苏梳眠 发表于 2012-5-6 13:16:35


okqishi 发表于 2012-5-6 13:49:09


sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 14:03:07

2# 狐狸大叔

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 14:07:10


sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 14:09:55

19# 狐狸大叔
:L 被说到痛处了

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 15:36:04



As the increasing complexity of tasks, it ishard to accomplish a job all by oneself.
前半句是都是错的吧,as the complexity of tasks increases,还差不多
后半句至少得反映前半句暗示的变化量(增加),后半句至少得说成it is harder吧?即,复杂度增加导致更加难以完成。

sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 16:04:32

21# 狐狸大叔


狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 16:06:03


sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 17:05:33

23# 狐狸大叔

popol1991 发表于 2012-5-6 18:52:56

23# 狐狸大叔 纯新手插入……

sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 20:58:05

25# popol1991

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 22:23:59

25# popol1991

一木菩提 发表于 2012-5-6 22:58:16


popol1991 发表于 2012-5-7 13:36:37

本帖最后由 popol1991 于 2012-5-7 13:41 编辑

27# 狐狸大叔 嘻嘻,您帮我提提意见就好!

With an intensity and scale of competition rising rapidly around the world, leaders in government, industry or other fields seemingly need more sense of competition.  However, this increasing competitive trend is under a general environment of cooperation: more and more nations, businesses or other organizations have established cooperative relationship.  In this case, I think young people should be instilled with the sense of cooperation rather than competition.

Admittedly, competition constitutes a primary facet of life, as individuals within any species strive to satisfy their needs for survival, reproduction, and successful rearing offspring.  Being a kind of animal, human beings intrinsically have the competitive spirit, yet only few of us congenitally excel in cooperating with others.  Unlike competition, cooperation is a sort of art and technique that requires amounts of exercises in both spirit and practice.  Maybe this is the reason why so many disciplines, management and system engineering for examples, take pains to research how to increase the efficiency in collaborating.  Therefore, it is more reasonable that educators should guide youth to focus their energies on cooperation, and master the method of cooperation as a skill.

Next, let's consider which quality is more desirable for leaders.  As a sort of definition, leadership is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal".  This explanation implies that a leader would not compete with others all the time, but always have to organize a group of people.  It is true for NGOs or charitable organizations: competing with each other could be irrational for them because they share a common goal -- to improve this world.  Additionally, apart from many cooperative relationships between nations or industries, within a single organization, a leader have to possess the skills to create and maintain a positive working environment, and to motivate the team members to take a positive approach to work and be highly committed.  This is a tough task that essentially requires a strong sense of cooperation.

Finally, the increasingly competitive world is actually under an atmosphere of cooperation.  Look at such groups in competing with each other: nations set proactive foreign policies for self-developments, businesses are interdependent for more profits, and researchers share the latest achievements for making breakthrough.  All of these prove that cooperation, in fact, does not in contrast to competition, and vice versa.  Moreover, appropriate amount of competition inside or outside from a organization could efficiently make it energized and develop healthily.  After all, cooperation is the base of these benefits; if in a background of intensified competition, there would be fewer mutual improvements and benefits and thus would diminish the overall efficiency.  In this scenario, required to build the cooperative framework in various platforms, leaders themselves have to master the art of cooperating.

To wrap up, competition alone could be beneficial only in a suitable extent; however, based on the ground of cooperation, this extent would always been controlled around the optimal level.  What's more, since people intrinsically have the sense of competition, leaders, as the bellwethers in a high level, ought to master the art of cooperation.  In conclusion, by being instilled with the cooperative spirit, youth would have more likelihood to be outstanding leaders in government, industry, or other fields.

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-7 20:36:10

All of these prove that cooperation, in fact, does not in contrast to competition, and vice versa.
in contrast to不是你理解的意思,去查字典
vice versa在这里没必要用

To wrap up, competition alone could be beneficial only in a suitable extent
to a extent不是in吧?

however, based on the ground of cooperation, this extent would always been controlled around the optimal level.
相当啰嗦,based on或者on the ground
后面半句也比较啰嗦,optimally controlled都比这个好

a leader have to possess the skills to create and maintain a positive working environment, and to motivate the team members to take a positive approach to work and be highly committed.
相当啰嗦而重复,而且应该是a leader has to.......
例如你可以写...foster a working environment that promote collaboration rather than competition, which motivates workers to ....之类的

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