慢 老是没反应 就多点了两下 多的都删了啦 新手求见谅

irvine666 发表于 2012-5-8 23:26:53

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